Yes, Michael, your message is exactly what so many of us need. As a retired, but not tired, Unitarian Universalist minister, I'm participating today in a Husky 4 Immigrants campaign launch (CT). I'm 79 years young, still full of P & V (petulance & vigor, or...yes, the other version), and keeping hope alive for and with my family, friends, strangers, and even those folks I know who still haven't realized that they're part of a cult, on the right that isn't. Take care of yourself too. Watch the Olympics. Take a long shower. Look in the mirror and smile at your beautiful self. You are, soul-deep, a gift to this planet and all of us who are transient guests here. Bravo, with gratitude--from Rev. Dr. Jan Carlsson-Bull, Middletown, CT

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Thank you for your comment. What Michael Moore wrote and what you wrote really made my day. I feel more hopeful than I have in some time because of people like both of you.

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Thank you! I can't wait to go back to my church and hang out with other UU's!

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Deep thanks to you and Michael for your encouraging words. At 78 these times have been especially challenging for me. I must practice not despairing. Fortunately, I am able to go to in-person services at my UU church in San Rafael,CA. My Untarian upbringing (Hollis U church in NYC where Vincent Silliman was our first minister) has given me much wisdom to sustain me.

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So good to hear these encouraging words from another UU. Blessings and HOPE!

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Deep thanks to you and Michael for your encouraging words. At 78 these times have been especially challenging for me. I must practice not despairing. Fortunately, I am able to go to in-person services at my UU church in San Rafael,CA. My Untarian upbringing (Hollis U church in NYC where Vincent Silliman was our first minister) has given me much wisdom to sustain me.

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Thank you. This message came to my inbox like a candle in the darkness. I am in awe and am inspired by your tenacity and hope.

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YES‼️ My family has had it w/me & my anger/depression & downright SADNESS! I’ve been a political & environmental activist since the ‘60s & I keep saying, “When Bernie gives up, I’ll give up!”, but I don’t know how much more of this trump mentality I can take! Taking over 2 years of people’s lives (especially those in their 80/90s), not even mentioning the death & total chaos of health/education systems, this has been the worst nightmare anyone could imagine! One of the worst parts is realizing how selfish & willfully ignorant so many Americans truly are! I DO believe we have learned a great deal concerning what’s important in life & I DO believe there ARE many more of us (when we consider how many centuries the white patriarchy has been in charge, we have a great deal to overcome)! Your integrity & tenacity has helped us through SO much over the decades, Michael, and I thank you for STILL BEING HERE‼️ I do believe it’s time for younger generations to take the helm (my main goal as a teacher was to help kids love to learn & be decent human beings)! You pulled me up, right before I plunged over the edge—we’ve come SO far, we cannot stop now! Now if only the MEDIA would quit deciding who/what we are, we could succeed in making this world a better place!

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I worked in a soup kitchen here in San Francisco off and on for 20 year, which closed immediately when the pandemic hit. They fired all the volunteers except their open house of about 10 people, who have been serving bag lunches at the door 5 days a week almost 2 years now.

It was a way for me to Do Something for my fellow humans, I learned about deep compassion and “don’t judge a book by its cover”. With that opportunity gone, I feel I need to say hello to the people living on the street, give away extra everything, work my politeness muscle on a crowded bus. It helps ME feel a little better

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I think many of us are on the “same page”, Mary…..we have a huge houseless population in the city close to me & I’ve gotten involved in their local politics, only to be reminded that many of our “city leaders” really don’t give a damn (they just want to scrape them off the streets so they aren’t seen)! But, like you, I miss the human connections & hope I can seek them out soon. We ALL need to feel better & especially all the people out on the streets….I hope we are all able to make more of those human connections soon….

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I say it again! Michael Moore, you are always an inspiration!

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Thank you. And I’m inspired by all of you. We’ve all learned so much about love and kindness and humility in these two years. The hate and bigotry and patriarchy won’t defeat us. Our shield is our caring heart. Our greatest weapon is one of willingness to step aside so that others may pass and we have the joy of following them.

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I feel the compassion and reach out to people. I'm so encouraged by how good we are to each other but trying to get people to want to save the Democratic Party shuts them down. They are so angry at those leaders who betray them over and over and over again. So that door is closed but loving interactions are flourishing. Where to go politically is up in the air.

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Thank you. Please do NOT ask me or even suggest voting for them again or repugs. That is a step too far the system and medical system has stolen everything my house health everything. Never I'll write I'm or not vote for a candidate

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We ARE “Rising up out of our despair!” We deserve to be able to follow the joy….

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My concern is why are we coloring all our problems like a color chart because once we start labeling by color we’re missing out on the reality of our existence and we’re making the same mistake that bigotry has done towards other segments of the population we can’t condemn people by the color.; is the integrity of the individual the thing we should be talking into Consideration and the species should be human not colored.

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But even MLK wasn’t working for a color-blind society (that’s not possible—we SEE each other). He was working on people coming together & knowing each other by “the content of their character”—breaking bread together & getting to know who we all are & what richness we bring to society. Since that STILL hasn’t happened, we need to keep working on it, even though it makes people uncomfortable! Change is hard! But if we can finally realize how incredible Unity in Diversity can be—it will be with it for future generations & the planet!

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Hoping doesn't help when you are old and concerned about rent and food. I have a caring heart. That's about all they have robbed me of my health and well being and Democrats don't care one bit can't vote for them or repugs its like voting against my values they are corporate controlled gotten everything from me already no more

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Then you just give up—at least follow some groups of young people who ARE doing good things—like Justice Democrats, for instance. Even groups like People for the American Way (started by Norman Lear, who has our same values & isn’t afraid to express them); Public Citizen (Ralph Nader) and many more. Get their emails & start reading about what good people are doing—it really helps your morale, so you can go on…..Our 2 party system is a joke, but look how many years they’ve been allowed to destroy democracy? We HAVE come a long way in the last 6/7 years, if we don’t continue to help get true progressives elected (local to federal level) we WON’T get anywhere!

I was born/raised in east LA, in a time when many new immigrants were coming to this country (after WW II) & my parents were called stupid foreigners because they didn’t speak English when they started school. So we were raised to have mutual respect for ALL & I’m proud of my integrity to keep doing that (even though I’ve been in trouble my whole life for standing up for others!)

The problems we have now came to be because people were complacent, and now, after Democrats, with a slim margin & no help from corporate Dems, are being blamed for everything the the GOP/trump and corporate America have done to working people. So we just throw in the towel & say “nothing works”? That’s EXACTLY what they want us to do, & right now we can’t—we’ve got to keep fighting like hell through 2024–and THEN, if we haven’t made life better for many people, we can say screw it—at least that’s what I’ve decided to do, thanks to people like Michael……you are reading all of this for a reason, Charlotte, & trust me, I DO know how you feel, but you do still have a choice, at least right now—please think about that & take care…

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Not sure I'll be around in 2024. I read and listen to Ralph Nader I voted for him. I've watched everything fail and I AM FAILING! It's more than I can handle it's evil

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NOBODY is sure they’ll be around in 2024–there are no guarantees in life!

I’ve been a breast cancer patient for over 30 years & if I hadn’t been an advocate for myself (especially when I didn’t have paid healthcare) I wouldn’t be here either. You voted for Nader a LONG time ago—and he’s still fighting for us, but listen to some young activists now, or you are doomed—good luck!

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God Bless you and I DO listen to the young ones have forever-doomed or not - we are all doomed by the way-will NOT vote for a Democrat. YOU may want to listen to Chris Hedges a staunch Nader supporter also-he won't vote for the democratic party either. Been voting for them 50 years not one thing has helped-the party dooms us not me. Do what you feel best as I will but not with these corporate ghouls

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If you can rescue a dog or cat, they will give you so much comfort and joy. If you can't do that write a card to a senior in a nursing home, you will receive joy from helping others even in a small way. I saved a bumblebee yesterday and it made me happy all day. Be a Blessing and you will be Blessed. Thank you, Michael, stay strong. My short list of movies: Love Actually, Eddie the Eagle, Benny and Joon, Amazing Grace, Leap Year, The Secret of Kells (animation), Up.

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Thank you for your comment which was very uplifting. You are so right about the importance and significance of reaching out and helping others and being a blessing in their lives.It is a wonderful thing to know that we can make a difference in this world and be blessed for it.

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Thanks so much Michael! I feel better already…. This morning I turned on Morning Joe and started listening to all of the nefarious things the Republicans are up to. And, instead of going down the deep, dark path of despair, I just turned off the TV and read your column instead!

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best idea ever!

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Thank you for these well-timed, healing words!❤

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This 81-yo woman will have a day sprinkled with new found hope thanks to this letter. So far, institutions have held - barely. The extractive political and economic policies of the Trump/GOP has merged at the critical juncture of Covid19 and left the Democrats breathless. We are capable (and abundant) and let’s carry on!

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Michael, I have surely had a big laugh from your email, especially this quote "The Republicans are no more than frightened earthlings who are not that bright and worship an Orange Man who dances to “YMCA.” They are over. They know it." Thank you!!! As true to your nature, you always uplift and inspire me, and you seem to know when our times are the darkest! Bless you!

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Thanks for the pep talk. I need reminding that there are more of us than there are of them and if we don't get out and vote, that's on us!

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Thank you Michael!! You raised my spirits. I see now there is hope. I am going to share your letter widely. We live in a small rural ranching community and the majority of voters are Trumpers. I was Democratic County Chair for 22 years and watched the rise of this brand of extreme Republican voters rise every year. It looks like creeping fascism even to throwing out books in our library. I have been so worried and depressed. Our little band of Democrats, mostly Senior Citizens, and less than 25% of voters are registering voters and giving money to Democratic candidates to hold the Senate But that is about it. We cannot even get someone to run for Democratic County Chair. It is discouraging. But thanks for showing the positive side of things.

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Mike , You have a heart of Gold , and your knowledge of the Climate in the Us both political and natural is Amazing , add in your sense of Humor and optimism and you are a True leader.

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Perfect timing, as usual. Thanks! We needed that.

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Simply thank you.

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Highly recommend my new book, ‘Hope’ by Jane Goodall. A survival guide for trying times. As Obama kept repeating: Yes we can! 😎 It’s up to us to make a difference, instead of waiting for others to do it for us.

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Blessings on you Michael. You are my hero.

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THANK YOU Michael Moore! Between you and Christa Tippet, I am hoping that my grandchildren will have a future! I already bake bread and grow a garden, and though I am discouraged at times, I persist in believing there are more of "us" than "them." Being white and retired, I have always wondered why a minority of white people is scary to some. Being a country person, I rejoice in diversity of plants, animals and humans. Thanks also for the movie list.

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Being a white minority is frightening because they believe in the zero sum lie; that if one group gets a benefit, the other loses. They have not understood the common good

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