Yep! When hubby and I moved to Escambia County, Florida, we had candidate sticker shock when we went to vote way back in 2014. There were only Republicans on the ballots for most offices.. I swear that I didn't even see a Democratic candidate for our congressional seat. I thought that I received a Republican ballot instead of a Democratic ballot too! I just wrote in Nixon's head instead of voting for a Repubican.

Ever since 2014, there have been Democratic candidates added to the voting ballots.

We, progressive Democrats, are not giving up here!

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

If you don’t like it, change it. Welcome to democracy. Pull the sickness by root.

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My frustration with the Dems is that they don’t now how to CONVINCE. That is, despite majorities of voters in favor of gun control, abortion, more universal healthcare, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration reform, DACA, etc., the Dems can’t convince voters to vote for candidates that represent these positions. GOP voters keep voting AGAINST their best interests. Some of us just say, “Well, they are idiots.” But that’s not a strategy or an explanation, it’s an excuse. Clearly the GOP finds the words to gain their votes and we don’t. But we sure get a lot of emails asking for money. What if Dems said, “Forget political party, just listen to my words: I’m going to raise taxes on people and corps who can afford it, not on you, and I’m going to spend it on you”? Because the fact is, if GOP pols said this, their voters would approve! They would believe it. Why don’t voters believe Dems? Why don’t they trust Dems? Dems need to quit preaching to the converted, quit dunning us for $ to achieve razor-thin majorities that a Manchin or a Sinema can scuttle, and start telling America exactly what they will do, how fast, how much it will cost, who will pay for it and how formerly GOP voters will benefit. Pound it into American heads that this isn’t football: you don’t have to stick with your team if they’re screwing you. Forget labels and vote YOUR BEST INTEREST. I know so many people who think more IRS agents will hurt them, when in fact the dearth of agents means we are the low-hanging fruit they have the means to target, not the Trumps who would gobble IRS resources. This is an example of how the GOP successfully plays on fear with a few words while the Dems waste thousands adducing our “better angels,” as if angels could vote. The Dem party is full of Ivy League smarties who couldn’t convince a GOP voter to put down the gun he’s holding to his head if the smarties had all day and another $100 of my money.

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Great points, Noah. Another example is Rs have been saying for several months the Border is broken and thousands of illegal immigrants are coming in daily. That Biden supports open borders. This morning I heard DHS Secretary Mayorkas say for the 1st time the border is not open and they are only processing those who meet legal requirements. Those entering illegally are caught & returned. Why did it take this long to rebuke Republican rhetoric?

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Yep!!! Dems have a real problem articulating their message!!!!!

How do they /we fix this Michael?

Clear, concise language is Sooooo needed!

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And language that makes it safe for GOP voters to abandon their side. Politics is so much about personal identity now, we need psychological insight into why voters cling to pols who betray their best interests. That’s why I adduced the football analogy. If you’re a Bears fan, you suffer nobly with your team. If you’re a Trump fan, you accept what he says for the combination of comfort and pride, ignoring that his tax cuts didn’t help you, his immigration policies brutalized people who are NOT going to take your job and, it’s been shown, actually improve your economy, etc.

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We message as a group. All races filled!

Red Engine Vote Makers like Cherokee Georgia. Run someone. Unopposed looks like like a red landslide. They have convinced the Democrats they should not even run for office. All races filled changes the the enthusiasm in a state. This will generate higher Blue votes. Just think of all those networks to help statewide and Federal elections. There are different ways to think about victories. This is a team sport.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Don’t waiver. January 6th is just the being. They are in government. Hold line and March to the ballot box. Make up your mind, dig in and never yield.


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Great stuff. Here in Huntsville Alabama, I've also been disheartened by the lack of Dems on the ballots, discouraged by some of the rampant pro-GOP and pro-Trump behavior around me - and frankly, the disregard of local Dems when I've talked to them. There ARE people I know who should be encouraged to run - and your list is a fantastic start. Thank you so much.

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You care. Run. At least we are trying. The more we run the more democrats we find. The other way to slow the Red Vote Engine Counties.

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As "turning the heavily-red Cherokee and Bartow counties more blue" has become my project here in Georgia's 11th congressional district, I'm starting to think about how to find local heroes and allies there.

I saw an article from Dec. 22 in Bartow county's newspaper -- about the mayor of Cartersville, Bartow's county seat and largest town, castigating local religious groups for helping the homeless. Seems like a good place to start. Here in this part Georgia, the churches form the most powerful set of networks. (I'll often refer to the largest ones as "Baptist factories.")

Since moving to Cobb County in the early 1980s, one of the biggest indicators of its change towards blueness -- IMHO -- was population diversity represented by ethnic restaurants. There was not a single Japanese restaurant when we moved here. There were a few Chinese restaurants, but that was it for Asian fare. Today there are many dozens if not hundreds of all types of Asian restaurants.

What got me thinking about that was seeing the headline of an article in the Cherokee county paper: "New Italian restaurant opens in Woodstock." And then the news that South Korea's Hyundai is building a huge battery plant up near Cartersville that will employ hundreds. Wait till those folks get a taste of some real Korean BBQ.

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Just a shameless plug here. My years in Asia in the Navy, serving under Nixon, Ford, and Carter, got me into the food there. And so I will assert that the BEST condiment EVER created for a hamburger is Korean kimchi. It replaces pickles, lettuce, ketchup, mustard and everything else. Teeming with probiotics.

Many's the time I'd order a single hamburger patty on a bun to go and tell them not to put anything on it. "Nothing???" -- "Nothing." (and today's non-meat patties are getting better and better!)

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We message as a group. All races filled!

Red Engine Vote Makers like Cherokee Georgia. Run someone. Unopposed looks like like a red landslide. They have convinced the Democrats they should not even run for office. All races filled changes the the enthusiasm in a state. This will generate higher Blue votes. Just think of all those networks to help statewide and Federal elections. There are different ways to think about victories. This is a team sport.

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“ Not the same old well-meaning folks who always lose. New blood! Fresh faces! Women, young adults, beloved citizens of your town. Not politician types. Just good people who will listen to voters and work hard to win their votes. Community heroes, progressive preachers, Girl Scout leaders, everyone’s favorite English teacher. When they run as Democrats, especially in red areas, now they often win. ”

I supported Nikki Fried vs Charlie Crist for FL Governor, and knew he’d lose to DeSantis.

Case in point #SomethingNew 🤷‍♀️

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I wondered who Dems were going to run. I was underwhelmed to see it was Charlie Crist.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Michael, when you said Dems aren’t running candidates in many races it reminded me of a survey I received from the DNC about 5 yrs ago. They asked if they should concentrate on federal, state, or local races. I looked for the All of the Above choice, but there wasn’t one. There SHOULD be a Dem running in ALL races. That’s what a National Party does.

So I looked at the results of the 2022 House races. If Dems had won 5 more races out of 435, Jeffries would be Speaker today. And there were 23 races in deep red Districts where Dems didn’t run a candidate. It proves your point, Michael. There’s no reason not to fully compete. Look at deep red Alaska. A Dem won the only House seat there for the 1st time in ages. True losers aren’t the ones that try & fail, their the ones that don’t try at all.

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Janet - I was watching CO 3 as the votes were coming in hoping Frisch would hold his early lead. Was disappointed that he didn’t get the level of support he needed from outside Pueblo. I didn’t need to worry about my Rep in CO 6 as we easily re-elected Jason Crow. Did you see an earlier post I made about Frisch? I think he should announce as candidate now for Bobo’s seat in ‘24. What a train wreck she is. If Frisch keeps the heat on her, he could win in ‘24.

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DNC is no friend of people or voters. DNC exists for DNC. They said it themselves, publicly, a few years ago.

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I watched that race from here in PA. I was so disappointed he wasn’t given the little bit of support that could have put him in a congressional seat held by a seditionist. Dems dropped some close likely wins.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

That is amazing. Your county was 4 times the population as Minnesota and Nevada when they were offered statehood.

Meatheads. We are all now meatheads. Can we get hats made?

Chicken lady at Dollywood. I don’t know if she is a democrat but she is an actress and she will get support from someone big. Dolly runs a lot of charities and great pool of great people! Dolly finds the best people. Charity people have networks. Other charities have networks. There maybe a large pool of forgotten voters in these red areas.

All these show people need to unite in pigeon forge. All the wait staff and cooks need to unite. Pigeon Forge is you blue vote sink, if we get it organized. Our Blue Engine for Sevier County

Anyone up for a round of putt putt?

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A song for consideration: "Blue Highways" by Graham Parker (from "The Mona Lisa's Sister.")

"Get on the blue highways...follow the blue highways..

You know that they're there....you know that they're there..

Where the real America lies..."

Thanks to this series, that song has become part of my daily inspiration.

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Thank you

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I ran for a county supervisor seat thinking that I wasn't going to win, but needed to be part of the debate about the challenges our communities were facing. Surprisingly I made it into a top 2 run off by only 22 votes...I raised about $20,000 from family and friends and knocked on a lot of doors and talked to people. It was fun! Then I WON the seat with a 4% margin. The other guy raised and spend about $300,000. I was able to do a lot in my 12 years as a county supervisor. All of our kids had access to high quality healthcare, a clean energy initiative was launched, a toxic quarry was brought under control, bike and pedestrian pathways were built, public transit was initiated, and we were even able to beat the gun lobby with our initiative to ban gun shows in our county. I am just a regular person, but I have pretty good people skills and listening skills. If I can do it, and Michael could do it, then there are a lot more of us out there who can do it.

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Hi Mike: Thanks for all your efforts to support Democrats, including the above podcasts. One of the things that you advocate is to ensure that Democrats have good candidates running for office and we support them. Well, Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan just announced that she will not run for re-election in 2024.

Will you please run for that seat? It will provide you a bigger megaphone to bring the changes needed that you advocate as a liberal. You have the name recognition, have the right values and great communication skills. You care for those in need, and can make a huge difference for the better as a Senator. Thoughts?

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Sand Lot the movie and a Trumpian hooker have what in common?

Sick Balls!

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Here's an example from Petaluma, California of a candidate right out of Michael's playbook, who won a City Council seat in this last election. Our friend, John, is a retired high school biology teacher, very popular with his students and colleagues. He has been active in local conservation efforts for years and is currently the president of an environmental education nonprofit. John never ran for office before but felt the need to do more for his community. He ran a green, progressive campaign on a shoestring budget-- he and his team put up lawn signs all over town, and they walked every inch of his district more than once, knocking on doors and talking to voters. John is not a dynamic guy, but he is enthusiastic about the issues that matter to him and, being a teacher, he loves to explain those issues as long as someone will listen :) He is smart, honest, hardworking, and dedicated to public service. When you meet him, that's all obvious. Well, he won, beating 2 business-oriented candidates with much larger war chests. I am so proud of our friend and I look forward to seeing what he can achieve in this first term. Yay!

PS: Petaluma is fairly progressive, but there are plenty of trumpers lurking in the weeds here.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

YES! This is exactly why I volunteer with ContestEveryRace.com. And FYI people don't have to wait until next year - local races are on the ballot this year and filing deadlines are coming up in lots of states this spring.

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In SoFlo we have 1.5M Cuban immigrants who vote ultra conservative, and some join the not so Proud Boys. We need to end the Cold War blockade and move on so they stay in Cuba. Biden is on it. 😎 Nikki, however #Won’tBackDown …

“Whether you’re one of the over four million Floridians who voted me into the Florida Cabinet, the more than 25,000 people who’ve contributed, or one of our followers on social…I need you. 

The women of Florida need you. Make a stand with us. 

We won’t back down from this fight!”

— Nikki

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The 14th is broad. It allows the President to stop any payment or obligations for aid and comfort to an insurrection. This can easily be leveed to police and sheriff departments. No federal funds. Isolate the problem. I would even push for confiscation of all equipment given by federal government to local authorities.


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