Michael, This is the best thing you have ever written. And you have written some amazing and wonderful pieces. This, however, is of the magnitude that it should be read at 4th of July celebrations, on Flag Day, of course on January 6th, and should be placed on the cork boards of every history teacher's and every law professor's classroom. There are many more places it should be read and displayed, but others will come up with those ideas. Right now, I am just going to close and reflect, to paraphrase Elton John, on how fortunate I am that you are in my world.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

And, it should be read aloud over the sound systems at Mar a Lago, Trump Tower and the club at Bedminster.

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It should be read every January 6th. A moment of silence at the Capitol for when we came close to almost losing it all (I hope). We have much to do and our path lies at our feet.

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I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. I would like to see this piece appear in national newspapers for all to read. Especially publications read by Trump followers

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My greatest desire is that the trials are televised on television for all to see!

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The trial really needs to be televised, not for us, but for those who still believe in Trump.

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They'll never watch, they've been brainwashed to not see/hear the truth and facts for decades now. They act like spoiled rotten little brats who have their fingers plugging their ears and their eyes closed, braying "I can't hear you" at the top of their lungs.

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Someone on Heather Cox Richardson’s “Letters From An American” Substack comments posted this link to join in Adam Schiff (& company)’s argument for televised proceedings. One can sign without donating.


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Wow, thanks for sharing that! So glad that these Congressional members stepped up to advocate for transparency in one of the most, if not THE most, important trial this country will ever experience.

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Trump will be there, how could they miss it?

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Well, there is that, but knowing them, they'll watch it on Faux and Faux will cherrypick what they'll televise and I'm sure have their moronic TV personalities (because let's face it, no one in their right mind would call them reporters or journalists) "explain" to their viewers what to think and how to feel about what's going on. Logic, facts, and critical thinking seem to be beyond this crowd 🙄

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And when they watch . . . Per tRumps lawyer Lauro (aka Lowgo), one defense to tRump's attempt to steal the election will be that tRump really thought he won, so his efforts were trying to right a wrong. That is, his sychophants will essentially hear that their idol tRump's defense is that is a madman. Great. So let's put him in a psych facility. Given malignant narcissism is basically impossible to cure, it should be a lifetime sentence. I could go for that.

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True believers "know" that it is all fixed to keep him out of the WH. Anyone with the slightest open mind can see that he is a criminal and belongs in prison.

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A lot of the Trump supporters are fed a steady diet of Fox news. Fox didn't cover the January 6 committee hearings. They have never heard the truth. If they see the trial for themselves, it will be harder for Fox and others to spin the truth. For that reason alone, it needs to be televised.

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YES!! For me it will be entertainment but hopefully an education/ wake-up for the cult.

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Cult members only wake up when their leader does something that negatively affects them. They are all in on the KoolAid until they see their buds start dropping dead.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

I wonder if Trump is really out of the running for the next Presidency, in fact. His numbers seem to keep going up, as does his funding, the more that he is convicted. And I'm sure by now he sees the Presidency as a get out of jail free card, which it just could be. My fear is that if anything happens to Biden, Harris will just be too unpopular to beat Trump and we'll have that monster back for another 4 years, and who knows how many coup attempts. I just watched you, Michael, on Bill Maher's anniversary special and it reminded me that the two of you were the main people warning America of what might happen with regard to Trump and I belived you then, though it gave me chills. Are you at all concerned now that Trump has an endless supply of funds, a death grip on the Republican party, and that half the country seems to think of him as some kind of martyr the more he gets convicted of crimes?

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My hope is that 45 will be held accountable for his crimes to the fullest extent of the law. I hope he is convicted of every charge for which he is indicted and that he gets the maximum sentence for each of those crimes ti be served consecutively. He has caused the loss of life of so many people from overseas intelligence assets to COVID victims. He has caused so much grief, loss, suffering, damaging, and destruction. He has set loose the wicked people who have delighted in trying to destroy our government and social institutions.

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I agree with you. The world needs to see it unfiltered, so everyone understands.

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And let us hope he is NEVER PARDONED.

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I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to you as a concerned and deeply troubled citizen of the United States who believes in the principles of democracy and the values that our great nation stands for. I write today to express my vehement opposition to both your actions and those of your GOP enablers in Congress, who are supporting and attempting to reinstate you as President, thereby endorsing a violent and undemocratic attempt to overthrow the government of the United States.

I cannot remain silent as Congressmen and Congresswomen who should be safeguarding the principles of democracy are instead attempting to undermine and dismantle our democracy itself. It is deeply troubling to witness elected officials who have the duty and responsibility to protect the Constitution and uphold the will of the American people betray their oath and act against the best interests of our country.

The recent events have left no doubt that there are individuals within the Republican Party who seek to maintain and consolidate power at any cost, even if it means subverting the will of the people. The blatant attempts to dismantle the voting system, which is the fundamental pillar of any democratic society, are nothing short of an assault on the principles that our nation was founded upon. It is an affront to the countless Americans who have fought and died to protect our freedoms.

Furthermore, there is a growing concern among the American people that your agenda, alongside your GOP enablers, aims to turn the United States into an authoritarian state. The fear that our country could descend into a government ruled by a permanent dictator is not unfounded, but a logical consequence of the actions being taken by certain factions of the Republican Party.

As a concerned citizen, I demand that you immediately cease all efforts to undermine our democracy. Upholding the Constitution and respecting the will of the American people is not an option, but a fundamental duty for anyone holding governmental office. I implore you to focus on unity and healing, rather than perpetuating division and further eroding the very fabric of our nation.

I am not alone in my concerns. Millions of Americans stand against these undemocratic actions and want to see our elected officials guided by the principles and values that our great nation was built upon. It is high time for you and your GOP enablers to listen to the voices of the people you were elected to represent and reaffirm your commitment to the ideals of democracy.

In closing, I urge you to reflect on the damage that your actions are inflicting upon our country and the message it sends to the rest of the world. Your legacy will be forever tainted unless you choose to take a stand for democracy, rule of law, and the principles that this nation holds dear. The American people deserve better, and I hope that you will find the strength and wisdom to lead us in a direction that upholds justice and restores faith in our democratic institutions.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


Americans for democracy


(Okay to copy and distribute)

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That is a fantastic letter to DJT. Your closing words, "I hope that you will find the strength and wisdom to lead us in a direction that upholds justice and restores faith in our democratic institutions." If ever there were deaf ears it would be your target for this brilliant letter. He has the exact opposite of the qualities you hoped he would have. But I know you know that.

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Thank you for your kind words.

We can only hope for the best.

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When the inmates are running the asylum — yes, I'm looking at you Josh Hawley, and John Kennedy, and MTG, and Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz, and Ted Cruz, and Lindsey Graham and the millions of people who voted for you — it's kind of tough for a rational thought to get through their (numb) skulls. However, I certainly admire you for trying.

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With your goose being cooked, this is to suggest a way out of the consequences of convictions you are in line to get. You have so far been astute enough to stay out of such peril and now you can take a turn that will keep you being the smartest guy in the room.

The suggestion is you cut a deal. What you’d have to do is to cop to all the lies you have told. In order to call off your supporters, who would have to be left with nothing to support, you would have to convince them how wise their cooperation would be in order to really make this country great. And you’d assure everyone you wouldn’t run for any office again.

The absolute requirement is that you be convincing. Be moved enough by the chance to lead a normal life to be humble enough to go all the way to deserve this deal. You’d have to throw in the towel and put on the greatest performance you ever have delivered. This challenge, to react opposite to how you have been before, could be met by you with relish as an opportunity to continue to come out a winner.

If you were convincing enough to change the oppositional dynamic in the United States, then all you’d need to do is pay up every place you owe money. That would exclude the United States where you could use the money your presidency let your family make go toward paying off your debts. Then, you would be free. All litigations would cease with no convictions.

There’s one wild thing you could do. You could show that the Trump we know was a character – like Pee-wee Herman. The real Trump, who played the braggart for fun, in private is a kind of loving trickster who even spells well, and was just doing what most others do these days, trying to make profit. You could start that speech by combing out or taking off your hair. That delivery would blow everyone’s mind and make you the subject of interest the likes of which nothing probably ever has been before. Omg, the shock of that performance would clear the air for a fresh start for everyone.

If you let us avoid all the twistedness in litigation and bad feelings that we had to look forward to, and you save us from the divisiveness created by an extremist contingent in the United States that revealed itself when you came along, you could go down in history as a hero. If not for your surprising handling of your affairs, those hostile elements could have undermined the existence of our union. So, take courage to do the biggest perpetration of your perpetrationary career by thinking of history. Trump was a contentious figure who finally was almost worshipped for how he got the country past an antagonism that had threatened its union. We only are the united United States since Donald Trump bonded us.

Say yes, start writing your speech, and let’s see if America will cut you that deal.

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Wonderful letter.

Now---how to get him to read it.

And mine too.

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I've got a game plan being worked up for things to do so we won't be a country with support for Trump. This could get our letters considered. "Why don't we have a Suggestion Box?" https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/why-dont-we-have-a-suggestion-box.

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Dear President Biden,

I hope this letter finds you and the First Lady in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my profound gratitude for the 2nd honorary certificate that you recently sent to honor the memory of my father, who was a Disabled World War II veteran. This gesture has touched our family deeply, and we are incredibly grateful for your thoughtfulness and recognition of his service.

Allow me to provide you with some context as to why our family was unable to accept the certificate signed by Donald J Trump during his tenure in office. My father held deep-rooted values of democracy, justice, and equality, which were seemingly under threat during President Trump's presidency. We were disheartened by his attempts to disenfranchise eligible voters and his efforts to hinder social services for the American people—services that my father strongly believed in and benefited from.

Additionally, when President Trump lost the second presidential election, his refusal to accept the election results and an orchestrated violent insurrection shocked our family and the nation. Witnessing such an attack on our democracy was distressing and made us question the very principles our nation was founded upon. While we hope for healing and unity, it deeply concerns us that President Trump continues to perpetuate falsehoods and attempt to reclaim the presidency, jeopardizing the fabric of our democracy.

We are grateful for your leadership, integrity, and commitment to uniting the American people. Your dedication to upholding democratic values, improving access to social services, and creating a more equitable society is reassuring, especially for families like ours who have a deep connection to the sacrifices made by our veterans. Your administration's focus on restoring faith in our institutions, addressing the needs of the nation, and strengthening the bonds of democracy is truly commendable.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to you for honoring my late father's service with the 2nd honorary certificate. It serves as a poignant reminder of his bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to our great nation. 

President Biden, your thoughtfulness has brought immense comfort to our family during these challenging times. We are grateful for your steady leadership and rest assured that our family stands firmly behind you as you work towards a brighter, more inclusive future.


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He is a cancer on this nation. This morning I heard him on NPR saying how "sick" Jack Smith - Jack smith, for heaven's sake! - is. There is only one sicko in the house - and that is Donald. J. Trump .

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Yes, him and his SICKOphants!

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He, trump projects his qualities onto others routinely. He speaks the truth in its exact opposite. Jack Smith is not sick he is. JS is not sick but healthy.

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Exactly! The failed presidunce accuses others of doing what he does.

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Yep. That's narcissistic behavior 101.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

EVERYTHING he accuses other of IS PROJECTION. That is part of his madness.

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For sure that is what he does. That is. What a narcissist does and that is what he is.

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Michael, after all these years, we love you still.

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And we are lucky to have such an American as you in our lives.

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So lucky and I am so grateful

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So very well put! He is so lucky to be an American. He almost destroyed an amazing country that is still in progress of reaching it full potential as a true democracy. We won’t hang him or end his selfish pursuits with a firing squad. He will, however, get the justice he deserves for all those lives he has hurt, black families, brown families, red families, white families, families of various religions and sexual orientations, mixed racial families, including the women he disgraced with his unwelcome sexual assaults. He will be incarcerated : stopped from continuing his mad destruction of this beautiful country. This is a good and hopeful outcome. Now move forward America! Become what was started by our forefathers, what many have given their lives for, what we truly can become if we all work together for the good of all.

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Absolutely …

- we hope

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Re "we won't hang him": geez, I don't know; that's what TRUMP is suggesting we do to him: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/09/trump-suggests-whistle-blower-be-punished-like-a-traitor.html

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We’ll said!

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

Trumpypants has always been yapping about killing offenders that cross him or his America (it’s the Trumpist America). May he go far, far away. And never be heard from again. Buh bye!

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Right on Michael! I can't wait til that schmuck hears that steel door go CLANK!

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The Justice Dept. is wringing its hands over what to do about Trump. They told him not to threaten any jurors, potential witnesses, etc., or they'd "hold" him, and yet that's virtually all he's done over the last three days ("IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU!"). So, they should lock him up as promised, right? And yet, all they're talking about is a "protective order", which I'm sure he and his lawyers are laughing at.

Just one question: if a Black bank robber or drug dealer were out on bail, and he tweeted "IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I'M COMING AFTER YOU", you wanna tell me how long it would take the Justice Department to lock him up?! Never mind: it happened before you got to the end of that sentence!

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Yes, it IS a fullfilment of his rights to be tried by a jury of his peers!


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Thank you again, Michael. I sincerely hope that hat your and my faith in the American justice system finally holds. And I hope against hope that the smallness of Trump’s base is finally shrunken enough to turn some Republicans towards the truth

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Thank you, Michael! This is perfect! You always give me hope for this country!

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As always, Michael, a verbal treat that skewers and stings the intended target! Brilliant!!

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