We’re screwed, unless we vote them ALL out in every state, one every schools board, every state legislator and governor, every town, city and state. And, I hate to even write this today, because I DO feel we need different ideas and opinions in a Democratic Society, but THESE PEOPLE are NUTS!

In all my years, I’ve never felt so threatened by a society that’s gone so overboard in their thinking.

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Again, Michael, Thank you for giving me stories that were not covered properly because of other tragic news. I notice that I am relying on your podcast to be better informed…

As Always…Keep up the GOOD fight.

At times it is a challenge for me to adhere to my mantra..

“Focus on the LOVE and TRUST the process”

However, I have to trust there are others, like me that want to help, because of YOU.

My heart goes out to the people of Flint. I just donated a small amount.

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Damn I’m thankful for you and Rumble☮️❤️

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Mike, I’ll listen, but I already knew all about the murder of the Palestinian-American journalist. I think I knew about the Apple store, but I definitely did not know about the refusal to prosecute the Governor over the poisoning of Flint water. That last bit is outrageous.

Thank you.

Sorry about the person who thinks Israel is a democracy surrounded by haters. That is so FAR from the truth!

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Painful & overwhelming though it is, we SO appreciate your reminder about extremely important items/issues which have been drowned out. Where is the media regarding these . . .?

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Actually, I did know about all 3 of these stories, but they were watered down versions. Your podcast filled in a lot of detail which is so appreciated. Thank you. I think the story about Flint's water crisis that impacted so many people is one I will never forget. If ever anyone should be held accountable for such an atrocity, it is the former Governor, Snyder. Rachel Maddow promised to stay on top of this story. I hope she does a full segment on this and soon. The other story that has my hair on fire is the assassination of a beloved American citizen by Israeli forces. Why hasn't President Biden made this a priority? He assured us he and his Administration could walk and chew gum at the same time. I am not seeing it. Finally, as a loyal Apple consumer, close to abandoning all my Apple devices for a number of reasons, I was thrilled to hear the first story of employees successful union organizing. That is progress in the right direction. Thank you for shining a beacon on these very important stories. You are one of the greatest voices in our nation and one of a few people we can trust to give it to us straight. That courage and honesty is what defines a great leader, so thank you!

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Here's a News story you won't hear. Governor Gavin Newsom has a huge surplus over here in California and he's giving some back to taxpayers and people who has registered cars. To people who want abortions and immigrants that are undocumented. And those on SSI, that's the Blind, Disabled, Mentally ill, are going to get $39.00 a month more to help with inflation. Right he might as well spit in our eyes! What a miserable allotment to help those who are the poorest and need the most help.

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I just donated $100 to Flint Rising. Thank you for having these wonderful women on your show. The struggle continues.

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I also am a former Flint resident. I felt so sorry when Rachel Maddow first revealed the water troubles in Flint. I just contributed to FlintRising. Not a lot but what I can. I will try to remember my former friends and neighbors in Flint and contribute when my budget allows. I actually did read something about all three of the incidents Michael Moore reported here.

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I didn’t realize you were anti-Israel when I subscribed since I have always admired you. Israel is a democracy, but unlike ours, has vicious attackers surrounding it. Who are you to decide what happened over there? Please cancel my subscription!

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You need to know the truth about Israel. It’s been lied about for years. As Mike points out, if you’re not for Palestinians, you’re not for Israel. Israel has murdered many thousands of Palestinians over the years and stolen their land; it has always lied about this.

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I have more to add. Check out these Jewish historians: Norman

Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pape, Josh Ruebner.

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Jul 4, 2022
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Thank you! Well said. I see that you feel Zionism is “anti-Israel crap.” Well, it is.

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The Supreme Court has not made women second-class citizens. Republican-controlled states have. What the Supreme Court has done is ignore a time-honored principle of stare decisis. As an attorney, I am greatly offended by that. In my opinion, Roe was wrongly decided 50 years ago. We are a country that consists of 50 states each of which have the right to pass laws governing the residents of that state. The Tenth Amendment is quite clear that, unless the Constitution provides that a particular matter is to be governed federally, then the states have the right to govern that matter. There is nothing in the Constitution that provides that a woman's right to an abortion is to be governed federally. So, the states have the right to govern the right of women living in that state to get an abortion in that state. That being said, after the Roe decision was rendered, it became the law of the land that women should have the right to an abortion, and the law should have been honored. In my opinion, the law was not akin to the one upheld in Plessey v. Ferguson, which was a case in which the rule of stare decisis was ignored in Brown v. Board of Education.

While I believe that it is right to chastise the Court for ignoring the rule of stare decisis, doing so achieves nothing. It is time to stop whining about what the Court has done and for each of us to take action within our separate states so that our states' residents will have the right to an abortion.

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Hi Mike,

I have just now found your podcast that talks about Shireen Abu Akleh's death at the hands of the Israeli IDF and have posted it to my Facebook Page. Now Biden has come back from Israel and our State Dept is still not doing any independent investigation of Shireen's murder. The Rebuilding Alliance's Donna Baranski-Walker was able to visit the Abu Akleh home and talk to the family in May and she just left on Aug 10th for I/P to lead staffers from 8 different offices in the US, who are coming Aug 13th to Sunday, Aug 21st to vist I/P. Getting our Congress people to the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza to see for themselves what is going on is probably the most important thing we can do right now. I also am glad you put the links to the Senate Letter and House Letter and those need to get Media attention. AIPAC is still running the show in Congress because of its large donations to those who need them to get reelected no matter Democrat or Republican as long as they are pro-Israel, anti-Boycott, etc. I am glad that you are involved, much gratitude.

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I only knew about this because it was Status Coups topic Tuesday-Jordan is so outraged and frustrated he said if it were between Biden and dump he'd vote for dump because he at least takes control and does something - despite the fascist threat. He was serious

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It looks as if I can’t edit my comment. I see at least one typo I’d like to correct.

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Jul 5, 2022
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Okay! Thanks. This is strange. I’m able to correct my postings on Robert Reich’s Substack.

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Okay, I’ve listened. Wow! I’m so glad to have hears from each of the speakers.

I’d like to tar the pants of that ex-Governor of Michigan and his cronies. I’ll bet that, even if he had known what was coming, he’d still have done what he did. That comment by somebody very high up (I forget who) that if Washington helped Flint, it would have to help ALL the poisoned cities--you don’t say! Well then, it DOES have to help all the poisoned cities. Let it start now.

Biden has to stop playing it safe and call for that investigation of Shireen’s death. Every minute we spend kowtowing to that monster Israel is a moment we’ll have to regret for eternity.

Hooray for the Apple employees in that store! (I’m typing this on an Apple iPhone. 😀). Yes, the union march is on at last. Even after Jeff Bezos came back down to earth and spent millions fighting Amazon unionization, he didn’t get all the results he wanted, poor thing. Now, I’m a socialist, and I’ll tell you: While it’s true that Apple shareholders and super honchos will make more money when they have happy employees, really all those profits should go to the workers themselves. Profits are for people who didn’t work for them.

Keep on keeping on. Thanks, Mike.

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