Roevember! I am going to call it that from now on. Michael Moore, I do not know any other person that I agree with more than you. We the people....still are barely in charge....but we are.
Thankfully, Kansas won’t be the laughing stock of the nation! Am proud of my neighboring state for standing up for women’s rights and not falling for the tricky wording on the ballot!
Once again, thank you, Michael Moore, for your very welcome, enthusiastic, and encouraging remarks. Best news I have heard in a long time. You continue to be the voice of reason and, as always, you speak for truth, social justice, and human rights. And, as always, I am inspired by you!
As I've posted on FB, it's time we consider reining in "Free Speech" when it's employed to fracture our government through deliberate lies, the effect of which threatens to destroy our nation as in Trump's "Big Lie" and this Kansas "yes" vote scam. If we can enact laws that forbids lying to the FBI, or to lie in court, we can damn sure forbid the above examples that threaten our very existence as a democratic Republic.
In this case, its more a "Vote for common sense" than anything else. "Free Speech is a great concept and a bulwark to democracy but as with anything else, it can be abused and it would be difficult to find anything, in our brief history, more abusive that the 4 yr. reign of the lying, moronic menace from NYC, the nation's thriving cesspool of miscreants. And if voting is the "voice of the people" what could possibly be more important than preserving it from distortion by conscious lies, as in the Kansas case, to the point where any number of citizens are unsure of what they're voting for? Lying to the people, orally or in any other form, when they're in the process of exercising their vital 'role in government', should be a felony, with a very stiff penalty!
In 2017 , the American president averaged six lies a day. The next year it was sixteen, the following year twenty two. In 2020, he told on average about twenty-seven lies a day. This figure is so high that it makes the correct assertions seem like unintended oversights on the path to total fiction. 🥷🏻 - Timothy Snyder 📖 On Tyranny, Twenty lessons from the twentieth century
Please re-read my comment. My call for legislation was confined to situations where "public lies" had an effect on the public performing their duties related to the governing process aa well as the effect lies would have on the people understanding what a particular vote would or would not do. You're wrong, in that there's no law preventing anyone from lying to the public--politicians and con artists (is that redundant?) do it ALL THE TIME!
I usually report lies and propaganda to the admin, and one of my happiest moments were when one of David Duke’s lying and hateful comment was deleted from Twitter. I fought the white supremacists for years on social media until they realized I had to go. Twitter suspended me for good and Facebook put me in prison so many times that I left voluntarily. The enemy is within and in high places here in America. #Resist!
Michael, I am not surprised that Kansas stood up.! I have cousins in Kansas, and one thing I know is that there are some REAL Christians there, who are also patriotic Americans, who believe in the separation of Church and state, Far too many commentators simply assume that "red states" are Trump republicans. Let's not write them off as often as ignorant farmers. Let's get rid of the Electoral College and let the people speak, instead of lumping them into "red or blue districts.
I am so proud of the people in Kansas! Thank you Kansas for standing up for women! It means more Han you will ever know. Michael, you are one of the few out there that I trust. Thank you for continuing to speak truth to power. Let’s go folks and make this Blue tsunami happen in November!
I just got up, I haven’t listened to your podcast yet but will. I immediately turned on the TV, such great news! We need to keep the momentum going! We can do this in November, or as another listener said “Roevember”! There’s no reason “history” has to repeat itself and the R’s takeover. We need to make sure everyone VOTES! Our voices do matter! Thank you for all you do!
Although a staunch Catholic, your late mother would be applauding this development. Be sure to raise a glass to all those who believe in freedom and get ready to rumble.
The wave has started! It will be a tidal wave! The women of America will rise up to save their rights and seek even more rights that have been denied us!
Michael keep this wave going! You are my trusted truth teller! You bring out the best in humanity!
Take the victories where we can…Arizona needs to correct its recent primary results in Roevember. Stay strong, focused and committed to freedom for all😊☘️✌️
“This vote makes clear what we know: the majority of Americans agree that women should have access to abortion and should have the right to make their own health care decisions,” President Biden said in statement Tuesday night.”
“Vote in the off-year, and vote, vote, vote!” Biden declared. “That’s how we’ll change it.” 🗳 #VoteBlue for democracy!
Let the old patriarchs ride off into the sunset, America! 🤠
Finally, Kansas hears from its voters about abortion! These red State lawmakers just tried to shove reversal of Roe v Wade onto women without hearing from voters first.
Roevember! I am going to call it that from now on. Michael Moore, I do not know any other person that I agree with more than you. We the people....still are barely in charge....but we are.
Thankfully, Kansas won’t be the laughing stock of the nation! Am proud of my neighboring state for standing up for women’s rights and not falling for the tricky wording on the ballot!
Once again, thank you, Michael Moore, for your very welcome, enthusiastic, and encouraging remarks. Best news I have heard in a long time. You continue to be the voice of reason and, as always, you speak for truth, social justice, and human rights. And, as always, I am inspired by you!
As I've posted on FB, it's time we consider reining in "Free Speech" when it's employed to fracture our government through deliberate lies, the effect of which threatens to destroy our nation as in Trump's "Big Lie" and this Kansas "yes" vote scam. If we can enact laws that forbids lying to the FBI, or to lie in court, we can damn sure forbid the above examples that threaten our very existence as a democratic Republic.
Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide,
In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side. Vote blue for democracy 🗳
In this case, its more a "Vote for common sense" than anything else. "Free Speech is a great concept and a bulwark to democracy but as with anything else, it can be abused and it would be difficult to find anything, in our brief history, more abusive that the 4 yr. reign of the lying, moronic menace from NYC, the nation's thriving cesspool of miscreants. And if voting is the "voice of the people" what could possibly be more important than preserving it from distortion by conscious lies, as in the Kansas case, to the point where any number of citizens are unsure of what they're voting for? Lying to the people, orally or in any other form, when they're in the process of exercising their vital 'role in government', should be a felony, with a very stiff penalty!
In 2017 , the American president averaged six lies a day. The next year it was sixteen, the following year twenty two. In 2020, he told on average about twenty-seven lies a day. This figure is so high that it makes the correct assertions seem like unintended oversights on the path to total fiction. 🥷🏻 - Timothy Snyder 📖 On Tyranny, Twenty lessons from the twentieth century
Please re-read my comment. My call for legislation was confined to situations where "public lies" had an effect on the public performing their duties related to the governing process aa well as the effect lies would have on the people understanding what a particular vote would or would not do. You're wrong, in that there's no law preventing anyone from lying to the public--politicians and con artists (is that redundant?) do it ALL THE TIME!
I usually report lies and propaganda to the admin, and one of my happiest moments were when one of David Duke’s lying and hateful comment was deleted from Twitter. I fought the white supremacists for years on social media until they realized I had to go. Twitter suspended me for good and Facebook put me in prison so many times that I left voluntarily. The enemy is within and in high places here in America. #Resist!
Michael, I am not surprised that Kansas stood up.! I have cousins in Kansas, and one thing I know is that there are some REAL Christians there, who are also patriotic Americans, who believe in the separation of Church and state, Far too many commentators simply assume that "red states" are Trump republicans. Let's not write them off as often as ignorant farmers. Let's get rid of the Electoral College and let the people speak, instead of lumping them into "red or blue districts.
I am so proud of the people in Kansas! Thank you Kansas for standing up for women! It means more Han you will ever know. Michael, you are one of the few out there that I trust. Thank you for continuing to speak truth to power. Let’s go folks and make this Blue tsunami happen in November!
We’ll come into our own, and old Trump will disappear into Mar a Lago and not be heard from again.
I just got up, I haven’t listened to your podcast yet but will. I immediately turned on the TV, such great news! We need to keep the momentum going! We can do this in November, or as another listener said “Roevember”! There’s no reason “history” has to repeat itself and the R’s takeover. We need to make sure everyone VOTES! Our voices do matter! Thank you for all you do!
Although a staunch Catholic, your late mother would be applauding this development. Be sure to raise a glass to all those who believe in freedom and get ready to rumble.
The wave has started! It will be a tidal wave! The women of America will rise up to save their rights and seek even more rights that have been denied us!
Michael keep this wave going! You are my trusted truth teller! You bring out the best in humanity!
Just my opinion
Take the victories where we can…Arizona needs to correct its recent primary results in Roevember. Stay strong, focused and committed to freedom for all😊☘️✌️
“This vote makes clear what we know: the majority of Americans agree that women should have access to abortion and should have the right to make their own health care decisions,” President Biden said in statement Tuesday night.”
“Vote in the off-year, and vote, vote, vote!” Biden declared. “That’s how we’ll change it.” 🗳 #VoteBlue for democracy!
Let the old patriarchs ride off into the sunset, America! 🤠
This is such good news, and so brilliantly stated. I shared on my facebook page, thank you Michael! Roevember here we come!
Michael Moore, Thanks for your passionate support of truth, justice, and the American way. You are one of my heroes.
Finally, Kansas hears from its voters about abortion! These red State lawmakers just tried to shove reversal of Roe v Wade onto women without hearing from voters first.
So inspiring....time to GOTV here in rural Florida. Thanks Michael!