My friend from Arizona is now living in Panama. Expats are allowed in every state to register and vote using the last address where they lived in the U.S. When my friend requested an AZ ballot as a voter from abroad, they told her she needed a driver's license or state ID and a temporary address, which of course she doesn't have. She has been out of the country several years. This is the first time she was unable to get a ballot as she had always done before. Finally she found an expat voter website where she will get a ballot. This is illegal AZ voter suppression.

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I still can't believe America would even consider Trumpolini worthy of public office at any level. His upcoming rally at Madison Square Garden is him throwing a bone to all the loonies that might think that the 1939 Nazi rally was a good thing. It was a disgrace. That it happened at all is a stark reminder that America is not all it's cracked up to be sometimes.

Donito's goons set up this latest Bund rally to distract and outrage. It certainly will. That is what he wants. We need to do better. Nixon won 49 states with the electoral college. Trumpolini should lose every single state.

No excuses, America. This has all happened before. It must not happen again.

That historically shameful day:


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Hello. I live in Arizona. Michael is absolutely correct in this message. And there are many other organizations that are also working hard to help Arizona and other swing states get Harris elected. Please help, no matter where in the world you live.

If you would like to work with a non-profit or other groups that want to elect Harris and are not funded by the Democratic Party, I created the list below and sent it out to friends and family all over the country. I hope this list is helpful to you as well.

I welcome you to copy and share this list with others.

I am going to post this list each time Michael sends out one of his missives, adding to the list whenever I learn of more options to share.

Please make me and everyone else aware of any other groups/organizations that have campaigns or mobilization efforts going to prevent Trump from getting elected by posting the information as a comment to my post. Thank you.


Experts who study these things have seen that such simple actions as personal postcards, phone calls, or texts to specifically identified voters can and do make a difference. The organizations below are either the experts or are groups that partner with the experts. Some of these organizations promote who to vote for, while others just encourage infrequent voters to vote, knowing that the people they contact typically vote Democratic. All of these groups can benefit from your time and/or your donations (some of which can be tax-deductible).

The ENVIRONMENTAL VOTER PROJECT identifies millions of non-voting environmentalists and turns them into consistent voters. I have done postcards and phonebanks with them.



THIRD ACT and ELDERS CLIMATE ACTION primarily recruit Seniors as volunteers, but all are welcome. Their campaigns include helping young people get registered to vote.




Programs with ACTIVATE AMERICA have Volunteers contact voters via Postcards, Phonebanking, Texting, and Canvassing.


The PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT organizes volunteers to send postcards and do canvassing.




VOTE FORWARD coordinates letter-writing campaigns to voters.



SEED THE VOTE teams up with organizations like PEOPLE’S ACTION and SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE (SURJ) with Phonebanking campaigns of volunteers calling voters in Swing States.




VOTERIDERS and FAIR COUNT work separately and together to help folks register to vote and have the required ID to vote.



THE CIVICS CENTER organizes high school voter registration. A huge event they do is High School Voter Registration Week, which will be Sept. 23-27, 2024. They can use volunteer help with that and other events.



KEEP ARIZONA BLUE mobilizes young voters in Arizona to elect Democrats. https://www.keepazblue.org/

RAZE helps rural Arizonans register to vote.


ARIZONA NATIVE VOTE is dedicated to building tribal and rural political power by working with community members to increase voter registration.


THE ARIZONA DREAM ACT COALITION provides assistance to DREAMERS. They also contact legal Latino voters and mixed-status families to help those who can legally vote to register to vote and then encourage them to vote.


The PENNSYLVANIA RELIGIOUS ACTION CENTER and ONE PA 4 ALL are sending postcards and phonebanking to get Pennsylvanians registered and voting.



As Michael has shared, VOTE.ORG will give everyone all the info they need to register and vote — and to double check their registration: https://www.vote.org/

VOTE 411 is similar to VOTE.ORG and a good resource about registering to vote anywhere in the USA.


VOTE FROM ABROAD helps US citizens living abroad register to vote and request absentee ballots.


LEAD LOCALLY does their best to provide a list of the various organizations and events around the country working in favor of the issues you and I care about.


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Hey Michael - there's over 6 million expats worldwide- eligible to vote. When talking about razer thin margins in some States, you need to support the efforts, the groups like here in Canada, and elsewhere, getting out their vote. Are you even aware of them?

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There's such as this in many countries.

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Looks like a scam - $5 says there are MORE Republicans abroad than democrats and most of them are service men and women and X-service men and women. X as in no longer serving in the US military abroad but not X - service men and women who became un-alived while serving X-service members.


It's at times like these one can really see the need for an American Muslim Militia.


Or even a Muslim Michigan Militia. [Yes in that order as remember it's ALWAYS - "GOD - KING and COUNTRY "- not Country - King and God .].


or the 3M Brigade. [MMM].


Just think about it - Biden doesn't need to send REAL US troops to fight Iran - instead he could send the Michigan Muslim Militia AND they could fight side by side with powerful armies from Israel in Libya and Iran.


Ohhhh you think that sounds preposterous ???


Let me tell you that Palestinians fought side by side with proto-Isrealis against the axis powers during WWII.


And yet (allegedly) Netanyahu spins this false narrative that Hitler got the idea to burn ALL the Jews from the great and not so great grand Mufti of what'evsArmpith'air.


Outrageous ! (I hear you say).


Well let me further tell you - where I grew up - (NW London) in a city called Luton (Not in London) - that young Muslims could go abroad and train in various Muslim adjacent / Gehad training camps to learn how to use a rifle , crawl under barbed wire, make improvised explosives and booby traps and learn to hold key positions and even (on the last two days as a special treat ) learn how to operate a wooden facsimile of Sidewinder or Stinger missile. It's all great fun and there really becomes a brother bond with fellow IS wannabees from all over the world. It's like a summer camp for teenage boys with lots guns - dust and more dust. At least you learn your way around a Kalashnikov. And THEN you go HOME - back to living with your parents - and go to school if you want to (paid for (mostly) by the British Government ,). It's not just a phase but a capable bonded brotherhood.


It's not like we (in the USA) don't get involved in a hundred proxy wars with at least SEVEN Muslim "Themed" factions - some "Home grown" to fight this side - that side - EVERY side ... EVEN the Russians.


The Muslim Michigan Militia or 3M or MMM ... "IS" (is as in issssssss not I.S. ) is the only way to go !


More than a mobile deployable doormat division !


And waaaaaaay cheaper than hiring mercenaries like "Executive Decisions ".





* https://writingexplained.org/is-is-a-verb


There's no Wikipedia page about "Is".

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The Supreme Court ruling allowing the state of Virginia to block voters from voting also includes BLOCKING LEGAL VOTERS.

This is exactly why President Biden must weaponize his powers of immunity NOW against those moronic six justices and their Chief who are in collusion against democracy either through bribery or fear of retribution from Trump.

Biden must initiate a purge and remove them from the bench for treason immediately before it's too late.


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All United States government and military officials take "THE OATH OF OFFICE" that says, " I do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Trump and his supporters in congress are supporting Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin who's trying to help Trump win so that Trump can rule the US like a king, under the control of Vladimir Putin.

Keeping fascism dictatorship out of our country is why we are a free and great nation.

Dictator, (want to be) Trump and his supporters in congress are now the United States domestic enemies that must be stopped, as stated in the OATH OF OFFICE.

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If Trump gets back into the White House,

he is NOT going to protect his Republican supporters throughout the country with the terrible things that will happen with project 2025.

They want to get rid of all social programs.

That means they will gut Social Security,

Medicare, Medicaid, Medical, etc.etc.

(THEY are trying to deny what they want to do, but they can't because they have put it in writing in project 2025.


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Please tell President Biden to use his new presidential powers given to the office of the president of the United States by Trumps corrupted Supreme Court's judges (in order to give Trump immunity.)

Biden must use these new powers to stop Trump and sign into law the bills we need to keep our democracy safe.

We need many people to send President Biden this message before it is too late.

Please Hurry!!!!!.

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Htrae ?


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More frequently leans into the direction of DEATH from the Hogfather than a "Bizzaro world" - Trump.



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Rarely do I write about myself in any detail.


But I'm not sure the Bizzaro-World version of Trump really fits.



"RW" : Trump is descended from wannabee fake NAZIs and Xenophobes...


BW: Eric is descended from actual NAZIs (due to time and place) but who later learned the whole Hitler thing and the "Inner group" was and were a very very very bad set of things indeed and History MUST not repeat itself that way - by any means.



"RW" : Trump had a copy of Joseph Goebbels political speeches by his bedside and a copy of Mein Kampf lurking about ... whereas...


BW: Eric can't make it past page 15 in Mein Kampf without wanting to throw up and can't make it any further.



"RW": Trump's father ashamed of his German Heritage (ironically) told Donnald that they were Swedish and that Donnald had to pretend they were Swedish NOT of German descent...


BW: Eric's German side of parentage IS actually Swedish (Von Grothausen ) on father's stated maternal line. BUT in a sense shameful as its a 30 years war 1600s thing when German principalities (as Germany didn't formally exist then) were completely decimated - burnt to the ground - and worse by the Swedes.



RW: Trump say's he's "LIKE" a "Smart Guy" and created a fraudulent University that ripped everyone off and had to fold.


BW: Eric attended Cambridge University (one of the best and oldest Universities in the world to do a Ph.D. but took ten years and invented whole new processes and systems and mathematical and spatial and computer constructs that never existed before... + novel approaches and research through various preceding research fellowships.


RW: Trump is dumb as a brick BUT was paid many millions of dollars to be a FAKE "Innovator" and FAKE entrepreneur for FAKE "Reality " TV show that opened the door for him to become PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Trump has yet to invent or devise anything of human use or value other than extraordinary and audacious grifting taken to new level.


BW: Eric - the ONLY money he ever made was through actual first hand sweat equity from restoring fairly meagre properties by "Trump" "Standards". Literally I broke my ass on that.


RW: Trump took his father's money and burnt most of it to the ground but has plenty of collateral to borrow against.


BW: Eric didn't get any money from his "Dad" as at the time his Dad didn't have any money.



RW: Trump LIVES for Golf... (practically).


BW: Eric says "If you see me on a golf course - you have permission to put a bullet through my head - but only real friends are burdened with such a responsibility and act of kindness.


RW: Trump lives in a high rise (Trump Tower) in one of the MOST densely populated and expensive areas in the world.


BW: Eric lives in a sparsely populated high desert villiage.



RW: Trump loves to have "Strangers" / treat his home like a country club so he has fresh meat to impress.


BW: Eric abhors having even friends attempt to use his home as a "Low" rent country club (horses) / not Golf .


RW: Trump is actually MORE adjacent in his personal beliefs to an old school (Southern) Democrat than an more old school Republican. He's commented in the past on his ambivalence about Republican vs. Democrat saying he could be a Democrat... In other words ride ANY train that will give him power and money.



BW: Eric OTOH has NO love for the legislature and baked in hologram of exploitation in the constitution BUT sees that America's future may depend on the need for RIGHT WING Ecologists / GREEN party.


RW: Trump didn't have any real political connections or legacy in the Congress.


BW: Eric has a grandfather on his mother's side that actually sponsored the first modern social security Bill under FDR.



RW: Trump has terrible taste in music and style and design - astoundingly tacky in respect of the $ he has access to.


BW: Eric has impeccable taste in music and design (where able).



RW: Trump is mega-pathic to the degree that a new chapter in the DSM VI should be created entitled poly pathic disorders...


BW: Eric places a high value on sanity and that one must move in a vector away from insanity towards "Sanity" where possible.



RW: Trump places highest value on short term effective LIES at all cost - knowing that BS in America is so much more effective than things that lean into a "truthful direction".


BW: Eric places the highest value on the Truth - BUT realizes that in America and the World at large it is of very little truck in value or currency. Eric is humanist.



RW: ... Trump spent most of his life inventing fake histories that are completely ludicrous mainly for political and financial gain.


BW: Eric has spent most of his professional working to preserve accurately the history and culture of mankind - and in some cases at considerable expense and risk to himself. Believing in phenomenological approaches to recording and provenance - where any set of multiple interpretations are separable from the evidence and data that such interpretations are based on.


RW: Trump is a delusional prick that thinks he CREATES reality through his BS want's and musings.


. BW: Eric believes that to solve real world problems that one has to learn to remove one's ego from the equation all togther.


RW: Trump believes the ONLY way to solve any BIG problem is to put his Monstrously deformed and crippled EGO front and center of everything ...






. On and on and on perhaps to hundred points but then again MANY world citizens would also fit into the bracket of Bizzaro World Trumps.



In Most cases the narratives in the bubble are twisted through 60 degree angles rather than complete inversions.


Having someone that cannot travel due to various handicaps and hemmed in by various mountains in a fairly remote location makes it that MUCH easier to hack.



The Bizzaro World "Narrative" doesn't really gel with me but then again I didn't read American comic books as a kid.


Having an alternate reality version of Michael Moore (as the BAD guy) --- is similarly a 60 degree twist from the truth rather than a 180 degree inversion.


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Many similarities with my Brother John - in counter comparison to myself.


Taking someone else's life work and triangulating it to create and coerce a stealth shell company and vulture investor - really a gold bricking operation to shelter assets away from a soon to be X-wife so she is left with nothing - not even a bean - spitefully so ... [Trump uses his fake charitable institutions in a similar vein and mode .].


And then with a view to basically indirectly killing one's brother and then grabbing all of his work and assets to be rebadged and sold on to unscrupulous integrators working in the nuclear and military sectors IS the Hight of douche-baggery even by TRUMP "Standards".


Whilst having wannbee half baked Russian oligarchs / centi millionaires coach John on how to smash and grab - after vulture investor scam - not realizing he's the one who's gonna get played ...


ALSO very Trumpian and doubly so as he's innumerate and can't think his way procedurally out of a soggy paper bag.



Truly remarkable.



"The viewers are the Producers" - Sutton Hoo or The MENU ???


Stretches credulity but for sanity's sake I completely ignore the 'Viewers are the producers " - notion purely for reasons of sanity - no matter HOW MANY BELLS - penultimate and final episode of LOKI rang.




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Not to mention that John allegedly founded a company designed specifically to go through dead scientists' garages for presentable or saleable NEW / "Unkown" technologies to the world.


MOST of these unknown technologies and designs were paid for by the US government (in John's plan) and in many cases would BE classified. And property of US government.


Especially novel propulsion systems. Space exploration and "Rockets" and the like.



Theoretically if one is selling these documents to foreign hostile powers then one could be thrown in jail for selling government secrets / classified technologies to enemy / hostile states.


Predictably - not a very well thought out "Business" model trawling for "Gold" in the garage of dead scientists and designers.




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Mr. Moore,

I have to say, and please don't take this as compliment, but you are an excellent propagandist. You hardly ever lie about Republican corruption but always ignore the Democrats corruption.

The title of your post suggests a win for the Democrats is a win for "Women, Peace, and Democracy" First of all, I personally gave Chuck Schumer and every Democrat on the Senate Judiciary committee irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. They refused use it! Now these unscrupulous bastards are running on protecting a woman's right to choose when they are clearly to blame for letting her on the Court in the first place.

As for a win for peace, Fuck you! The Democrats are funding and arming the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and Lebanon and will undoubtedly back Israel when they attack Iran. They are blood thirsty war mongers. And I am still waiting for you to comment on Dick Cheney's endorsement of Kamala Harris for president on September 8, 2024. You went into hiding for two weeks after Harris said she was "honored" to have his endorsement and called this war criminal a "respected" leader.

As for a win for Democracy, a vote for Harris or Trump is a vote for the corrupt status quo and a vote for the system of legalized bribery that is responsible for all the problems in the world.

My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Judge Posner’s amicus brief is posted on the Supreme Court’s website at www.supremecourt.gov and can be accessed by typing in the following case number: Martin v. Living Essentials (Case No. 17-8352)

It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.

In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.

This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.

The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.

Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.

Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.

While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.

If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.

Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.

*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.

In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.

All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.

If you want a government that actually acts in your best interests, I urge you and everyone you know to read my book as soon as possible. You can get a digital copy of my book free of charge at the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_vaMH1riLodzOfQn0kI7ow0RDrPM0NqE/view?usp=sharing

P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.

I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, by all means, read the rest of the book.

The corruption is undeniable. The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs.

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But seriously what about genocide why are you not pushing back on that Michael?

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You can download the PDF there ...^-^...


The Militia section for "Peeps" who are not US citizens but wish to become US citizens - is a fun read.




Once again the librarians save democracy or at least push back against punitive measures by an otherwise fake and illegitimate mirage and apparition of a more dystopian "What IF... " 'State".


Had to research how it is and was that Camels are not fooled by mirages - but really has moore to do with their "Hump"(s) not just a hunch.



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In 1864 - there was "No" Arizona.



So the sign in the picture says ...


" This is NOT 1864 Arizona " ~ Ironically that would be 100% correct.


Actually the sign reads "It's NOT 1864 in ARIZONA ".- which also ironically is a factually correct statement. It was 1864 in 1864 - but just not in Arizona as Arizona become Arizona in 1911 -ish ???


. But even in the broadest and most generous interpretation of such a sentiment - it's still WORNG ! (in respect of the alleged law of the time.).


Again in the bubble I make no apologies as to interpretation.


Case in Point - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketanji_Brown_Jackson


REAL or ironic hopeful Wishlist in the bubble - "Counter-Tokenism " given the creepers in the SCOTUS.




* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketanji_Brown_Jackson


.... ^_^ ... do the Americans use the term "Matriculated " ? <--- A term used in British academe NOT in the USA. [US Legal scholars using British "Terms". ].


"Graduated ... ". not Matriculated.


Real or forgery ?


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