
So much to think about…

First, you reminded me of my fellow Time-traveling Janitor Union member, Buster Keaton. We always long for the good old days.


Jumping back and forward and so forth, if next week you talk about Hunter Biden, could you also find out what ever became of that slime pool involving Qatar, Kushner and money money money, and the lovely building at 666 5th Avenue. (Yes, creepy, ain’t it)

There is no cavalry. We need to not need them. There’s the rub.

Did Tom Hanks ever get back to you about that horse ride in Time Square? You both would look cool in tricorn hats. You can ride a horse too.

Ring the Bell of Freedom!

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Thank you Mike, very informative. First question: Why were Commercials and soap operas exempted? News I can understand, that is a necessary service for everyone, But Commercials? they support the very people against whom you are striking, why help them? Soap operas I don't care about, never watched them, never will.

Second comment: Maui, last week President Biden declared Maui a National Emergency they will be getting Federal help FEMA as soon as possible. Unfortunately help runs slower than fire. I have a nephew who lives on Maui, he has several businesses there, all in food services. He, his family, and employees were busy packaging food for first responders and refugees. Also bringing bottled water. The State Government has had a slower response than the Federal Government. Governor Newsom has already sent fire crews and assistance from California and will be sending food (probably by air, so you won't see boats. Third comment: I'm proud to finally be in a minority. At 90+ I am still a raving liberal Democrat, also Caucasian. and have been for 84 years.

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Dear Michael, All I can say is “Thank You” again and again. Keep fighting the Good Fight !!!

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I think the whole Hunter Biden thing is sleazy and problematic for Dems and Biden. I will be interested in your take on this and on Joe Biden in general. I am tired of holding my nose and voting for a warmongering Democrat who spends money on the military industrial complex instead of the environment and healthcare.

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Thank you Michael. Love your singing voice. It's a mad mad world. xo

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Hey Michael, hopefully you are keeping your day job! teehee...... Seriously though, I just listened to David Hogg - a survivor of the Parkland shooting - who started Leaders We Deserve. I hope you can get behind him and his message as he represents the young people this country needs to hear from to create a safe and sustainable world for all. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed.

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I'm wondering what you think of the article written by William Baude & Michael Paulsen, active members of the Federalist Society, concluding that Trump is ineligible to run for President under section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Specifically, do you believe the Republican Party will take the article to heart & disqualify him? (long shot I know) Additionally, if he is disqualified by the 14th, what jeopardy does this place on States Attorney's General if they allow him to be placed on the ballots?

Thank you!

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Disaster ….Where is the Military to help ? Why hasn’t the Government not been there to help on Day one ? As for environment …Too many Automobiles ….Why has not Walt Disneys Monorails be used for mass transportation ….Bar Harbor Maine to Key west Florida right down I-95 ….Real estate is already there …..Trolley Cars ….non polluting ….been around since 1880 ….last forever ….Railroads Transportation destroyed since WW 2……..Walkable cities with ..Neighborhoods …..Like Philadelphia …..Items made from scratch here in the USA ……Way too much Throw away mentality …wasteful …Polluting

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Love the podcast. Barbie was off the charts good. They sent the National Guard when I was in Kauai in 1992. Homes were destroyed but this hurricane wind blown fire in Maui is dreadful.

I think “Where To Invade Next” should be required watching in grade school!

Thanks for all you do…from San Diego (Phillie transplant 50 years ago).

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The narrator of the enclosed audio essay has adroitly differentiated between authoritarianism and fascism. I think there is a lot of truth in what he is saying because both of these elements are gaining a lot of attention in the USA today. Years ago there was a press reporter, who Revealed that Trump was reading books about Italian fascism, Mussolini, and other dictators during the second world war. It does seem quite clear that Trump uses fascist language and his appeal draws people who are disenfranchised and looking for a powerful authoritarian fascist leader. I think we have a lot to be concerned about Here.

Please copy and share


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Good news today (Monday Aug. 14) from Montana --

Judge Kathy Seeley rules in favor of 16 young plaintiffs, ages 5 through 22, in the 1st US constitutional climate trial.

Also, thanks for the Broadway tip on your voice, Mike.

I sang all day yesterday to Billy Joel's "Turnstiles". Played it over and over. Needed the lift.

Lots of world stuff happening. Understatement!

Joining all in doing my bit. Conscious choices, discernment. Backbone, not wishbone!

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Thank you Michael. You have such a good way of putting things into perspective. Your voice is not bad either. I am appalled by the amount of money that is raised for campaign funding. We need a different way of doing things. Shorter campaign season means less money needed. Just in the last 24 hours I have received 28 requests for money for campaigns all around the country. I would have to be a billionaire to give to all. As it is I am retired and on fixed income so cannot give to all. I was horrified when the movie Barbie came out. After reading your reviews of it I think I will give it a try!

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Hi, Mike. I think you're a very good singer, and should record a CD. When you get going on a song, it's quite good. Yes, I'm as excited as you are about the Georgia indictments. Now, let's see Trump actually jailed for threatening witnesses. I think he's daring the judge to jail him. Well, the judge should in fact jail him.

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Thanks Michael. Yayy for Ohio. Sad for Maui. Thanks for the truth.

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Always so good to hear from Michael Moore!

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“Weird” Barbie here in Queens NYC agree with you about the film 🎥 I’m transplanted Ohioan and very proud of them.

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