Why is a party switch even allowed during term. Voters didn’t vote her in as an independent but as a democrat. 🌊 #VoteBlue

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Not your job but you always calm me down and make me feel better, Michael. Thank you for that!

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I know, right? He’s like part of my family now. I’ve adopted him. I adore him. (Not in a creepy celebrity-worshipping way, that’s not nice at all). I am so glad I stumbled upon his podcasts months ago.

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It isn't really a set back, just a little glitch. We have to keep our cool and just take deep breaths and not panic. As always, you are the vvoice of reason. Thank you for all your calming spirit.

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Michael, you do such a good job of putting things into perspective. Thanks for this dose of reality. Even though Sinema is infuriating, she's better than any GOP senator that would get elected in Arizona. Same with Manchin I suppose.

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We in GA elected two Democratic senators in a runoff on January 5 --- January 5, 2021. We re-elected our beloved brother Raphael this week and dammit, I wasn't going to let anything spoil that. A voice of reason and kindness forever, Michael Francis. Cheers, mate.

I was just a mite upset this morning, but not really worried. And your broadcast got the tears flowing, but NOT for the reason you'd expect. The Muses were working for us ... and I put on the Waterboys' song "And a BANG on the Ear." .. I'm going to write a verse of love to Kyrsten and send it to her, c/o Rumble.

We're gonna be just fine.

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Thank you Michael! You never cease to be a voice of reason, facts and calm.

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Thanks for the emergency podcast, I feel better!


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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

Sinema may have voted 93% of the time with Biden, but some of that legislation was probably critically compromised in order to get her yes vote. She is the epitome of a sell out, plain and simple. Regardless, this is a very insightful perception. Thank you as always.

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You need to do your homework. My understanding is that this may change rules in the senate giving the other party more say about how bills are able to get out of committee and on to being actually voted on and this applies to judicial nominations as well. Please prove me wrong! She is smart enough to operate in this way and look cooperative all the while.

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Wow. I agree a substack about this would be helpful.

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Well, she’s says she will still vote the way she has and caucus with democrats but it sure looks like she’s willingly causing damage.

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Hi Michael. Yes! Thanks for that. Who Sinema is won't change. Ditto for Manchin. He will still vote like a Republic when it suits him. On a broader note, might you remind Americans that Dec 10 is UN Human Rights Day? Amnesty International is sponsoring "Write for Rights" and we can write a letter, educate ourselves, help others!!!

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Awesomeness 👌 👏 👍 😍 you helped me down from the ceiling 😀.

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Whats to freak out about? she was never a true Dem in the first place; to call her a purple democrat would be a stretch. She is more like a purple Republican.

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Thanks, you're remarks are spot on.

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Whew!!!!! Thanks again Michael.

I was panicky about her change of ‘face’. Now, with your timely reminds, I can continue breathing.

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Thank you Michael for keeping the calm. I totally agree with you!

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Wow! You work so hard to educate us all- I learn so much listening! The hammering in the background was the working person’s connection to daily life… thank you once again for a wonderful surprise for my brain this Friday night.

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