CNN is providing Donald Trump an exclusive, prime-time platform in his campaign for president.


Dear CNN, 

I am writing to express my utter disgust and disappointment with your coverage of a former president who attempted to orchestrate a violent insurrection against the United States because he did not win a second term. It is beyond comprehension that you would give any airtime or column inches to someone who has shown such blatant disregard for democracy and the rule of law.

Donald Trump has repeatedly lied to the American people, incited violence, and attempted to undermine the very foundations of our democracy. He has shown himself to be a danger to our country and a threat to our national security. And yet, you continue to give him a platform to spew his hateful rhetoric and dangerous lies.

What message does this send to the rest of the world? That we condone and even celebrate those who seek to overthrow our government and destroy our democracy? That we are willing to overlook the most egregious violations of our laws and values in the name of ratings and clicks?

I implore you to reconsider your coverage of this individual and to take a stand for what is right and just. The media has a responsibility to inform and educate the public, not to provide a platform for those who seek to tear down our institutions and sow division and hatred.

In conclusion, I urge you to do better. The future of our democracy depends on it.

(PASS IT ON) Comments@cnn.com

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Dale, While I completely agree with your entire comment, I also think CNN is looking to "lure" MAGA viewers away from Fox News Network, and they're looking for increased ratings. In both instances, however, any ratings bump or increased viewers for this *rump stunt won't last unless they turn 100% MAGA, imho.

Would you mind if I copied and pasted your comment into the comment section for CNN? It's quite perfect as it stands!

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Yes go ahead,

I have included CNNs email at the bottom of the open letter to CNN


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Thanks, Dale, for allowing me to "plagiarize" your excellent comment!

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Thanks to you too Sandra

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Did you have any luck with the CNN comment e-mail? Mine was “undelivered”.

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No, I was unable to use the link, so I went to CNN.com and left the comment.

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Thank you! I’ll go there.

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It’s also an indictment on capitalism. Stay focused my fellow proletariat’s!

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Thank you so much for a well written post. Unfortunately, I think CNN follows the money...

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dale, isn’t CNN a right wing corporate shill for Trump and his allies? I really appreciate your letter, but I think your time would be better used supporting young people getting other young people registered to vote. Gen Z is our only hope in the coming elections.

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What entity do you work with to register Gen Z folks?

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Your distrust of the public to decide for itself stinks of arrogance, even... authoritarianism.

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The emails address provided is rejected:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


(reason: 550 5.4.1 Recipient address rejected: Access denied.

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Mine was too.

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not all of them. MSNBC is righteous, and their lineup looks like America!

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MSNBC is mirror image of Faux... just on the other side. no more trustworthy than Faux. really.

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Do you get the same commercials between blocks on MSNBC as I do? Big Pharma commercials for semi-tested new drugs with a rapid-fire list of “potential side-effects” that often include death? Ads like that wouldn’t even be legal in a civilized country, but that’s how ‘progressive’ MSNBC rakes in the bucks.

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Nope. Just one more conspiracy theory both-sidism. And not true.

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all part of same corporate media shilling for establishment... believe it or not.

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Blame Chris Licht.

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blame the establishment system... the 1% - that's where the trouble lies.

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When MSNBC becomes the paragon of cable Democracy, you know you are in deep shit.😂

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I miss Diana! Screw the rest of them!!!

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Not Harry

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Just like his mum

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I don't object to this pomp & circumstance. Many countries have their own, or variations. While obviously not perfect (none of us are), these people seem fairly decent. I'll take them over t-Rump, Putrid Putin, Jung the Un, Assassin bin Salman, The Ugly Thomases, and any MAGA right wingnut any day.


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I would put them all in the same bucket !

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My thoughts on the Coronation Ceremony:

A large part of my heritage is English. I love a lot of aspects that England has to offer. This morning was a wonderful, historical celebration on one hand (though I have heard the money spent was obscenely shameful, given the state of the economy). On the other hand, my skin crawled when I saw the smile on Camilla's face as they crowned her. Like many others, I was thrown into thoughts of Diana and how she struggled, how she needed time to adjust, and in my view, Camilla would not let that happen- she muddied the waters for Charles and I hold that against her. Her smile today seemed to be saying, "I made it!" That may not have been why she smiled but I thought it was terribly irreverent, given how she got there. Going back further, I am also aware that Camilla might have been queen anyway, had the monarchy allowed Charles and her to marry earlier on, before Diana was 'found' for Charles. As I see it, Diana was the sacrifice for both the ignorance and the passions of the monarchy and and a reflection of its inflexibility, and its hypocrisy. The boys lost their mother in the process, her grandchildren will not have her in their lives, and a promising, flowering, valuable life was taken, and for the years in between her divorce and her last breath, Diana was a frightened young mother, having to find her own way out of something paramount to being in the mafia- i.e., the institution of the royal family. My sense, watching this today, was that it would be impossible for me to stand there, if I were her children, and not make a scene, not bring attention to my deceased mother. I cannot imagine what the grandchildren are being told about their step-grandmother being in their own grandmother's place- how are they explaining her away? All the wonderful, glowing attention that Charles got today - while it is most likely true- is not even close to the whole story. His selfish actions placed Diana in harm's way, sending her out into the celebrity world, hard as that is by itself, and for me, that is unforgivable. One last thing: there is irony in the fact that it is because his uncle abdicated the throne for a love that was not permitted, making Charles' grandfather the king suddenly, and soon after, his mother became the queen, and here he is now, the king, and married to a divorced woman, even having been divorced himself!

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My God! You are spot on everything! EVERYTHING!!!

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Love it! Do they even realize how ridiculous this whole phony waste of money is? At least if the buildings were museums and were contributing to the welfare of that tiny little Island it might have meaning. IMHO!

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It’s sickening‼️but I guess it’s no more bizarre than our country giving billions of dollars to men who amuse themselves in their dick shape, rockets that go nowhere⁉️🫤

The trouble is for the rest of us Our hair is on fire 🔥

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What a waste of money when millions of people in the UK need help to eat, warm their homes, educate their kids, take care of their elderly....you really needed a parade with a golden carriage and people dressing up? Misplaced priorities! Living in the past. Shame on you King Charles!

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Agree! But they bring billions in tourist dollars which feed the hungry so catch 22.

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What those two "hats" cost would probably feed a needy family for a year!

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Those hats have a kept people in bondage for millennium. We can look forward to the day when we take those hats and return their wealth to the people, the Romanov’s know this story well!

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But what to do with these people who have no skills other than being royal?

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We can goof on them. Their lineage is full of material. In a satirical way, nothing malicious. They can audition for “Naked and Afraid”. They could entertain us in many ways, it’d be therapeutic!

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True...but the past is the past, and those hats were paid for a very, very long time ago...

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My point. The people who paid for those hats were never compensated. All I’m saying is hock these jewels and distribute the coin. It’s not that complicated.

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Over $300M could feed all of England for a long time.

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Two pointless people.

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Michael, are you all right? Seems we haven't heard from you for quite awhile. Is there anything you want or need from us (who care about your well-being)?

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Michael is just fine. You obviously do not know of the Irish folk! We be knocking down tyrannical people for years. Remember my friend, London, England was a Roman outpost!

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I be an Irish folk as well! My grandfather from Killarney, Kenmare came over here and earned the title of "Strongest Man In the State of Connecticut" as he always bested Yale's shot putter every year!

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Ah, dem Irish and their muskills! Nothing sweeter on this God’s green earth.

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On one side of my family we be Irish, on the other French. No collaborators with the counterrevolutionaries here!

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Maybe the royal comedy has left him speechless

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I agrée. Please talk with us.

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Over $300M for a sickening display of arrogance and stupidity. Gross!

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Aren’t they lovely! I gotta get me one of those hats! My estimates looking at the jewels on those monstrosities is many, many millions of lives exploited! Long live Bobby Sands!

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Sheesh!!! Cosplay has really taken a weird turn.

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Western culture holding on to useless and expensive traditions!

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this is just embarrassing.

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Blech! End the irrelevant colonialist monarchy.

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