Thank you Mr. Moore for becoming Executive Producer so that the truth can be shared with the American people. Palestine before it became occupied in 1948, accepted all faiths including the Jewish one. May we one day see a Free Palestine and a return to peace and acceptance of all faiths and people who want to live in peace and reject the actions of violence. What the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have gone through (paid by US taxpayers) is beyond apartheid...it is a genocide. 💔

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I agree with the sentiment, but Palestine was occupied long before there was an Israel--by the Turks and then the Brits in the 20th c. There was a lot of peace and acceptance and there was a lot of the opposite--on all sides. And the struggles were also exploited on all sides--by the surrounding Arab states as well as by the UK, Brits, French, USSR, US et al. Oil matters.

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Why do so few people comment on the fact that the British created this mess when they carved out the land for Israel and did not create two nations, Palestine and Israel. And, inexcusably, Israel is doing to the Palestinians EXACTLY what the Nazis did to the JEWS. How could they. We must stop arming this people steeped in the old testament of "an eye for an eye" which makes the whole world blind. STOPITSTOPITSTOPIT.

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I suggest to you as strongly as possible to take a class on the Holocaust, as it is ignorant to the point of being hateful to say that “ Israel is doing to the Palestinians EXACTLY what the Nazis did to the JEWS”. Uh no they are not. Not even close. For the sake of humanity please educate yourself before making such statements.

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You are right and wrong. The goal of the Nazis was to kill every Jew everywhere. That is not the goal of the zionists (to kill every Palestinian everywhere). The goal of the zionists is to ensure that Palestinians are a small, oppressed minority that is devoid of any cultural identity within a "greater Israel (i.e. between the river and the sea)". That has been and is being accomplished by expropriation of land, creating barriers to any kind of economic activity, suppression of language/education/history (see Maya Wind's book on how Israeli "archaeologists" smash up all archaeological layers except the tiny ones that reference an ancient Hebrew presence) and when there is any resistance (violent or non-violent) the response is disproportionate mass murder.

My sister was murdered by einsatzgruppen from Germany when she was 8 years old. There are many 8 year old girls murdered by the zionists in Gaza. Dead little girls are dead little girls. The same is true for little boys, mothers, fathers, grandparents, students, artists, teachers, day laborers, health care workers, etc. The zionist goal is to eliminate Gazans-- kill them or drive them out. Yes, you can identify differences between the German nazi movement and zionism, and anti-zionists are a bit foolish to use words in capitals like "EXACTLY". But Nancy Reid above has the right of it far more than you do. We all need to educate ourselves more about what has happened in the past and the present. Including you.

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I’ve studied the Holocaust intensively and strongly strongly disagree. And your continued use of the word “zionist” to describe Israel shows your hatred toward the Jewish people as you try to turn that into a terrible word along with the rest of the Jew haters. Disgusting. As a Zionist myself, let me assure you that you are wrong about what Zionists want. 90% of Zionists want nothing more than to live side by side in peace with Arabs, including those who call themselves Palestinians. There is one group who has no interest in that and who has genocidal intent—the Palestinians. Your analysis is off and really disappointing

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From what you've written, I don't believe you studied or know anything. You're just repeating a kettle of lies that the Zionist establishment spouts. To begin with, zionism and being Jewish are two different things. Lots of Jewish people are sharply opposed to zionism. And being an Israeli citizen and being a zionist are two different things. When I lived in Israel, I knew a good number of Jewish Israelis who were not zionists (anti-zionists in fact), and of course the Arab citizens of Israel are mostly (all??) non-zionists and I imagine opposed to zionism. Zionism pre-dated the state of Israel by about 65 years or so. So it is entirely proper to speak of zionism as something that is distinct from both the Jewish people and the state of Israel. You characterize yourself as a "Zionist" but if someone else refers to the aims and actions of "zionism" that's supposed to be Jew-hating. Come on.

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I am well educated. Israel bulldozed the olive groves in Palestine to destroy their economic base, not unlike krystalnacht in Germany. They put the jews in ghettos and then fired on them, killing women and children. You tell me how this is different. I'm all ears.

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I remember reading about the bulldozing of a thousand-year-old olive grove because it belonged to a Palestinian family. That's appalling. I have respect for my elders, and that includes these ancient trees that do nothing but create sustenance. Also, the Torah teaches us that God had forbidden the destruction of fruit trees and vineyards when the Hebrews entered the Land of Canaan. What are they doing now?

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Nothing is going to change until you realize both parties are corrupt and we collectively demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the cause of all the problems in the world--including the Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. It contains documented proof that the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law--conspiring together to commit treason. If time is limited, skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221. Only the truth will set you free.

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My wife and I saw this film in Pompano Beach Florida in an afternoon showing. There were 20 people. (I go to matinees because I'm crowd-averse.) Without Michael Moore, these 20 people would never have seen this film. I told my guitar teacher about the film and he is going to see it at the Quad in NYC. I wouldn't have told him had I not seen it and I wouldn't have seen it without Michael Moore.

Michael Moore: you've done a great great service by exec-producing and promoting this. Yes, every American should see it; only a small fraction will. But a small fraction is far far better than "nearly zero".

The film is about Gaza and the oppression and scholasticide and the war crimes but it is as you said very much about ART. We saw the film 6 days ago, but we are still talking about it. I am resolved more than ever to fight this horror. Thank you.

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i am very interested in seeing this film, but I live in Canada where I have no doubt many would like to see it as well. There are more americans here than you might imagine, tax paying social security receiving americans. So, can something be done? Please respond in public, if you have the inclination and time, so we know. thank you.

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Thank you, Michael. I saw the film at The Quad in NYC on Thursday. Hard to watch though humanely told. No brutality, aside from the brutality of the situation, and sadly informative.

I just shared on FB urging my friends to see it and wave peace, as Jimmy Carter liked to say.

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I meant to write “wage peace, as Jimmy Carter liked to say.”

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I did an overlay of LA and Gaza. LA is 469 sq mi. Gaza is 141 sq miles.

Population of LA: 3.8 million. Population of Gaza: 2.14 million.

It seems to me, we should not be blowing up perfectly good buildings when climate change is burning them, flooding them, blowing them down faster than we can build them.

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even more important are the lives of Palestinians.....~

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46,000 dead. Mostly women and children. All with American bombs. We will pay. These fires could easily have been set, be an act of revenge.

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Bribe taking politicians in both parties are to blame for the ongoing genocide and global warming. They take bribes from AIPAC (The Israel lobby) and the fossil fuel industry. They have no shame and they will not stop. You're going to have to throw them out. Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. It contains documented proof that "your" government is run by treasonous corporate criminals.

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No Delores. Mostly Hamas terrorists dead. If you yourself are not a Hamas operative, it’s probably best not to quote numbers from the “Hamas Health Ministry “. Critical thinking please.

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SuzD. The information we have about the mass murders in Gaza are not only from the Health Ministry. They are corroborated by MSF, various aid agencies and NGOs, plus plenty of documentary footage. By repeating the lie that the dead are "mostly Hamas terrorists", you may not be engaging exactly in what Goebbels did, but you are coming dangerously close.

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I cannot even phantom how sick and disrespectful it is to call any American, let alone one on this page “Goebbles”. (“Engaging in what Goebbles did”) No, because my thoughts differ from yours doesn’t mean I have killed anyone, disseminated horrible propaganda against anyone, rounded up innocents from their homes, tortured anyone, etc. you are unhinged, Think of what you are saying before you say it.

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Right again, SuzD. You haven't killed anyone directly. Neither did Goebbels as far as I know. But his lies killed millions. And your lies, the misinformation and disinformation that you spread, along with the Zionist establishment kills people. You really need to find out what's really going on.

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“Mostly Hamas terrorists dead.” You are wrong.

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When a row of apartments are blown up, there are people in them. Gaza is tiny. The amount of American made bombs leveled on an area smaller than LA is going to kill everyone in its path. Not to mention any species that was trying to reside there.

American arms makers gave our soldiers in Iraq ammunition coated in depleted uranium,

nuclear waste. Our soldiers didn't know. Many died from exposure. They were dispensable. Our American soldiers that volunteered for Iraq, were poisoned by their government they served. There is honestly no telling what chemicals we are combining to make 2000 lb bombs. Gaza, which, is next to a body of water, and all water leads to all other water, has been poisoned.

We only have one planet. And if Elon Musk finds a planet B, you and I will not be invited.

It is possible to use communication to create peace.

Jimmy Carter, God rest his soul, did not drop one bomb or shoot one bullet during his 4 years.

Violence begets violence. The best movie I've ever seen that tells the story of Isreal and Palastine, was "The Little Drummer Girl." It's an old Diane Keeton movie. Nothing has changed.

If for no other reason, we should stop providing weapons of mass destruction out of a fear of revenge.

All Americans are subject to revenge, because all bomb making facilities in America are full of American employees. And, because bomb factories are government, then, we realize, our tax dollars paid for each bomb.

Now, we are the only country left without free Healthcare provided with sin tax dollars on things that can make us sick, like alcohol and cigarettes.

But we get no healthcare because our tax dollars go to building bombs, which we give to Isreal. Or sell at greatly reduced prices.

Please, I'm old. It sounds like you are young. Please please please, learn to be a critical thinker.

There are unumerable, and terrifying, consequences laying ahead of us.

We will pay.

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apartments are blown up, there are people in them. Gaza is tiny. The amount of American made bombs leveled on an area smaller than LA is going to kill everyone in its path. Not to mention any species that was trying to reside there.

American arms makers gave our soldiers in Iraq ammunition coated in depleted uranium,

nuclear waste. Our soldiers didn't know. Many died from exposure. They were dispensable. Our American soldiers that volunteered for Iraq, were poisoned by their government they served. There is honestly no telling what chemicals we are combining to make 2000 lb bombs. Gaza, which, is next to a body of water, and all water leads to all other water, has been poisoned.

We only have one planet. And if Elon Musk finds a planet B, you and I will not be invited.

It is possible to use communication to create peace.

Jimmy Carter, God rest his soul, did not drop one bomb or shoot one bullet during his 4 years.

Violence begets violence. The best movie I've ever seen that tells the story of Isreal and Palastine, was "The Little Drummer Girl." It's an old Diane Keeton movie. Nothing has changed.

If for no other reason, we should stop providing weapons of mass destruction out of a fear of revenge.

All Americans are subject to revenge, because all bomb making facilities in America are full of American employees. And, because bomb factories are government, then, we realize, our tax dollars paid for each bomb.

Now, we are the only country left without free Healthcare provided with sin tax dollars on things that can make us sick, like alcohol and cigarettes.

But we get no healthcare because our tax dollars go to building bombs, which we give to Isreal. Or sell at greatly reduced prices.

Please, I'm old. It sounds like you are young. Please please please, learn to be a critical thinker.

There are unumerable, and terrifying, consequences laying ahead of us.

We will pay.


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Wish I could. I live in the U.P. (You know what that means.) Maybe it will land online someday...

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I live in Australia and know that there are others who would like to see this film. Is there anywhere online where it can be seen?

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Well, congratulations Mike…yet I cannot yet fathom—or forgive—your unbounded support for Harris, who continued to support the perpetuation of this appalling crime….

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If it’s between Harris and Trump; it’s gotta be Harris.

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it could have been Jill Stein~

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Ummm…no—that would have been a choice between an infantile lunatic with a fascist cast and a another political manipulator representing virtually the same imperialistic characteristics, who also repeatedly expressed support for genocide—in other words, nothing to choose from there. But we did have a third choice—we could choose Jill Stein, or the Socialist candidate.

Until we break out of our indoctrinated belief that a duopoly could actually represent a democratic choice for voters—and is our inescapable fate—it will keep us trapped within this dystopian system. And…continuing to vote for the perceived lesser of two evils has brought us to this current appalling state. Not to mention that it’s now quite apparent that the Democratic Party establishment is really just a branch of the Republican Party, and both are just tools of the corporatocracy….

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Although the Jill Stein or a Socialist candidate would be far less nauseating to vote for, I think we have to recognize that the capitalist class in the USA will never ever allow a truly pro-working class administration to exist or operate. Workers power does not, cannot come from elections organized and sanctified by the capitalist ruling class. That doesn't mean we can't use elections at times as a tool for organizing, but it is an illusion to pin our hopes on any candidate or party's election, whether it's Stein, or Sanders, or AOC, or the next one. (Full disclaimer: for 30 years I was suckered into supporting those types of candidates and parties/wings, so I don't disrespect anyone who continues to do so-- I just strongly disagree with that now.)

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And this is why we have Trump. There were never gonna be enough people to vote for a third-party. It was a throwaway vote to do that. And by doing that, you gave your vote to Trump.

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I call BS on that sad old argument—and, considering the crappy voter turnout, and the fact that Harris was a shit candidate—woman of color, but zero moral fiber who alienated voters all on her own by espousing people like the war criminal Cheney, among others, there’s no substance to the assertion that by voting my conscience I “gave” my vote to Trump.

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Yeah. Somehow it's always "the left" that "gave" the open fascists the victory. When discussing platform, "the left" is discounted: "you're too small, you don't represent AMERICA", but then when the fake-progressives are defeated it's always because the "too small" left didn't rally behind the corporate Democrat.

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I wish he had emphasized that more than he did.

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Yeah, I have a hard time with Mike's support for Harris. But his support did not strengthen the genocide, while his promotion of this film does 1000x more than my greatest efforts could in stopping it. And, with respect, probably yours too. So I get what you're saying Rebecca Abercrombie, but I can forgive, even if I can't fathom. Solidarity!

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I disagree that Mike’s support for Kamala Harris was not so important. That was a lot of enthusiasm for a candidate foisted on voters at the last minute to substitute for Biden, who was also forced on the voters by the Dem’s virtual sabotage of the primary process on behalf of a flawed, unpopular individual who had already shown clear signs of mental decline. Not to mention that Mike—who I think of as a generally astute and politically informed person—should have been aware of the fact that—apart from being a woman of color—she still had a pretty ugly political history…. It’s always pissed me off that—as with Hilary Clinton—despicable political philosophy should be overlooked in favor of gender and/or color.

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I didn't say (or mean to say) that his support wasn't important. Can you imagine how awesome it would be for Michael to at least partly break free from his hopes for the Democratic Party?! But in the end, I don't think he made things worse, I don't think he strengthened the **genocide** (the subject of this particular thread) by his regrettable support of Harris. And finally, I need to spend another decade in radical/revolutionary activism before I will will feel comfortable throwing stones, having been a supporter of the "progressive wing" of the Democratic Party for 30 years.

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well you were free to make a different choice~

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It's wonderful you are backing this film. Hopefully enough Americans see it and are infuriated enough to do something. Sadly, I doubt it. As a group, it doesn't seem that we like to do what is decent or kind anymore.

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It's way too much trouble. There are sports on teevee.

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Thank you for all you do. The first Michael I knew of, was St Michael the Archangel. You are a great human.

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We have entered a new year, possibly more chaotic than our parents or grandparents have seen. I haven’t watched this documentary yet, but I will. I think Michael’s explanation is powerfully reminding us we all need to learn from the past !! I reckon only human beings destroy other human beings based on different ethnicities, faith or politics!! In the animal kingdom, only a rabid animal (one who has lost its mind and senses due to a disease!!) will strike out and attempt to kill every other animal (or human).. Diseased! Not Humane Humans..

The horrible fire storms in LA, just an event that may happen every few thousand years, or the consequences of rabid humans seeking profit over Humanity?? Hopefully humanity will be forced to return in 2025!! Lest We Forget.. and we shouldn’t!!

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I will go to the film and bring everyone I can who is willing. Still, I have to ask this question, knowing it will be seen....as it will be seen. Do any of the people in the film put _any_ responsibility on Hamas for their fate? I don't mean all. I mean some.

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You will discover this when you see the film: there is no (or almost no) blaming of anyone in the film. Not the Israelis. Not the Americans. And not Hamas. There is just testimony of the impact of the assault. And only the least horrible. There are no dead children. No orphans. No bodies, no body parts, no (or very little) blood. What you DO see is horrendous enough, but it is the least of the true horror. Of course this is the work of the editors. I am sure that the people in the film harbor tremendous fury at Israel and America, but also, for many of them, Hamas. But that is not what the film is about. It is a film about art, education, survival, and crushed hopes and dreams. It is a film that gives a small glimpse of what the US is, through it's support of a rabid zionist regime, responsible for.

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Thanks, David. I appreciate this summary. I am reminded of other testimonies from Gazans I know. It is almost as though people, simply as human beings, are beyond "blame" in the midst of that madness.

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If one has eyes and ears, not being in the media or a politician, it is quite evident what has been going on in Gaza and with the USA under President Biden. I applaud the film, but I would say that hatred doesn't go away even when it is brought to people's attention. It is absolutely not allowed to criticize Israel here, particularly in New York City, as it results in being called an anti-semite. In fact, one can fully support the state of Israel and not support its actions. Same as here. I love America but I am not going to support Trump in his upcoming horror show. Thanks for all you do to keep people informed.

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The Republicans and Democrats are using your tax dollars to fund, arm, and provide political cover for genocide—the worst crime known to man. To add insult to injury, these heinous war criminals say that they support Israel’s right to defend itself—like slaughtering thousands of innocent children could ever be considered self-defense. If this is not enough of a reason to withdraw your support from these two horrifically corrupt political parties—what the hell would be?

What if I told you that I could prove the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to subvert the rule of law? You know, conspiring together to strip away everyone’s constitutional rights--including yours. Would proof of treason be enough of a reason to withdraw your support from these two bought and paid for political parties? Well, I have that proof. I put it in a book. All you have to do is read it. (There is a link for a free digital copy in this post.)

My name is Ted Martin. I have finished writing a book about my first hand encounters with a morbidly corrupt federal judicial system. The book is titled: The Illusion of Justice and contains documented, incontrovertible proof of widespread systemic corruption in the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, the Administrative Office of United States Courts, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The Supreme Court not only ignored two of the most egregious cases of judicial misconduct imaginable (my cases) but also an amicus brief by former Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner in which he blows the whistle on rampant corruption in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Judge Posner’s amicus brief can be found on the Supreme Court’s website at www.supremecourt.gov (Go to CASE DOCUMENTS at the bottom of the web page and click Docket Search. Enter 17-8352 in the box and click SEARCH. When Docket for 17-8352 appears, click it to find Judge Posner’s amicus brief.)

It will be painfully obvious to anyone who reads my book (or Judges Posner’s amicus brief) that the Supreme Court denies certiorari without even bothering to read the petitions submitted by the citizens of the United States. This obscene betrayal of the public trust is a clear-cut violation of every Justice’s judicial oath and a crime under federal law that is commonly referred to as honest services fraud.

In short, my book proves that the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt corporate judges who will never side with the American people. This was abundantly clear when Senator Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee repeatedly refused to use irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett (a Republican nominee) at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.

This bipartisan band of seditious conspirators also refused to address the underlying corruption in clear violation of their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

The only difference between the two major political parties is the rhetoric. The special interest groups running this country don’t give a damn which bribe taking stooge you vote for or even if you vote at all. They have already successfully rigged every election by controlling “our” choices.

The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties have been caught red-handed conspiring to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with you. If there was ever a reason to be a one issue voter, this is it. Besides, any politician caught lying about their fidelity to the Constitution and laws of the United States is obviously lying about everything—particularly their agenda.

Republicans push the corrupt corporate agenda. Democrats pretend to be opposed. Together, they sell their offices to the highest bidders. They foment war for the military industrial complex, promote racism for the prison industrial complex, refuse to restrict access to assault weapons for the gun manufactures, permit large quantities of toxic cancer causing chemicals to be dumped into our air, land, and water for the chemical manufactures, deny needed medical care to our country’s citizens for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and turn a willful blind eye to the catastrophic effects of global warming for the fossil fuel industries. The list of their greed fueled crimes against humanity goes on and on.

Voting your current elected representatives out of office should be a no brainer. But, to make sure that they are not replaced with another batch of equally corrupt corporate stooges, we’re also going to have to take back both the Republican and Democratic parties and get the money out of politics.

While this may appear to be a daunting task, all we really need is a sound plan. After giving this matter some careful consideration, I have the following proposal: We agree to put aside all of our ideological differences and unite as Americans in support of the Constitution of the United States.

If you read my book, it really won’t be that difficult. You will know who the real enemy is and it certainly isn’t your fellow citizens. We just need to become one issue voters. Ignore their contrived wedge issues, bullshit talking points, and cringe worthy campaign ads. If they are not fighting tooth and nail to get the money out of politics—don’t legitimize them with your vote.

Seriously, if in doubt—throw them out. Besides, any government official who is not forcefully calling for the resignations of the corrupt leaders of their own political party is, by definition, violating their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Whether Republican or Democrat, a treasonous corporate criminal is a treasonous corporate criminal, they serve the same master and nothing is going to change until we get the money out of politics.

*You get the money out of politics by publicly funding elections, banning all campaign contributions, and, in exchange for their broadcasting/operating licenses, requiring news organizations to give every candidate for public office an equal amount of free advertising space.

In the future, I may write a book titled: The Illusion of Journalism. But for now, I’m just going to say that the media is not going to help anyone blow the whistle on their partners in crime. In the past four years, I couldn’t find a single news organization that hadn’t sold us out.

All an honest journalist would have to do is read Judge Posner’s amicus brief to know that the courts are irretrievably corrupt. Reading my book will conclusively show that the courts are corrupt by design.

If you want a government that actually acts in your best interests, I urge you and everyone you know to read my book as soon as possible. You can get a digital copy of my book free of charge at the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_vaMH1riLodzOfQn0kI7ow0RDrPM0NqE/view?usp=sharing

P.S. I blame the Federalist Society for the corruption in the federal judicial system. The six so-called conservative justices on the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell, William Barr, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are members of the Federalist Society. Donald Trump picked “his” judicial nominees from lists provided by the Federalist Society.

I didn’t know that the Democrats were in on it until I tried to give them proof of judicial misconduct by Amy Coney Barrett at her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. If you would like to read about their reprehensible conduct, you can skip ahead to the Postscript on page 221 of my book. But, by all means, read the rest of the book. The courts are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine!

The judges in both of my cases incorporated the defendant’s fraudulent defenses into their opinions even after I pointed out the fraud in every brief that I filed. These “judges” are clearly taking dictation from corporate defense counsel without even reading the plaintiff’s briefs. These black robed grifters obviously fixed both of my cases. But, by far, the worst part of the whole ordeal was knowing that they were systematically violating everyone’s constitutional rights—they just got caught violating mine.

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Mike, as soon as you posted about it last week, I saw that it was playing in DC and went to see it that day.

I sure hope it wakes some people up but I'm frankly not optimistic.

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