As a junior high student in north Boulder in 1978, I was at the breakfast table eating my Cheerios listening to our houseguest named Dan -- a fellow activist with my parents and sister engaging in nonviolent direct action at the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant 16 miles upwind of Denver -- talk about first strike nuclear strategy and how he once had a security clearance higher than the president's on nuclear matters.

I soon learned who this visitor was -- he was THE Daniel Ellsberg. The following years brought many chapters of our friendship and activism, with quite a few of the 75 nonviolent direct action arrests in our family of four having been done with Dan. He inspired, informed and empowered us and many, many others!

Fast forward to 2008, and our son Brian Doub had done a school project that was a poster about a famous American: Daniel Ellsberg. (He first thought of Lincoln, and I suggested Dan.) Brian and Dan sat down to review and refine the poster. One of the places to fill in on the poster asked, "What did you learn from this person?" Our 9 YO son had written: "Don't trust the government."

Ahead of our meeting up with Dan in 2018, he emailed me:

"I presume that the last ten years have confirmed what Brian knew at 9--in spades (i.e., trumps).

"It will be interesting to see how this handsome lad looks at 19!

"Love, Dan"

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Wow! Amazing!!

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He was a very brave young man at the time he exposed the world to the truth.

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Michael Moore! You never fail to inspire me!

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Historic interview, thanks for repeating the posting. He was a true American Patriot.

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Thank you Michael, for sharing this transcript. It brought back a lot of memories, many unpleasant. I will listen to Hearts and Minds when I find it. I watched every Watergate Hearing from beginning to end on TV. I had been one of the people knocking on doors for McGovern, so, during the Watergate Hearings I proudly war my "Don't blame me I voted for McGovern" pin, I did not then, nor do I understand now, why so many people become blind, deaf, and dumb, during presidential elections. I opposed the war on Vietnam beginning in 1964. Until the Pentagon Papers, I only blamed Johnson and Nixon. We need a new law that prevents the Executive Branch from outright lying to us, This law would require strict and enforceable penalties for lying. Restricting the absolute truth may be necessary at times, but outright lies - never.

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We watched Hearts and Minds on Max after the incredible podcast. Please watch the movie. Any war is horrible and inhumane.

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Abolish the death penalty except for lying politicians who should be held to a higher standard.

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Thank you for arranging for Daniel Ellsberg's summary. It was so complicated by liars at the time that I never understood it. And isn't he a clear-minded and clear- spoken 95 year old! I was 22 and had left the USA to work on a farm in Ontario, where the only news to be had from the USA was from one of five tv stations. God bless the world of journalism and keep it healthy.

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Such an enormous loss. He was a real patriot. Thank you for replaying the podcast. I've been listening from the very beginning. So worth another listen. ☮️

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Thank you for sharing this memorable conversation with a brave man. If I can ever become half the activist that Daniel Ellsberg was, I will be able to hold my head up, know my purpose and feel empowered to tell others that we just need to keep trying. #nevergiveup #tellthestories #thetruthisoutthere

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Listening to that interview again, I was again struck by Daniel Ellsberg's brilliance. The world owes him a debt of gratitude for his courage and tenacity. Knowing what is right and acting on it are two very different things. What a life well lived. Thank you Mr. Ellsberg and Mr. Moore for being decent people who do good in this world.

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Will definitely watch “Hearts and Minds” if this is the best documentary you’ve ever seen! This is an amazing compliment coming from you whom I think is the best documentary filmmaker ever!!!

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Strongly recommend "Hearts and Minds", a good companion documentary is "I.F. Stone's Weekly". The last time I saw "Hearts and Minds" it had been edited slightly in a way that weakened one or more of the powerful scenes, but still a blockbuster.

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Just watched it. Such an important film that all history classes should show.

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I was so saddened to hear about Daniel Ellsberg. He was amazingly courageous. He will be missed. Great to listen to this podcast again. Thanks, Michael!

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Thank you for this. It tugged at my heart all over again.

And I got to wondering about Edward Snowden. Any updates on him?

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: S Rolston <srolston@optonline.net>

Date: June 20, 2023 at 10:51:08 AM EDT

To: Steve Rolston <stevrol@gmail.com>

Subject: Daniel Ellsberg / Michael Moore

Steve Rolston

just now

Thank you, Michael! I was moved many times in this podcast by Daniel Ellsberg’s observations; and yours.

It is gratifying to know he admired my three political beacons: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC. His acknowledgment of the urgency of listening to Greta Thunberg is a strong reminder, too.

I am re-energized to pursue Justice, thanks to this timely podcast, as we address the Climate Crisis, Reparations, and the “dangerous” Republican Party (as Mr. Ellsberg put it).

Time for each of us to get back to work on all these worthy projects. Thank you!

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OMG! I’ll also go to Moink and order meat and fish!! My grad parents were old fashion ranchers and farmers and I like supporting small farms!!

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Small farms yes!! I live small rural town in Oregon. I'm a veg but all dairy comes from small local farm store on owners farm-also until the wretched capitalist system is changed our system will get much worse as democrats have over years. I am 80 - Vietnam and the system CRUSHED my husbands spirit, gave him ptsd, and when he graduated with poli sci degree the people on charge of his government job crucified him for his values. There is no way to fairness under capitalism and the war machine. Mr. Ellsberg surely saw this Mr. Moore made a movie about Capitalism. Sorry Msrianne gets me if they allow her on ballot. Love trumps hate IF we allow it

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This is why I hope RFK Jr wins the Dem nomination. He is adamantly against war and will work to end it between Russia and Ukraine. He talks about how the Military Industrial Complex keeps a pipeline of wars constantly.

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Hes an anti vaxer no way never

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

His words, "I'm not anti-vaxxer, I want safe vaccines." "When I fought to get mercury out of fish for 40 years, and no one called me anti-fish." Anyways, I've been watching tons of interviews with him and with all other issues, I agree with him 100%. But I'm 99.99% positive the DNC along with mainstream media will treat him like they did Bernie Sanders and force feed democrats their chosen candidate, Biden. They already are ignoring him completely. The other night, World News Tonight on ABC talked about Biden's favorability was low at 45% and talked about all the Republican candidates favorability compared to Trumps at 43% but the left out even mentioning RFK Jr. whose favorability is higher at 49% than Biden's and all Republican candidates, including Trumps. This information can be found if you google it. Reported all over the place, Forbes, Newsweek.

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And I am sorry favorability ratings mean 0 to me. Who determines those ratings. Marianne remains my choice and yes I want a woman. She is not a crazy crystal gazing airhead ss she is being spun. She matches my values he doesnt, rich part of a dynasty and anti Palestine. Nope

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I was trying to make the point how the mainstream news media on TV won't even mention his name in their news reporting regarding the presidential election. This is what I witnessed the other night. I really don't watch CNN, Fox or any of the major networks. Just once the other night and it proved to me again why I don't because they don't report the reality of what is going on in the world. The real news and real honest journalist are found here on Substack. I also don't care or pay attention to polls and ratings. The media makes RFK Jr. out to be a crazy anti-vaxxer so you get it since this also happens to Marrianne Williamson. I was fortunate to hear her speak at the Santa Monica Women's Chamber of Commerce (or something like that) when they honored her in 2018 just after she announced she was running for President in 2020. She is an amazing woman.

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I support Marianne Williamson for many reasons and let's be honest - neither has a chance of being on the ballot. Both will receive Bernies treatment. Dems won't even allow a debate too afraid. Ruling by fear also an abomination

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Yep. So sad that we are force fed the candidate that establishment democrats want. They are in the pocket of industries. They almost seem like Republicans with a far left twist!!! lol

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We just subscribed to Moink. Moore wouldn't sponsor Moink unless it's sells good meat. We want to help small farmers who are kind to animals like my grandfather who milked cows he rotated around pastures and fed hay in the winter. He raised pigs and chickens with corn he grew himself.

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I'm excited to order some meat and fish and try them out! I hate the meat industrial complex as much as I hate the military industrial complex!

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There are rubber Trump squeeze toys that could be used to create a home-made Wack-A-Douche game. I bought two... huh huh, huh huh huh huh...


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Watching Hearts and Minds-most disgusting pieces of humanity ever. This country is an abomination and will kill everything it touches if it continues as is. Its clear why my husband of 57 years could never speak about it and suffered. He died August 26 22 and I understand him now because I have been looking into vietnam this past year trying to understand him beyond just loving him. This film is the final chapter. Thank you

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