Intercourse can now result in an unwanted pregnancy that could either produce a death sentence or a felony conviction for any woman capable of and in child bearing age. So, ladies tell him to strap on that condom or he can go _______himself!

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What I would like to say is "have him prove that he has been neutered" which, I am sure, would be a better experience than carrying a baby that was conceived by rape. But what I will say is - please surround yourself with men who actually have respect for a woman.

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Screw the condom! Find yourself a nice vibrator!

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A Lysistrata moment, perhaps? No woman will have sex until abortion is nationally legalized!

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Now you're talking. Indigenous women tired of burying their sons, "motivated" their men to make peace with neighboring tribes, by denying sex until they figured out a way to stop killing the babies.

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I knew I liked those indigenous women for a reason!

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Love it!

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Tell him he's eating that pussy, not fucking it.

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Yea, I do like the idea about forced vasectomies when boys turn 10. Someone was talking about that on Thom Hartmann today. I guess it’s really easy to reverse nowadays. And not allowing it to be reversed unless a man was financially and emotionally able to raise a child. But, I think, “ no sex with men until we have an equal seat at the table!

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True words, Michael. I haven't been this devastated since "he who shall not be named" won the election in 2016. But surprised, no. This country is losing its grip and we are a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

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I live in Europe where it’s easier to see how the rest of the world feels about America and I’m afraid that it’s not laughing…

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I stand corrected, it's weeping for us.

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Weeping. Disappointed, and angry too. One person said poignantly after complaining about the US to me, “it was always our dream, the world’s dream.”

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now it's our nightmare! November is likely our last chance and around here (Oklahoma) there are so many who are trumpist and will vote R no matter what.

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I'm as furious and frustrated as when drumpf was elected. I'm 79 my daughter 53 it won't affect us. It's a sign of worse to come and we're marching straight to fascism. Nazis everywhere Canada too. Believe it or not call me crazy extremist it's happening - they are winning and will continue to if we don't unify - all Progressives must stop infighting and start cooperating with each other.

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I don’t think you’re crazy - I think you’re seeing clearly through the smokescreens.

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Thank you 😊

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Never forget: If the Democrats had not rigged the 2016 Primary while promoting Trump as their favored "Pied Piper" GOP opponent, there wouldn't be three Trump-appointed reactionaries on the Supreme Court (for the foreseeable future).

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Bingo! It’s easy to point fingers at the Republicans but the DNC installing HIllary has opened the door for all this.

If the DNC had allowed the primary to play out, we would not be where we are. People are tired of hearing me/us say it, but I truly believe Bernie would have won. And NONE of this would be happening now.

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If the group supporting rights focuses on blaming the DNC, democracy ends. The powerful want you to stay dissatisfied and disappointed. The margins are so limited now and the state control so uneven, Republicans will complete their full sweep while you are all looking in the rearview mirror.

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I agree.... whatever happened is in the past and we have to fight and move forward.Absolutely!

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I voted for Joe. I do my part. I just don’t think it’s right to never acknowledge the crookedness and underhandedness that has gone on.

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There is a history of caving for power - and apathetic voters. Most of the country doesn't identify with either party - and that means they tend to not vote in primaries and midterms. The result is that extreme doesn't produce consequences. Those in power (who have no allegiance to the constitution or governing) love to have voters disappointed or waring - because it gives them power to lie and control. Right now, all retrospective criticism fuels the apathy and gives independents a way to rationalize staying at home or voting their wallet. This is not a normal fight - the Republicans of the 50s built the interstate. They were not like the current group. Starting in the 80s, the language wars started and Government became the problem, all taxes were bad, both parties were the same, and unions are crooked. Regulation is making your costs go up and everyone who isn't well off is just lazy.

We all need to understand the current threat. Republicans take control in 2020 and there is no voting. Losses are state by state.

And this is NOT about Trump and never was. They use him because they believe he can win. And he is probably fueling Russian funds into the rest of the Republican party through the dark money routes the republicans fight to leave in place. Putin would love to conquer US democracy. And if republicans do not understand he will claim that victory for his role in contributing to all of this, they are naive and do not understand pure evil.

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Absolutely agree! They crowned her just before CA voted in the primary because they knew he would win CA and they didn't want him in! Our one Socialist council member in Seattle said the DNC would rather have trumpo then BERNIE! It was as hard thing to believe at the time, but boy was she spot on!

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Linda, I was working at the Charlotte airport at the time. I got to work around 3:00 pm, and there was a big picture of HIllary saying she’d won the primary. (On the big screens that continuously scroll news and photos. I don’t know what they are called, but they are all over the airport).

3:00 pm in Charlotte is noon in California. It was the day California was supposed to vote. I was shocked.

It also occurred to me that passengers flying to CA might not bother to vote that day because Hillary had already won.

It was outrageous to me. The DNC didn’t even bother to hide it at all.

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This degrading of our Country stated well before Hillary. In fact probably right after the Civil War.

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From the very beginning humans have hurt, killed and shamed other humans. But we are also humans who have healed, rescued, and uplifted other humans. The human condition is baffling.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Totally agree. Bernie got screwed twice by DNC. Now we are seeing the consequences.

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What about the 2020 primary? That didn't play out.

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Ruth, I was sick listening to James Comey. 🤮

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I was sick listening to James Comey say “no reasonable person” would convict her.

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There is a lot of truth in your statement. I'm afraid we have no future in the US. I'm sickened by this country.

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I totally agree, please tell me why we still call it "The United States of America" when obviously, well, where is the "united"??

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I agree also , which is why I am an expat living in exile in Canada, which unfortunately has become almost as fascist as the DSofA…(The Divided States of America) so so sad & disheartening…continue to raise your vibrational frequency to counteract these very backward paradigms…I invite you all to read “The Intention Experiment “ by Lynne McTaggart and become part of the Experiment to change “the Field” through positive thoughts & intentions…Bless you All. I believe in your Compassion & Peaceful Intentions !!!

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

As a party, we have to stop fighting the last war. You have no idea if Bernie would have actually won, and if he did, if Trump would be president now. And if Trump was President now, and his Trump Moscow tower was being built, where would the world be? You might as well say that Hillary should have been the nominee instead of Obama, because after eight years of her, Obama might have beaten Trump. None of that matters. Fight the next war. If you don't like the party apparatus, try to get into it and make changes. From what I have seen, the reality of governing the party is a lot more complicated than most of us think.

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Or we fight the last war. We stop talking and follow those among us who know enough to orchestrate an action by all of us that can maybe, actually change everything. Strip it all down, re-organize, vet our leaders for the good in them, place even numbers of females and males at the top rung. Fair females. Fair males. If they are 1% and we are 99, why the fuck are we so scared? We've got 1 bitch, and 99 problems right now so to speak. Who can intelligently map out a plan? Organize and tell us what to do for real. For example, everyone behind re-claiming our country by and for the working class who deserve every opportunity for a good and full life plan on this date to that date to converge here or there and here are the marching orders. I would actively get behind that! Blind faith, no parties, colors or differences. Just a take over. And go from there. Think like lawyers - loopholes, loopholes. The priviledged use them all the time. So can we. Can't we?

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I totally believe if Bernie won the nomination he would have won the presidency...Trump was scared of Bernie, he was not scared of Biden.

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if Trump runs against Biden, or one of his acolytes in 2024, Trump, will laugh himself all the way to the presidency. Not that I would vote for him mind you,

I'll probably now be one of those people that tells the DCC to go fuck themselves, and shit my pants hoping Trump doesn't get re-elected.

But vote for team failure again.....I think not.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

I didn't say Bernie wouldn't have won in 2016. I think it's very hard to say. I spoke to people in New Hampshire that day who probably would have voted Bernie over Trump (who voted Trump over Hillary) but they didn't have six months of the right wing machine attacking Bernie factoring in. My point is that even if Bernie had won, that would have given Trump four years to profit off media and certain likely foreign investments--both the things he really wanted at the time, you could tell in the escalator footage election night that he didn't want to win then. And just what would that machine do to four years of a Bernie presidency with a split Congress, or Republican one. I'm sorry but I don't think Bernie has ever demonstrated he could out message Trump or Hannity, and he went hard after Manchin to no avail. It doesn't matter. We need more than just ourselves and leaders who can lead.

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The presidency of 45 just keeps on producing repercussions.

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Or if Barack Obama had been outraged enough to take his Merrick Garland nomination to the country via a prime time Oval Office address but alas that’s history, a very flaccid history at that!

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Profound mandate!! We have really entered a new time in our lives where nothing humane can be taken for granted!! Systemic mysogeny, Jane Crow, now is welded to systemic racism as the class and caste totalitarian dictatorship is playing its last card for keeps! We need each other more than every in our lifetimes as no US institution serves us as it is!

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If the "FREEDOM TO VOTE ACT " is not already in place early enough before the MIDTERM ELECTIONS this November, then Republicans will win TOTAL CONTROL OF CONGRESS.

IF THAT HAPPENS, Republicans will REVERSE everything that President Biden has accomplished including the "BUILD BACK BETTER ACT" (Should it become law before then)

And Republicans will STOP the investigation into the Jan 6, insurrection claiming that the attack on the capital was completely legal.

Then Trump or someone just like him will be back in the white house in 2024.

Because our voting rights are being stolen by Republicans who are viciously passing anti voting laws---many more Americans are going to lose the right to vote. Without our right to vote we will lose many of our precious rights and freedoms.

Trump-Republicans are attacking our Democratic norms. They want to control who gets to vote, who counts the votes, and who declares the winners.

All Americans with websites and media platforms who believe in DEMOCRACY and the RULE OF LAW must immediately urge Americans to PEACEFULLY take to the streets in protest to protect our voting rights and to REVERSE Republican anti voting laws before it is too late to do anything about it.

As an American who loves the precious freedoms of the United States, I cannot sit back and watch our FREEDOM TO VOTE disappear without doing everything I can to help stop this from happening.

Because of the URGENCY of this situation, and with all due respect, I must demand that you ADD to your website's agenda to: PLEASE URGE YOUR READERS TO PEACEFULLY TAKE TO THE STREETS TO PROTECT OUR VOTING RIGHTS IMMEDIATELY.

Because Republicans have passed Anti Voting laws into their favor, including the right to DECERTIFY AND OVERTURN AN ELECTION, they will illegally win in all future elections.

SO FAR Republicans have passed over 400 new anti-voting laws in 49 states using false allegations of voter fraud. Making it much harder for people to vote..


CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS have said that they will OVERTURN any election that does not go their way.


Without the FREEDOM TO VOTE ACT, all parties (except The Republican party) will no longer be able to win elections.

The "Freedom To Vote act" will REVERSE all Republicans ANTI VOTING laws and PROTECT our right to vote.

And if the filibuster still stands in the way, then it must be abolished.

Please push for peaceful mass protests to protect and restore our voting rights before Trumps Republicans succeed in an authoritarianism takeover of the United States.

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And they must commit to refuse to vote for any Republican candidate at any level AND commit to voting in all elections including local elections.

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Thanks for this call to action. I too believe in peaceful demonstrations.

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You're welcome, thank you

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What are people supposed to do in the streets? How do you think that will affect Manchin and Sinema? When in the last ten years has hitting the streets actually caused legislation? We need actual plans.

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Vote? And bring 5 voters with me?

I am done with voting. I voted for Sleepy Joe & he does nothing! No M4A, no $15, no free college, etc. All Dems do is blame the voters. Sleepy Joe says vote for more pro-choice Dems. Right. Where’s the codification of Roe Congress has had 50 years to do? Voting doesn’t matter! All of then, Dems & Repugs, only do what their Giant Donors want.

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If you do not vote, then you are fine with authoritarian rule. These are not normal times. We are being attacked at a fundamental level and if we lose this attack, there is no getting it back. Vote out all Republicans at all levels while votes still count. Think of what would have passed if the margins in the House and Senate were larger. Understand that the State threats are because the states are controlled by Republicans.

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Joanne, you and nearly all other Americans would agree with you. We either vote or have an authoritarian rule. This is a false dichotomy. I'm sorry you had to go through the mainstream US education system (like me). Please stop and think about what Michael said: "70% of citizens want one thing and we don't get it." This particular issue is very known, very concerning to 99% of the voters (1% are undecided) and the percentage of "pro Roe" has remained fairly constant for decades.

There is an important lesson for us to learn from this. Voting doesn't capture the will of the people. You can claim that the US process of voting is flawed. But look around the world. Just about all voting processes are flawed. So do we blame America or do we blame the common denominator: voting?

The first conclusion is that voting simply does not capture the will of the people. I know this is counter to everything most of us have believed since 5th grade, but its just the way it is. 2nd, voting tends not to make optimal decisions for the voters/citizens. Sure its better than authoritarian, but as Sierra states, we have authoritarian rule now. Not as drastic as some countries, but I can tell you from personal experience with our congress, both parties' representatives are more concerned with re-election than policy (though the dems are a little better). If you had met congresspeople and told them solutions that are better for achieving their stated goals than what they are now backing and watched them throw out the better idea with no rationale, (like I have too many times) you'd understand this.

The failure to imagine a better process for gov is endemic in the USA (and most of the world) If you lack the creativity to come up with something better than voting, you can see my solution at whycantwe.org The book for my MIT course (at that URL) describes REASONOCRACY, a form of government that uses reason, not power (like "democracy" and authoritarianism) for making resource allocation decisions.

I will vote in the next election pro Roe. But this is a bandaid, not a solution. The sooner we move to something better than voting, the sooner we'll have a government that both respects the will of the people AND acts in their LONG TERM best interests.

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We have authorian rule now. We can protest, scream, complain or whatever, we get the same clowns to vote for. They keep doing nothing.

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Pres. Biden hasn’t accomplished things like medicare for all, $15 min. wage and free college because republicans and rogue- in name only dems-(Manchin, Sinema) blocked him. Plus he’s been in office for only a year and a half. The real culprit is money.

Campaign donations are nothing more than bribes thanks to the Supreme Crt. decision re Citizens United. The biggest campaign donations republicans get are from corporations because the gop caters to them. For example, the permanent tax break Trump gave Corporations & the rich immediately after taking office and the pandemic relief money went almost entirely to corporations when Trump was Pres. Once Biden was Pres. he reversed that. Families got the bulk of pandemic relief money.

Republicans began catering to evangelicals decades ago in order to get their votes & their money. Same for white supremacists. Same for Russia. If democrats can manage to get a clear majority (instead of a majority by one or two votes like we have now) in both the House & the Senate this November, we can accomplish those things you brought up and much more!

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I agree heartily. Dems not going to the polls or submitting ballots by mail is the result we got. All of us who believe this stuff is wrong need to get our ballots in and vote out all these nitwits Rs who are forcing us in this direction. This Supreme Court is anything but supreme if this majority opinion stands.

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We already do vote that way. We have to convince more of the vast white Midwest middle and many drifting Latin/hispanic voters (who I think mostly want a good economy, and are not always super keen on choice) to see the insanity and vote with us. They are afraid of change on one hand, and socialism on the other, to vastly oversimplify. I don't know how to do this. But you have to overcome gerrymandering and this is the only way I know.

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Right now we are in deep doo doo. The leaked Sup. Crt. opinion on overturning Roe should frighten everyone. If the Alito opinion is the final opinion, it will be only the first right we will lose. Republicans will continue trying to control our lives in every way they can. If they prevail they will fundamentally change the way all Americans live.

At this point Trump supporters will be absolutely, 100% unmoved by factual information about what happened on 1/6, and I don’t think democrats or AG Garland understand that. Trump has been using mind-control techniques on his supporters. You might think that’s ridiculous but this article talks about it:

“It’s a frightening prospect to consider millions of Americans being brainwashed by a reality-TV celebrity with a now defunct Twitter feed. Though his departure from office has certainly shaken some of his most conspiracy-addled devotees, others are doubling down, insistent that Joe Biden’s inauguration is all part of Trump’s plan, or determined to follow him as he promises to “be back in some form.” My definition of an authoritarian cult is these four components are used to change the person into a mirror or a clone of the cult, that is dependent and obedient. As a mental health professional, we think of that as a dissociative disorder. Where the person’s real self is still there, it’s just suppressed. This new identity has taken over, and thought-stopping mechanisms and phobias are installed in the cult identity to keep it in control.” From Vanity Fair, by Joe Hagan, 1/21/21.

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I so share your feelings AND we have to vote! There are some good progressives who are working hard and we need to support them on all levels from our city to our federal government. Please vote - it may not seem like much, but it is a tool we have.

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I share your frustration, but there are other alternatives to retreating. They would require ingenuity and effort - I think Mike is pushing in that direction but are we up to doing the work involved ?

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We have to vote for people who are not Dems or GOP.

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I agree and think we are hampered by the dominance of only two parties.

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When I refuse to vote the the lesser of two evils, most people tell me I'm throwing my vote away. No! They throw their votes away! I am standing up for candidates who aren't evil. I'm waiting for enough of the rest of the voters be as fed up as they should be.

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Most elections are actually what I call the evil of two lessers.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Good (short) Harvard Business Review video on the lock by the two parties:


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I feel like its all evil all time time.

Then when there is one singly ray of hope, like Nina Turner, its gets squashed.....


anger, anger, anger...


Remind me how I am not supposed to give in to despair?

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I think if we vote for candidates who don't make hold our noses as we vote, good people who not playing footsie with the GOP or the Dems, people who make us feel proud to support them, even if they didn't get elected, enough votes may send strong messages to the establishment sellouts that their base is shrinking.

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Yes, that worked so well in 2000, because it's what got us Alito and Roberts. Unless you are taking about voting for Evan McMullin.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

I agree with you, and I suspect you will still vote and I will. But isn't the real problem that there are no plans to actually turn votes into leverage? No plans to try to flip Senators, or build a message in the right states, and no best practices for how to talk to people so they don't think you are a left wing lunatic socialist? I think our leaders need to lead us. And Biden is not a leader in this way. Frankly, Trump is, which is how he won. A leader of lies, but he does lead. I think Bernie could, but he never had any plans either. We have to have something to do.

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Organize & fight. Solidarity

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No church or religion has the right to deny women control over their reproductive process! The Catholic Church and Christianity has caused so much human suffering in the name of what is supposed to be a LOVING GOD!

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and yet...they do....6 Catholics on the supreme court....Christian Right legislation everywhere.

its what republicans stand for.

Its not supposed to be what democrats stand for.

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My generation fought to win the pro-choice law, and now, this horrible decision, from the leaked draft of the Supreme Court, and its implications that Roe V Wade will be overturned, is the most awful news women can imagine. I fear for my daughters and granddaughter's future.! Governments in other countries bow to the will of the people, and Americans, it turns out, are afraid of their government, with good reason. People, please listen to the NPR program which aired today called IA, as the speakers list all areas of the basic health of females which will have drastic implications from the ban of Roe V Wade, it's not just about abortion, it's about control of females' total body! Michael, you are the best voice that we have, we cannot thank you enough for outlining and distributing to your group what we all are dreading!!! Bless you!!

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Thank you once again for lighting a fire under my derrière- I just ordered a banner for my balcony here in Mount Dora Florida.

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I thank you for your well written essay. Our religious freedom is rapidly being questioned and lost. I am a 59 year old black woman who has lost faith in just about all politicians. I have always voted but now I’m just discouraged.

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We all need to #dumptheincumbents . And seriously! VOTE THEM ALL OUT! REPLACE THEM WITH WOMEN!

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Unfortunately not all women support the freedom of choice the majority of all citizens want. If only it were as simple as this. Unfortunately, it will take more than voting, tireless and consistent activism, to offset the forces that are working so vehemently and expensively for the minority that stops at No Thing to retain power and diminish others.

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It is called Term limits - when did that fight disappear?

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And it doesn’t even have to be a law! Stop re-electing them ad nauseum!

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the problem with electing women is the WRONG women get elected.

I don't want Shontel brown.

I want


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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

Please don’t get discouraged. We have to have the courage that those 15 and 16 year olds displayed when they fought for our Independence. “Private Yankee Doodle” on Amazon.

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I know how discouraging this can be to those that are minorities. Please don't wait voting, this is all we have right now!

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It all seems pointless. Maybe I’m just depressed.

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It only seems pointless - but we have the power to make changes that we aren’t using. We have the responsibility to turn things around.

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You are, and who could blame you?! But remember, it's depression--I know that sound well. When it gets it's grip on you it can tell you a hot fudge sundae tastes like burnt beans. One effective way out is to ACT AS IF YOU'RE NOT DEPRESSED. In a year like this that means writing postcards, phone-banking (for Field Team 6 or Swing Blue if you don't live in a needy state), signing up to work at your polling station on Election Day or drive handicapped people to the polls.

I'm white but supporting only Black women (plus a few Black men like John King for governor in KY and Lee Merritt for att'y governor in TX). We need a change! Working for it will cure you, even if the effort fails, this time.

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Just when I stert thinking things won't get worse, they do. My life was saved by an abortion. If the same thing were to happen today, I would die in more states than I would be able to get life saving care. After the release of the opinion, a person with an incomplete miscarriage or a severe problem there would be few states where a life saving procedure would be allowed.

And I do agree that same sex couples as well as mixed ethnicities will be next.

We cannot allow some people to be LESS equal than others. We cannot allow states to determine who lives or dies, who gets care or no care.

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Jesus weeps and then....GET'S REALLY PISSED. I know so many who use his name in their self-righteous superiority complex cries. Sick of it. We need to outLOVE abortion not outlaw it. If we had comprehensive sexual health education (such as the Our Whole Lives program) and got religion out of that too, there would be support for our young people who choose to be sexually active (because, duh...that's how we were created!) and the love and compassion given to those that have to make hard decisions would change the world. But no. Let's JUDGE, JUDGE, JUDGE, and stamp our feet until everyone falls in line with our puritanical ideals for humanity.

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I'd say Fuck Jesus, but that's not really the problem, its the people who claim to be worshiping Jesus, they are the problem. Them and the Old testament God worshipers.

We need atheists and agnostics on the supreme court.

lol, sometimes I wonder what a Satanist supreme court would look like.

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As a Christian minister my job is to understand and help others understand that Jesus was called by an ineffable Power to interrupt how religion, colluding with an unjust government, was misrepresenting a loving and just god. I feel it is my calling to do the same. My colleagues (from many different faith traditions) use every opportunity to call out fundamentalism which is death, and to lift up the Spirit of Love and Generosity.

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Amen, Michael. For the first time in my 62 years, I'm actually ashamed to call myself an American.

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You can't wait until November - there are elections going on at many other points in time. Michigan had an election yesterday - May 3rd. The impact of the draft decision language is more fundamental than this one right. The rule of law is non-existent if precedence is not respected and if decisions can decrease rights. The lifetime appointments of justices put these supreme rulers in place without any requirement to uphold the constitution, fundamental rights at a National level, or any aspect of Democracy. What are we without the rule of law?

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In my lifetime I prersonally know of two women who died because of a basement abortion. One, my sister in law who had a two year old child and my brother was in the service in WWII. She lived with her parents while my brother was fighting for our country. She got pregnant when my brother got a quick visit before he was shipped out. He mother was afraid he would be killed, leaving her a widow with two young children. She died a horrible death.

The second person was a friends mother , who was a registered nurse. She had twins and another child. When she became pregnant she was overwhelmed, so she “gave herself” an abortion. She died leaving all three children without a mother. Need I say more? This will happen again. Shameful of our judicial system. No more Catholics for the Supreme Court. Brett Kavansugh lied TWICE! One to Susan Collins and second to the woman he helped his friend molest. Can we ever trust him again to make a decision that goes against HIS so called religion? 😡

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It’s truly tragic that illegal abortions will start up again with the horrific consequences like you describe.

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