We are so fortunate that he is here for such a time as this. He’s the only one that funneled Federal money into flint to clean up the water problem. #BidenHarris2024

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so you don't like Unions....don't join one~

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I wish I could - but they don't have a union for what I do / 'Did" and honestly it would be completely impossible to create one for what I do. / have done for the past 30 years.

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So what did you do that you couldn't join the Union? Why don't you just tell us or you embarrassed by what you did?

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I've done a lot of other things / fields of endeavor for which (also) there are no unions for.

Archeology, Archeological Conservation, Materials Scientist, and imaging expert. + New R&D.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Card carrying inventor of extremely advanced imaging technologies.

There's no union for self funded inventors. [ Principal Endevour since 1996 ].

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S#ck it troll.

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So many thumbs down.

One can only wonder where his other thumb’s up.


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I can tell you!!!!!

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What’s your problem, everyday men and women will finally get a liveable wage. Yes President Biden has made mistakes and okaying C. Thomas for the SC was a big one. But,how was he supposed to know the damage that they would wrought!

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No doubt, if you recall -- Anita Hill was very believable - startling testimony. So you could say, we did get the warning sign.

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Yes we did, I knew in my gut she was right and the idea of C. Thomas and his wife makes my skin crawl and I want to throw up every time he makes a ruling.

I lived in Oklahoma back then and he was known as an opportunist and a “loose” man. I’m sorry that a through investigation was not used, just like it was not used in Kavanough’s hearing.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

I know right ? There's no dislike button - maybe they should have "Dissent" button (what is the icon for that ? * ) Surely OP @Elizabeth Landis is being squarsquastic.

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Well, you gave Michael Moore money or you wouldn't have been able to make that comment. I'm sure he appreciates your contribution.

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Wow-- how very long you waited for that.

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Thank you so much for this reporting, Michael! I feel so much more hope. You are the best!

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Again s#ck it troll. Go find ur right wing latch 🔑 's to commiserate with.

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Urinate up a rope

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Wow Nancy! I was a sailor and my ears are burning 🔥😉

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Sorry, sometimes my upbringing wins. I should not have said it!

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We have a troll sticking his head out of TFG’s A$$ hole.

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Dear precious Michael, You are spot on, as usual. Joe Biden is a decent man and understands and "gets" us. It was my 4th year teaching in NJ when we went on strike. It is against the law in NJ and each one of us was served with a subpoena to appear in court and plead guilty. It was then that I became involved; first female president of the teachers association, chief negotiator for 8 yrs. of contracts, etc. It was then that I totally understood why people strike. Anyone striking has reached the absolute end of their rope. Thank you, Joe Biden!!!! Thank you, Michael!!!

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Thank you for our post.

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I remember very well seeing your film “Roger and me” many years ago and thinking how amazing it was to see someone standing up to the powerful and feeling empowered myself to look at the world differently and be able to express the injustice that seemed to be the mainstream ethos. In an incremental way that enabled what we will witness today with the symbolism of President Biden walking the picket line in solidarity with the working class. Thank you Michael Moore!

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Don't you ever get bored pushing the same key or are the synapses just not connecting in the KK gray matter? Get a life.

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I adore it's abstract simplicity - invokes the Roman Emperors at the gladiatorial games in the colosseum and the circus maximus.

Who lives or who dies...

+ clean up on isle seven using lions.

Eventually Emperor Constantine got bored of watching various renegades from the furthest extremities of the empire from having their respective heads chewed off by lions and other creatures and made Christianity a state religion.

Once again Human life is cheaper than it ever was.

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I just this minute finished watching this commentary by Rachel Maddow.

I love this woman's mind, and I wish she were President.


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As a lifelong democratic voter you are falling for OPINION not FACT. Maddow has been proven wrong on Russia and so much more. U.S. historian Thom Hartmann - I recall saying many years ago how Maddow had gone to the dark side, so true. Have you read about TNI? Trusted News Initiative? It was started by the BBC- it says if you join our legacy media circle you agree to CENSOR any who speaks outside the status quo initiative. Do you read Jeffrey Sachs, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald. Just a suggestion. Thank you.

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After the last Republican debate I was pretty surprised to see Glenn Greenwald on camera with his good friend Matt Gaetz. Either something has happened to Glenn or he never was the person we thought he was. The same with Taibi. Matt is doing some good work but he's focused on the small problems and seems to ignore the big ones. Those guys are complaining about the wallpaper when the house is on fire. If the Republicans get the White House back say goodbye to democracy. Trump says he's learned how to work Washington now and that should scare everyone.

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Taibbi’s twitter files reports are in depth.

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Yes, there's important stuff there but considering Republican victory in 2024 means the end of democracy, the fact that various government agencies ASKED for tweets to be taken down is pretty small beer.

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My take based on the neo cons in the Biden Admin., ongoing extensive censorship, that Biden is more dangerous than Trump. Trump is a genius manipulator of the public. Biden is crippled by dementia and not running the White House. Looks to me like the neo cons are, but what do I know.

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Exactly,,, what do you know?

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Trump has not learned anything. His attacks on law & order will not serve him well

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Commentary = Opinion

Got it. Check.

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Totally agree BB. Maddow is pretty awful. MSNBC is now just PR media for the Dems, with nothing more than just repeating the talking points from the Democratic Party. I agree look deeper and check out Sachs, Taibbi, Greenwald and Katie Halper and Aaron Mate. The MSM just repeats the talking points of both parties and does not do any real investigative journalism.

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Could add, Seymour Hersch too. (love his latest piece on the bombing of Nord Stream)

Thank you for adding Aaron Mate and Katie Halper. These folks do real journalism. OH! LETS NOT FORGET THE LEVER, HE GETS OVERLOOKED IT SEEMS. WHAT THE HECK IS HIS NAME? HE DOES STUNNING WORK.

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Agree about the amazing Seymour Hersch. I am not that familiar with the Lever. It is difficult to do real journalism. Taibbi was called in front of a congressional hearing for his reporting about Twitter. Aaron Mate was called a Putin lover and had his funding threatened by Pay Pal. Of course the most extreme example is Julian Assange in prison and tortured for publishing truth. Thanks BB, it even requires a thick skin to post places like this. Sad.

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www.levernews.com, The guy is DAVID SIROTA. He was the speech writer for Bernie Sanders I think. But he has done some of the best reporting I've seen - one piece sticks out in my mind on the corruption/corporatization of hospitals.

Can highly recommend LEVER NEWS Nora.

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Thom is a total hack with bad graphics and doesn't read books well , aloud or in his head.

Total shill for the founding "fathers" and doesn't read what is actually written in the declaration of independence.

Too many inconvenient truths about American history that he glosses over.

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Rather vague and short on specifics.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Quite the opposite. Are we talking about the same person? Thom Hartmann. He's is THE person who did the digging and figured out the ruse regarding Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad. The header notes that got made into law based on the court reporter! Thanks to him corporations are people BS got outed.

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I’ve followed Thom Hartmann since the “Air America” days. Read a couple of his books. Thom gave a big boost to an obscure politician at the time named Bernie Sanders on a Friday, hour long segment of his radio show called “Brunch with Bernie”. I’ve always appreciated the work of Thom Hartmann.

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Thom also sounded the alarm about “Citizens United” at least a year before it came down. His warnings were spot on!

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Yes indeed. Hartmann is the person who put 'corporations are people' on the map via

his dig into Santa Clara v Southern Pacific Railroad - the court reporter's head liner notes illegally came into law! Making corporations are people a thing. His book: Unequal Protection, The Rise of Corporate Dominance Theft of Human Rights.

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These remarks are really scary. People who aren’t concerned about our democracy and don’t realize how the system works. We have two choices people …2. Stop wishing and thinking and discussing. It’s 2…if you want a democracy you vote for Biden. If you want a dictatorship vote for Trump. Very simple. If you vote for any idiot that thinks he could possibly win, that vote goes to Trump the wannabe dictator. Biden is old and yes he requires sleep, but Trump is only three years younger and thinks he ran against Obama and said if Biden wins we will start WWII. So there. If you think Biden hasn’t done a great job as President then you aren’t very smart. If you want to know how smart he is and proof that he knows what he’s doing read Thomas Friedman’s article about his meeting with Netanyahu in the NYT. That’s how he works, behind the scenes. He is not a sociopath criminal who demands attention. He hasn’t tried to overthrow our government. He cares about the American people and he is proving that again today. VOTE!

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And if you caught the coverage of T****'s recent rally, you'd have to wonder if dementia isn't creeping in... he made several factual errors in his rant. So much so that the idea that he has command of his faculties is becoming suspect. Joe, on the other hand, can stand and address the United Nations.

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You are so right! Again, except this time he ran against Bush although we’re not quite sure which Bush! Whales and windmills…you can’t make this

s—- up! Yet Biden travels to India, Vietnam around the world and says I’m going to bed after answering reporters questions. Imagine that! He’s tired dumbasses.

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Joe has a competent team. 44’s team is designed to break the federal govt so the average Joe has no protections/rights.

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When Trump says what isn't true, that's a lie not a mere factual error. Trump is a victim of compulsive mendacity, not dementia.

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Too much credit me thinks!

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You have a 2 party system right? Why?

It's called big money in Politics.

Now you had a moment not so long ago that you could have voted for a 3rd party candidate Bernie Sanders, who wasn't backed by big money.

BUT no you stuck to the old party format!

Now you have to vote for Biden because you don't want Trump.

I don't like Biden he is a crook. This war in Ukraine is a fiasco but he keeps on and on.

I would like to see him do a deal with Russia it would make me appreciate him more BUT that is never going to happen..........you know why? Propaganda and big money in weapons.

You Americans have NO idea about war...too far away so you sit in your little 'ivory towers' and ask everyone to vote Biden!

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Judy he is not a crook and why would you say that? Ukraine is a sovereign nation and does not need or want Russia or Putin’s input.

War is hell, we know that, also we know what weapons do in the wrong hands. Go look at the cemeteries and look at the people that died so you can bitch and complain, you are not going to get that “right”if a deal is brokered with Russia!

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Wow! You are just really stupid. So sorry!

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You want him to do a deal with Russia? What could we possibly gain? The only solution to Putin is his removal. Lord knows he's killed enough of his own citizens to merit interment.

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Reads like the input from Putin's troll farm. Probably not though. Jenny isn't a Russian name. Right?

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Bernie Sanders ran as a Democrat.

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He was in his own party 1st.

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Michael, as a lifelong democratic voter - yet never more as the DNC is one of the most corrupt bodies in the U.S. You write so well of Biden's history on behalf of corporate America, but PLEASE don't praise him for standing with the auto workers it only enforces the legacy propaganda. But PLEASE DO INFORM us on TNI. The Trusted News Initiative started by the BBC - says those in our legacy media circle agree to CENSOR any who express opinions outside the status quo initiative. Too many of my progressive friends who listen to NPR, Democracy Now, PBS are full throated voters for Biden (how can that be?) when we have Bobby Jr. with a 30 year history of prosecuting corporations and certain corrupt agencies within U.S. government. Do people only listen to opinion, or willing to read HIS words and view the dozens of podcasts he has been on Left, Right, and Center. The media keeps lying about what he believes and does.

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Why would a life long Democratic voter, at this point in our history take a chance of re-electing Donald Trump, by splitting support away from a reasonable alternative?

As Bill Maher said on Joe Rogan’s podcast,

“Perfect isn’t on the menu, these are the choices.”

RFK Jr? No!

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Because the same neoliberal policies that always invite a neofascist backlash need changing. Bill Maher is entertaining and a careerist. We can’t just have the same self regulated corporate state that writes its own laws and legislation and has crazy people like Victoria Nulund making our decisions. Or the same corporations destroying our ecosystem. We can’t just let our government torture journalists who publish their crimes, and then use their own media to disappear it from public consciousness. Or have an entertainment industry that echoes the power elite for money. Or celebrity journalists who invite intel agency on outlets to report on themselves unchecked by any real 3rd party. College students need an education system that teaches them the humanities how to think, not what to think, to be able to critique systems of power and challenge popular cultural assumptions, and to understand what has happened with journalism. So we don’t end up with a continuation of this mess. Anytime two competing media outlets pander to feelings of their demographic like this, it may be commercially viable but it’s a dangerous recipe for authoritarianism because it rents the country apart and people can no longer communicate. Happened in Weimar and Yugoslavia, and is happening here. This binary only narrative, censorship and virtue signaling won’t stop the neofascist response we see happening. 40 years of an estimated $40 trillion going in 1% of the population’s pockets, and hence; a figure who is often laughed at by the establishment suddenly seizes power.

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I don’t disagree with you. My problem is the here and now. The power of incumbency is not something to be squandered trying to remake the world in one election cycle. First and foremost, Trumpism needs to defeated at the ballot box. The immediate priority afterwards should be the “Citizens United” problem. Nothing can change as long as that horrible SCOTUS decision remains the law of the land.

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The political system of the duopoly is simply corrupt and the most malignant democracy on the planet.

The autocracy of the DNC is intolerable, and supported through Citizens United.

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My hope Stephen, is that the political winds are shifting and that will force necessary changes in our approach to democracy and our economic system toward fairness and not oligarchy and authoritarian rule.

This isn’t the first time in history that the US has had similar problems and as a result of

The Great Depression, public policy shifted and the New Deal and GI Bill programs created a huge middle class that was the envy of the world!

Maybe that is a lesson from history that can guide us now.

I’m hopeful!

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Agree David, I sure would like a map to get out of this mess of Citizens United giving conglomerates the right and the money to subvert our citizens role in our government!

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Given ALL that I've read, particularly TNI, the NEO CONS in the Biden Administration it is clear to me as a far left progressive who has voted democratic since I was 18 yrs old that BIDEN is far more destructive than TRUMP, BECAUSE: Trump is a manipulator and not intelligent enough to do deep damage like the Neo Cons in this administration. Like, the Ukraine war. Too many ARE NOT THINKING for themselves. FACTS not OPINION is what is important. Legacy media is mainly opinion and propaganda not facts, or it is facts of omission. PER BIG PHARMA INSIDERS 73% OF FUNDING FOR DINNER HOUR CABLE NEWS COMES FROM BIG PHARMA. 2/3 OF CONGRESS HAS RECEIVED DONATIONS/BRIBES FROM BIG PHARMA. Don't believe me, listen to: Thom Hartmann, The Grayzone, Matt Taibbi, Michael Moore, Katie Halper, Glenn Greenwald, Jeffrey Sachs and others. The real journalists in this country.

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It’s Biden’s team we want back. They are getting so much done. Now they need to add judges to the Supreme Court. They are grossly corrupt

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Because it is not a chance. Polls show, the premiere ones like Zogby show that : RFK, Jr WINS over Biden and Trump WINS over Biden. The uniparty of D and R I think has finally been exposed to many Americans. All a moot point now! He is running as an INDEPENDENT. WHY? Because the DNC won't allow him debates, or Secret Service protection? That is NOT democracy. The DNC is an authoritarian body at this point. It's all power and money.

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Bobby Jr.?? Are you in possession of your faculties?

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He is not, those brain cells burned up a long time ago!

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I wonder what you don't like about Bobby Jr. What do you know about him? Please share information. Facts are wanted. Insults add nothing useful.

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Sorry, but RFK Jr. is an antivaxxer wack job. Even his own family wants nothing to do with him. His candidacy for any office is a waste of time and effort, as he has no chance of winning. Especially for the presidency. We (the US) were stupid enough to elect T****, but we're not going to do anything like that again.

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All true. He's an antivaxxer who can't win. But wack job? His family does NOT support his candidacy but they are not estranged as you suggest. Got any facts?

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Bobby is not a team builder.

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OK. Whatever "team builder" means. RFK is an environmental lawyer having sued and currently suing corporate polluters. He is also exposing flaws in the vaccination frenzy threatening big pharma's vaccine bonanza. Propaganda to smear him is no surprise considering his enemies are the same enemies Bernie Sanders has. They couldn't shut Bernie up either so they sabotaged him too. Truth telling makes you a target. Some people will say you're not a team builder. (SIGH)

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He can’t win. You have 2 choices. Only 2 unless one of them dies.

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I want desperately to vote for RFK but I could only do that if it's between him and Trump . That won't be the case since the forces that blocked Bernie Sanders are doing the same number on RFK. It's another glaring example of having to choose the least undesirable from two undesirables. Biden redeems himself somewhat by standing with labor but he won't be with us long enough to atone for a long career as a corporate flunky. If Joe truly left the dark side let's be glad, but let's not forget his past.

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And let's not forget Biden's more recent past when he signed legislation to prevent railroad workers from striking last Fall. He can do today's photo op and support the UAW because the strike is in its early stages. But if it goes on long enough, he very well may do to the UAW what he did to railroad workers. Only time will tell.

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A RR strike would have crippled the economy. Too bad he (and the Congress) interfered but that's why it was done. Auto workers can't wreck the economy by striking. Anyway Biden has always been a better friend to Corporations than to labor no matter what he says now. But don't fault him for trying to come over from the dark side. Maybe he saw the light and wants to earn a place in Heaven. Hey it happens.

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RR workers were bargaining for 7 paid sick day per year, which is not a lot. Biden and Congress, in kowtowing to Big RR, wouldn't even give them that in the legislation. If he truly is pro-union he would have ensured that Congress included those 7 paid sick days in the legislation as a compromise. Furthermore, why stick it only to the RR workers...more should have been done to stick it to Big RR, which is raking in billions in profits every year...problem is they are just as greedy as the rest of Corporate America!

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Biden has been owned and operated by corporate America his entire career so it's no surprise. As I said, maybe at the end of his career and life, he wants to do something good for workers. His career and his life are almost over and he can do what he wants now. No number of RR workers sick days make me trust Trump. If , once again, it's a choice between Biden, a predictable corporation tool, and Trump, an unpredictable madman, (a madman with nuclear weapons under his control)? I'll hold my nose and vote against the madman, (once again). My disgust with Biden is not about to make me vote for a crazy person just to get even.

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Where do I even mention Trump? Or do you assume I believe Trump would have given RR workers even 1 sick day? Or do you assume that because I am criticizing Biden regarding whether or not he truly supports unions that I would not vote for him? If so, GAL. This discussion is not about Biden vs. Trump. It is solely about Biden based on his past performance as well as his current performance. Do you make a lot of assumptions in life? If so, that's not a good habit to have because it inevitably leads to significant misunderstandings on your part.

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Yes it would have crippled our country, but to be fair he should have done more for RR workers than their owners!

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Biden’s past is he wanted to get re-elected. Now he’s free to be true to his Scranton roots.

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What is/are Scranton roots?

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I agree up to the point of aligning with Robert Kennedy. My choice would be Marianne Williamson. Her policies include those of Bernie Sanders and go farther. Why Bernie choose to endorse Biden simply shows how much control conservative democrats muster against progressive policies. The Democrats haven't figured out succession planning, that happened list in 1857. Every other transfer from Democrat to Democrat has been through death in office. I honestly don't think either Biden or Harris are what young voters are aligning with for the future they desire.

Marianne has stated she wants 4 years then to turn things over to a millennial to continue the course correction of the country. Things we need in these 4 years - Medicare for All, Student Debt forgiveness, federal campaign finance reform, begin REPARATIONS to ADOS now, climate action now that accelerates the green energy infrastructure (with public ownership of utilities), improving high speed rail transit, ranked choice voting, seriously get Universal Basic Income started at the federal level, major reduction in US Imperialism.

The Democrat Primary should be opened for democracy, not this closed loop of autocracy the corporate DNC enjoys. A growing number of ExDems are ready to vote for Cornel West. The legacy discussion of spoiler has to be laid UPON THE DNC AUTOCRACY. They continue to spoil democracy within their own party. Biden is not the best candidate for a general election debate.

His appearance in Detroit may be a presidential first, and it shows a desperate staged opportunity. Let's get a real stage and hold debates.

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Marianne would turn it over to her spirit guides after 4 years. Of maybe from the beginning. Her qualifications elude me. RFK is a successful environmental lawyer. Efforts to make him look a fool, which he is not, proves he has powerful enemies. I could vote for West or RFK or almost anyone if the other choice is a malignant narcissist. I'd even vote for Williamson if I must, just to vote against someone too dangerous to be in possession of the nuclear codes. .

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Perhaps now that RFK has chosen to run independent of the Democrats there's hope to bring Williamson through the party. Just for a moment look through her progressive platform, you'll find its an improvement on where Bernie Sanders was in 2019.


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Truth is being told here!

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Way too little too late. I think he is doing it because of his poll numbers or because some handler told him he had to.

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Never too late. He is doing an important thing for people. Why the negativity? Choose better thoughts. Biden is sincere and hard working and is doing his job not blabbing that he is a victim when the other side has tired to take his being down an reduce his intelligence and insult him. This man has saved us from tremendous chaos. Every act he has made has been to better the working people He consistently does that.

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It’s called reality and sometimes that is negative. Your view of Biden is fantasy. If he spent money on healthcare, the climate and poverty instead of billions on a proxy war then I would believe he cares about people.

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I disagree.

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Most of us disagree with this post. Nora doesn’t understand how our government works. Biden doesn’t spend any money on these things. Congress does. If Nora would like money spent on these things, Nora must vote for people willing to do so.

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I agreed with your first comment, but you lost my agreement with the following comment:

"If he spent money on healthcare, the climate and poverty instead of billions on a proxy war then I would believe he cares about people."

What you seem to fail to realize about supporting Ukraine militarily and financially is that...

1) the U.S. and the UK are responsible for Ukraine removing their missiles that were pointed toward Russia in the 1990s. In the agreement, both the U.S. and the UK (as well as others) agreed to support Ukraine if Russia ever made a move onto Ukraine territory. Russia started this in 2014 when they invaded Crimea and claimed the area to be Russian. But the U.S. under Obama's administration did little to help Ukraine. Fast forward to 2022, when Putin starts a full-on invasion of Ukraine. By this point, we had an obligation to provide military and humanitarian support, along with other NATO countries, to help Ukraine retain their sovereignty. We, as well as others, made a promise to Ukraine and we must continue to fulfill that promise.


2) If we and other countries pull our military and humanitarian support of Ukraine, Putin will overrun Ukraine in a short period of time. And after that you can bet that Putin will think nothing of next invading an adjacent NATO country. If THAT occurs, as a NATO partner we have an obligation to not just send military and humanitarian financial aide, we will be REQUIRED to send U.S. soldiers into battle to fight to support that NATO partner, which will mean actual U.S. boots on the ground, which means full U.S. involvement, and the possibility of WWIII.

You can continue to believe that aiding Ukraine is some kind of "proxy war" but it is much less costly to the U.S. to send the current type of aide than it will be if we have to send our U.S. military to fight on the ground and in the air...not only in dollars but also in U.S. lives.

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No no the nukes in Ukraine were NOT pointed at Russia, but the other direction. (at us ) Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union before it broke up. Otherwise right on, the western countries guaranteed Ukraine safety s part of it's giving up the nukes stationed there. Would Putin have invaded Ukraine if Ukraine still had nukes? I thik not.

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Hell, yes, he would have. And gladly taken possession of said nukes, making him even more dangerous. He, of all people, would know that Ukraine would not have used those nukes against Russia: Putin (and T****) are the only ones crazy enough to think tactical nuclear weapons are an option. The Ukrainians (and most of the rest of the nuclear powers) aren't insane. Putin (and T****) are clear and present dangers to humanity.

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True that Putin (and T****) are clear and present dangers to humanity.

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Oops! Thanks.

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Nora - Guess what. The richest country on the planet can do both or either or none.

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No, Karen and Nora, you are fooling yourselves.

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Very difficult to be negative anywhere with Biden supporters Nora.

Biden is not fooling me either.

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The $ spent on defending democracy in Europe is going to US weapons manufacturing firms, who in turn spend $ in the US.

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Seriously? It’s enriching weapons manufacturers. Not a lot of trickle down. How about spending money on climate change, healthcare and poverty. I am thinking that will benefit a lot more people.

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Hmmmm. You obviously do not know much about Ukraine?

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Saved Americans from chaos for the moment what about people in the rest of the World? Afghanistan and Ukraine?

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It’s because of his low polling numbers. I for one will not be fooled any more. Joe is on the opposite spectrum of FDR. ( they compare them) We need a better candidate.

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Ralph, Ralph, Ralph, smh, you take polls seriously? Good Lord!

Yes, we need better candidates and we’ll have them. But right now we’ve got Joe Biden. He was never perfect, never claimed to be. But, we all live and learn. He has his glaring moments of poor judgment to live with. Clarence Thomas being the crown jewel of bad decisions. But...

How have you allowed yourself to be fooled again? Are you paying attention to polls? Cause even the polls are placing disclaimers before posting results. That bad habit should’ve been dropped years ago!

You know what they say, Fool me once (Trump) shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Only three (3) Ralphs?? 😉

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So??? Isn’t that the way all politicians campaign?

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Maybe, I’ll have to refresh my memory!

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There's Trump for the extremely ignorant and "Trumpism" for the "criminally" insane.

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Come on people. He can't even stay awake they've got him so pumped with drugs due to his alarmingly progressing dementia. Did you see the video of Biden in Vietnam last week? His last comment was, I'm paraphrasing: Time to go to bed now, I gotta go to sleep! What a bloody embarrasament. Trillions for Ukraine but $700 dollars each for those in Maui. ALL campaign promises broken. Cable nightly news is FUNDED 74% by big pharma. Try some facts with Bobby Jr. HIS WORDS, not legacy media OPINION.

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You buy that crap? The man works out EVERY DAY, he keeps agendas that Trump could never have kept. Multi-Nation tour w/meetings and conferences every day, in just 5 days!! He overcame a speech impediment and you mock his speech?? Shame on you! If a man is not shouting, ranting and throwing punches, he's less of a man, or a "finished" man? I'm kind of fond of "Speak softly and carry a big stick." I don't need youth, bravado and machismo to see a man of worth. I was not a fan of his before, but he has performed better than most others in my 79 years on this earth. I'll vote for him, in a heartbeat.

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And so will I, at 80 years. I want my girls and grand children to have more rights than I did. As it is now they have far fewer rights. Hell in Texas and Florida they can’t even read a book of their choice!

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

We are the "downs" and they (the corporately bought legislature and its fake punch and Judy show ) are the "Ups" including the bailed out Banks that pray on partial ownership until Ray Dalio declares that in the future nobody will own anything.

Dalio and his ilk neglect to mention that it is the "Ups" that own everything and it is the "Downs" that will be disabused or parted from anything that is meaningful to an actual human being; such as but not limited to - health, life, sanity, education, security and wellbeing, and pretty much anything else attached to those elements that have the slightest capability to bring any crumb of meaning to any singular individual's life.

We are the "Downs" - They are the "Ups"

It's too late now for the fake divisive (self preserving) theatre of "Left " or "Right" or moderate (in spite of a strong sideways drift towards true and naked fascism.)

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Whew way out there.

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Well Eric that does it. I give up and I'm leaving. Who's with me?

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Sincerely I wish I could... A gigantic matrix of Toadyism and people who are easily bought keeps me pretty much rooted to the spot.

I will say this MM really is a genius on another level on another level on another level.

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True that. Mike says and does what I hope I would do if I had his audience. He is the real life kid screaming that the emperor is naked.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Aye - "Render " unto Ceasar ;-) or Render onto Ceasar - bi-cubic interpolation.

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Observing your repeated gesture as your wordless response to everyone of intelligent-thinking, I'm flattered to be the recipient of one.

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KK is just missing one K. He/she is obviously a troll. More likely a "he."

BB Banks appears to be yet another troll, but from the equally nihilistic left -- actually, they may be the same person just attempting to be nihilistic irritants.

My suggestion: Ignore them.

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Me too! We’ve been chosen to receive the coveted “KK Thumbs Down Award”. We’re truly honored 👍🏻

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It’s a worthless 🧌 troll!

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Those really don't come cheap you know...

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I’ve got to go to bed now at least makes sense. I can grab ‘em by the P and I can de-classify things in my mind is predatory and bat-shit crazy.

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Can you give me a link: He works out everyday?

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Biden = Democracy

Trump = Dictatorship

Turn off Fox

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The duopoly of the two parties block any progress for this country.

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Wow that simple? I know what Fox is about. How is a guy who’s supporting the same policy of Mike Pompeo, of torturing a publisher to death, for Democracy? No president wears the pants in a self regulated corporate state system. Cmon

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You must not have heard that Biden was awake for more than 24 hours before he made that comment...in meetings and conferences because he was in Vietnam for a very short period of time.

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Whew you've got to be more intelligent than ur conspiracies and what u wrote.

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Thank you Michael for this. We all need any inkling of hope to keep going, and hearing that our president is on the side of the working man gives me hope. Go Joe go!

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Michel, I Think a certain Person you know has Taught President Biden a lot of Things he may or may not have realized was so important and you all so if willing learn from your mistakes of the past and obviously President Biden has and has recently seen enough ! He is doing very good Things inspite of Republicans and dosent get the credit he deserves however if his fellow Democrats are smart they will point out age is just a number and as you say and I agree a President for The American people is what is always needed I’m glad as hell he is joining those brave hard working UAW Workers ❤️

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Oh, Michael. I do so love you. Your wit. Your candor. Your movies. Your baseball cap.

But this article? I'm the first to agree with all you've said about the 1%, the 40% and the 60%. And the fact that the time for the UAW to win this is long overdue. But Joe Biden walking the picket line? While this makes both you and me happy to see, does this make Joe any less beholden to the 1%? Don't get me wrong. I think he's done a lot of good so far while President. And maybe as Vice President. Certainly more for the people than the repugnicants. But the rest of the workers are still at $7.25 an hour. They need more. And don't let me start on my question about why our schools aren't teaching their students how to become rich [all of them can, you know].

Still, I'd rather have Joe Biden asleep in the White House, than have Trump anywhere near it.

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Seriously? You’re asking why public education is failing??? No Child Left Behind ring any bells? This legislation has been in place for the past 23 years and was specifically designed to prevent children from successfully obtaining a decent, reliable, useful education. One of Republicans plots to dumb down Americans. It’s working. No Civics , American History, American Government, Economics. Republicans don’t want people knowing any of that stuff! That’s why. And yet, people vote for them against their own best interests.

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So why hasn't Biden done something about this. There was a time at the beginning of his term when it would have been possible before congress went AWOL?

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We’ll, if you recall, Senators Manchin and Sinema blocked legislation to allow funds to flow towards education in every state. SCOTUS decisions are gutting the ability of the DOE to regulate education. Therefore any changes must be done at the state level. Where are those funds going to come from? Ironically West Virginia has one of the worst public education systems in the country, ranks 46 out of 50. Their own senator block funds that would have overhauled a broken public education. Bringing it into the 21st century.

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Stop making wars and Military budget. Yes it's that simple.

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You are being terribly naive if you believe not funding the military and helping Ukraine would fix 50+ years of hidden laws and regulations made to undercut democracy.

BTW you sound like a facist in the making or a person that does not do research or too lazy to really think!

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I’ve suspected JennyStokes as a troll for her posts over the weeks. Now I’m reasonably sure.

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Yes, dumb workers are less troublesome. It's a known fact and an old plantation strategy. Planters forbid slaves learning to read. It made them unfit to be slaves.

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The military doesn’t like thinking people either. They prefer people who can and will follow instructions.

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Beg your pardon Mary, the military does like smart people, it’s just that they don’t want anyone with a liberal bent to have any control over the less educated personnel.

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Well said! Preferably Biden asleep on the job rather than Trump awake with his hand on the nuclear button. It's that nuclear thing I wish people would keep in mind. It's only wishful thinking that the military would stop Trump destroying the world if his ego is at stake. We hope sane minds would prevail but hope is not strategy. Strategy is keeping narcissistic egomaniacs away from power.

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Me too Howard!!

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Biden is only doing this for votes. Get ready for him to start making hefty promises with the next election around the corner. DONT LET THE DNC STEAL THIS ELECTION FROM KENNEDY LIKE THEY DID BERNIE. RFK 2024

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Kennedy is a f*ck witted mongoose.

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RFK? Please be serious.

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Get off Kennedy! He is not a sane man.

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I appreciate President Biden doing this and I hope it signals to the elite Democrats, yes those among the men and women you mentioned Mike who couldnt pass RvW, who couldn’t raise the minimum wage, who havent fought hard enough to overturn Citizens United, who havent quite done enough for their fellow country people to lessen the percentage of us who work pay check to paycheck. I am one of the latter. Yet I have a graduate degree (psychology) which was required to qualify for my job (healthcare chaplain in hospice) yet my wage is just enough for me to rent a one bedroom apartment pay the utilities, buy groceries and keep my car running (which I need for work). There’s nothing left over to save. There never appears that there will be a plateau, where maybe rents wont rise and eat my cost of living raise. But no. The Democrats MUST do better, they cannot just be “better than Trump” or these other Republican creeps. They have to be more than better. Ok Thanks Biden for joining the strike. How about also creating unions for jobs which dont have unions. Nurses have unions, janitors too, but the multitude of other jobs dont. We have no leverage. Dems, I hope they are listening.

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It’s a cinch he’ll lose in 24’ he’s a coward who refuses to even debate the issues with the other candidates. That in itself reveals his lack of any kind of integrity, in fact he’s no better than old orange face, and sadly, because of Biden’s refusal to allow true democracy in the primary, the current oligarch controlled government wins either way.

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🫵🏼are the problem

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