I hereby give you my Oscar-nominated Documentary on the Killer Health Insurance companies like United HealthCare —SICKO — for FREE… and let’s end and replace this so-called “health care system” NOW
In 2000 I got a job in Australia. I had to pay for health insurance as I wasn't Australian, but the cost was affordable and the care, excellent. Why can't we have affordable National Healthcare instead of electing a President who has been convicted of a felony and attempted rape? What is wrong with us?
A better question is why can't we elect a government that is of the people by the people and for the people rather than a government that is of the people by the rich and for the rich?
Ask Justice Roberts who said Corporations are people and can pour in unlimited funds of influence. He is directly the cause of all this. His decision was far worse than even Plessy vs Furguson's was.
I agree with you but still, corporations don't vote. They can spend all the money they want, but they can't vote. Only people can vote.
Furthermore, the dollars they spend are not votes and can't be used to purchase votes. They can only purchase propaganda. So, ultimately, it comes down to the voters. They choose - and they have more than two choices. They can become well informed and make wise, independent choices or they can drink the Kool-Aid.
That is correct, BUT people, in effect, CAN be bought. They are bought with propaganda, by influencing media. You make the assumption that most people these days are intelligent. This may be a rude awakening to you but most people these days are not. I’m 74 years old, and the vast majority of members of our august country these days have no better than what constituted a 6th grade education in my day. Stupid people can be groomed, manipulated and influenced very easily. Intelligent people would never stand for Trump’s barrage of lies. But stupid, uneducated people don’t have knowledge to see the lies as lies.
Again, I agree. But I never (in my wildest dream) ever imagined most people being intelligent. The operative word here is influence. And so long as people continue to be influenced by propaganda, we will be victims of poor government.
But the bottom line is that the true fault, or weakness, lies with the voters. Caveat emptor - was coined long ago because there is always a seller who will cheat and it's up to the buyer to beware.
Yes I agree with you, but without education, you can’t be a critical thinker, and without the ability to be a critical thinker how can the buyer be even suspicious?
Wasn't Musk giving away a million dollars a day to voters in PA? Didn't he contribute 250million to the Rump campaign? It's sickening. Now look who Rump wants to reward with govt positions - billionaires almost all. Hard to fathom how anyone would think that that kind of govt will give one poop about the commoner. You would have to be stupid, as you state, to vote for that kind of govt.
The powers of the purse wont allow anyone but another uber rich. Insurance lobbyists most powerful ofcall. Insurance a wealthy for profit industry. I worked at an insurance co. 15 years retired from it. My job was investigating policyholders - scritinizing them vis prism and other tools to try and find something - anything to deny payment. They sold auto and homeowner insurance not health but their policies toward customers was terrible. Withhold information delay and deny . They should nit exist l. Used to be called the protection racket bu Citizens United made it into insurance. I watched Sicko when ut first released kbew every word true. At a big comosny event I once casually mentioned UHC. My boss leaned over whispered "never bring that up again or you will be fired on the spot". That was in 1998. We DID have an honest candidate in Bernie - you ask why not an honest candidate? Look to the Democratic party - they will not allow it. Thank yiu Mike
Thanks for this insight. Agree re Bernie. I will never forgive Wasserman and Brazile for tilting the field to Hillary's favor. I believe Bernie would have beaten Rump. People wanted change, and I think more people would have voted for Bernie's type of change vs Rump.
The Democratic Party knew that in the end, Bernie could not win a presidential election because he is seen by the uneducated as a socialist which is a very badword in the U.S.A.
Continue to criticize the Dems and vote Republican and you will never ever have single pay healthcare system.
Why can't we have national health care? Well, it's really quite simple--both political parties have sold us out. Republican or Democrat, they are always going to do exactly what their "donors" want them to do.
Mr. Moore's post was excellent, but restricting access to health care is just one of the many crimes against humanity inflicted on the American people by "our" elected representatives and the equally corrupt corporate owned media.
If you want universal heath care, you have to become a one-issue voter. That issue is not health care--it's money in politics. Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. It proves the leaders of both major political parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with American people. It proves are government is run by treasonous corporate criminals.
Nothing is going to change until we demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the reason why the government never acts in your best interests.
We are an ignorant, gullible, fearful people filled with hate. That is what is wrong with those who voted for this impending mess. Sorry fellow tRump supporters I am calling as I see it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This was the most satisfying condemnation of the system I have read in years. You are brilliant, Michael. I've had so much exploding rage and frustration just swarming inside me, and you were able to put it all in words with laser focus and sum up just about everything that is wrong with our government for profit and not for people. The young man's explanation of why the Democrats lost is beautiful. It is so simple.. The answers are so simple. STOP KILLING US! STOP SPENDING BILLIONS ON DEATH, AND PAY ATTENTION TO US!
And thank you for giving us "Sicko" to watch again. I have been hoping to see it for weeks. And...just... Thank you, Michael.
Yeah. I've never been fully comfortable with Michael Moore's manner of doing things¹ but watching "Sicko" in theatres was an enlightenment.
I recommended it to everyone, everywhere, and I'm very impressed that Michael did the honorable thing here of not condemning Luigi and of going so far as to say so and to re-release this movie. When I saw the movie in theatre I thought there would be a rebellion.
I thought the same on the day that Snowden first revealed himself from Hong Kong. I even went out into the streets to join the demonstration I was sure was taking place everywhere. (All I found was a few "Occupy" holdovers.)
Maybe this is why Luigi took a step beyond protest/voting/awareness...
¹ My discomfort does not mean that I was right. While I've never been a pushover, I've been even more careful not to push anyone else over, etc. My opening sentence was descriptive, and perhaps not to my credit. Witness, the result of his efforts vs the result of mine: https://youtu.be/l4X6J_U0RyA
There's no need for a profit taking "middleman" (aka Insurance companies) to administer healthcare.
You can do that yourselves - meaning, each State administrates, while all contribute Federally. Like your Social Security . You'll figure it out, it's not rocket science.
You are so right - I do hope that some day the US will get a health care system in place that is actually about helping and supporting people in need rather than making them suffer and leaving them to die. But, unfortunately, the incoming administration cares little about health, welfare or human life, although they do get surprisingly excited and righteous about an unviable human fetus.
Our health care system in Canada is by no means perfect - long wait times, etc. - but, eventually, you do get to see somebody without having to mortgage away your life. We are fortunate. And, by the way, nobody in Canada wants to become State # 51 ...
I went to several doctor appointments recently because I finally had some time off, and reading all of these accounts of paperwork and waiting for claims to be accepted, having to pay up front, etc, would have made it so much harder to deal with.
We just go, show our health card, and they take care of the rest. Just THAT ease of use makes it 10x easier. Sure, we have to wait for some scans if our scans are low priority, and wait in emergency, but not having to deal with all of the roadblocks in the American system really makes me appreciate living in Canada.
Even stuff that we need insurance for like dentistry is cheaper, and I don’t recall ever being denied a claim.
When I was very poor I was signed up for the Trillium program to help cover prescription costs, can you believe that drugs cost 50-80% more in America than here, even without coverage?
You are so very right, we certainly cannot take all the great programs we have for granted. It's certainly not perfect, but we are truly fortunate,. As much as we all moan about paying taxes, it's good to know that my neighbours and I can get care when we are in need.
Can you imagine an America where they didn’t have to worry about whether they could afford to be sick or die? Think of all the time they could spend inventing and creating and building community and culture?! There would be so much less animosity and divisiveness if the citizens had their basic human rights taken care of. It would transform their entire country. It’s just really fucking sad and infuriating to witness people resorting to desperate acts. I understand why voting has not worked, everyone is bought and paid for and it’s not in their interest to admit it.
When everyone is treated with dignity and given a chance, so many good things can happen. But now that the "big money guys" have taken over, I have little hope that the welfare of an average person will be on their minds. Being that callous is actually kind of hard to fathom - but it seems that a lot of people have no problem only worrying about themselves and their bank accounts. Maybe some day karma will actually work?
What no one is discussing is that our doctors are part of this corrupt system because it makes them money, a lot of money. They alone when pressured by the hospital administration have been lying about my health for 4 years. They have known that i have an ongoing infection but have refused to actually treat it enough to make it go away because it could take 6 weeks of i.v. antibiotics in hospital. Instead they have all been playing hot potato with me by tossing me to the next hospital through the lies of the infectious disease doctors and hospitalists. One even said i had no infection in my chart only inflammation while telling me to beg the hospitalist who was truly evil to let me stay because i was very sick. She also at the same time gave me 2 of the most powerful antibiotics to kill 4 concurrent infections i was discharged with from icu to go to Stanford or ucsf or follow up with her outpatient as well as the surgeon who was supposed to operate. But of course they both didn't accept medi-cal and ucsf just spit me out as the 26th such hospitalization months later when i was finally able to get there. Now most of California has mandated hmo medi-cal so i can't even see my specialists for very complex conditions at ucsf or Stanford just to barely stay alive. I can't even see my primary in the county system because they are so inundated that there are no openings for a year at a time because you can't book an appointment more than 28 days in advance.
Now our democratic leadership has given a system that already didn't work to millions of illegal aliens so i have no chance at all to survive. Honestly, i couldn't decide who i loathed more this year so i didn't vote at all. Michael is absolutely right in what he has said here. And people don't realize it's that the democrats aren't for regular people any more than the republicans when it counts! For instance, Noisome raised the minimum wage but didn't give anyone who is on medi-cal the ability to pay for their personal care to match it. Just to be absolutely clear the state of California has mandated that health care workers and fast food workers get paid a minimum of $25 per hour except for those working through medi-cal for the state government who in my county get paid $18.86 per hour. So people you hire either rob you blind or you have no support to stay alive under his so called leadership despite the fact that i am a citizen who has worked all my life here since i was 16 and my family has paid a great deal into the system as well that they never used. So i have to say i don't even hate Trump as much as Noisome who is actively it seems trying to kill me off just like the insurance companies, hospitals and doctors, etc. He took away my right to stay alive in my country and my state by leaving the borders wide open to anyone at all, thus taking away my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in my own country! Why isn't anyone talking about that v.s. Trump getting rid of illegal aliens who do not have a right to be here, and have robbed me blind most of all i might add while pretending to "care for me" because they're purely evil it seems?!!! People are dying here in droves because of these Noisome policies on so called Healthcare so why would i vote for democrats any more than Republicans? In fact i now vote independent like Bernie!
We’ve lost many mercenary doctors to the US, because it’s true, they can make a lot more money there, especially if they push patients into the most lucrative treatments and surgeries.
Very true - I also remember much better times, but at least nobody "denies" you when you show up at the ER -- although, admittedly, you may be waiting for 20 hours ..... and the ER closures in some rural areas are also shameful.
Michael, I have seen each of your movies and followed what you say because you are gifted in telling the true story of America’s exceptionalism. Unfortunately, as long as the rich and powerful control our collective destiny, I fear your truth will not be heeded. Thank you for what you do. It makes me feel less like an alien, out of place in a killer culture.
We have an Army of soldiers. We spend tons of money training them. We should also have an Army of healthcare workers, and we should spend tons of money training them as well. They should get pay, medals and benefits to serve in hospitals that serve America and save American lives, or at least improve the lives of sick Americans.
Their Patriotic duty, it’s not Communism.
Private schools and private hospitals leave a lot of Americans out in the cold.
I’m a veteran, and believe improving Healthcare should be recognized as being more important than building weapons.
and yet his actions are pretty much the sole reason we're having this conversation. there are sometimes when a violent act is done out of desperation. (see immolation)
I myself was out in the streets when we shut down UC Berkeley in reaction to the Gulf of Tonkin. there was violence and I think history shows that Vietnam protests got the attention of the powers that be.
ACTUP was not a quiet little organization neither come to think of it.
And his actions will be the sole reason FOX news and every right wing podcaster and radio fathead will be labeling anybody that advocates reform as being a radical leftist commie terrorist, and since those types seem to keep getting their friends elected to high office, things will not improve. Shooting somebody in the back is not a persuasive argument.
I don't blame you, the few LOOUUD voices are the only ones people take seriously so if you have someone in your life who watches FOX it matters to you.
Our society should be thousands of years advanced in happiness and success from where it is today (as is evident from the expectations of ancient ideological thinkers, from Moses to Socrates to Jesus).
But it isn't.
Our world is a troubling one of the worst sorts of hypocrisies spouted by the worst sorts of people. Luigi did what one does when there is nothing left to do.
Michael's movie should have given us Single Payer, but it didn't. Bernie couldn't make it happen either.
Will Luigi succeed? If not then yes, he killed a fellow human to no good end.
If however he does (because we stop giving a crap what FOX or CNN or ANY PHARAOH says) and insist that they speak with us, face to face, live before the world, then Luigi will have accomplished something great.
It is So predictable that the media prefers to forget who Michael is and what he has always stood for by asking if he condones violence . Their endless voracious hunger for malicious gossip is disgusting.
The flood gates are about to open . Americans who have been “ asleep at the wheel” forever will be forced to wake up when Trumps ‘ clown car of evil starts pulling out of the station in January
Luigi Mangione is making people wake up
He may be the tip of the iceberg given the appetite for copycat violence in America
Musk , Zuckerberg & Bezos have now begged forgiveness , paid their dues to their leader in exchange for more power to make more money at the expense of the not so moral majority who helped put him back in power .That can’t end well .
These are not the people who will give you Medicare for all or any of the other “ social benefits that your tax dollars should entitle you to but don’t .
Michael , I don’t know how you manage to have such a clear honest grasp on what is going on and yet still have the spirit and energy to encourage we ,who support you, to keep the fight alive . KUDOS
Our country is finally ready to fight against this powerful industry. But the timing isn’t great. How do we increase our power at a time when we’re about to be silenced for the foreseeable future.
Wow, what a perfect description of all I feel and can’t express as I would wish. At 80, I’ve lived in and seen a lot of the world, and felt so much affection for so many. Todays world seems so full of rage. Please be careful of your safety - alas, So many are forgetting or haven’t experienced being imbued with The Golden Rule which is in every faith tradition.
Hi Sara, I'm just a few decades shoet and I would appreciate if you woukd expand upon what you're saying.
Do you mean that where we once met face to face and thus had to regard each other as humans, we now treat each other as disembodied text-producers?
I was a very serious young man whose morals were quite impeccable and I thought that by gaining a respected degree I could have influence. Not the sort of "advertising" influence where I create a tribe to fight other tribes but through speaking publicly and taking open questions from anybody, so that we could all learn from each other.
That kind of fell apart due to the nature of the medium.
Though I never accepted any pay, money was required to fly me around the world and to organize my talks and, as I should have foreseen, those who had the money wanted me to keep to continue to *appear* sincere and open-minded/open-hearted while actually spouting their talking points.
The jist of it is here. I was the founding speakee of Hasbara, and look at it today.
But what good could it possibly do when YouTube is literally "pay to play" (few people know that 90% of the people in their youtube feed PAID to be shown to you).
I returned to my roots and tried so damn hard to get a few of the BILLIONS of people crying about Gaza to join me in getting a 2-3 hour conversation with either Bibi or Sinwar....
Under 100 people were even shown that video and thus never knew of its promise.
Perhaps the older days were better. The Pyramid of Power stil reigned but it wasn't PERVASIVE.
It was also more honest. Nobody of any sense thought that a special soul could come out of nowhere and gain the attention of humankind without either a publicist or an act of violence. Today however -- subconsciously, even if they know this can't actually be -- people see "hawk tuah" get famous overnight and figure that some other unknown, with more wisdom to share than the simplest method of dick lubrication CERTAINLY could do so. The fact that they don't see him means he must not be there.
Well, I know myself. And I'm here. A public Rabbi in Egypt WITH ALL THAT ENTAILS.
In frustration I finally spoke the truth that Jeremiah would have spoken in my place, https://youtu.be/l4X6J_U0RyA
But what of Luigi? Were someone to have sponsored and paid for him to have a Ben Shapiro sized audience, maybe he could have bought all parties to the table and awakened our excitement, love and curiousity for what we could do?
i don't think that even Brian Thompson was beyond reach...
I'm 48 years old. Not as naive as I once was, but not gifted with the extra 30 years of experience you have on me and I would like your advice if you have the time and interest in giving it. Thanks.
And if you think our sick and broken “healthcare” system will get better under trump, then you must believe that Jeffrey Epstein hung himself in prison. What specific thing can we do (NOT including offing CEO’s) that will show these insurance criminals the power we, the American people, hold?? And don’t say “vote” because in an oligarchy that doesn’t work.
You said it all and you said it with consummate grace. I have only this to add. Americans paid for this amazing medicine They have funded over 500 billion dollars in direct research and through federal fellowships to biomedical research education funded the training of almost all the scientific personnel in big pharma. That is one of the most important justifications for single payer Just like social security and Medicare/ Medicaid Americans pay for this human right.
I hurry to watch you any time you are on the Tee-Vee -I do hope beyond hope that your words have an impact in action. You are a gift. I am hoping beyond hope that your clarity is embraced. and the "terrorists" that are part of the incoming government need a wake up call. Thank you Michael. Noticed that the clip you posted was a young man. We have some amazing young people in the Dems and the elders instead of cheering them on. (except Bernie and a few others) - Imagine if you gathered all those articulate, honest and dynamic youth who have made it to the congress and made 'good noise' to match John Lewis 'good trouble". This is your next job-scooping up those awesome youth for a rally that gets everyone's attention. Anyway, Love your persistence, smartness, goodness and ability to 'nail it'... Sending love and long Mr. Michael.
God Bless you Michel Moore! Please don’t get me started about how YOU the Patient have to continue to advocate for your self , how no one listens to you how a certain Medical Care Company that shall remain nameless is a pain in my behind ! I will watch your Film AGAIN! No one should ever be killed and the Kid who commited murder is wrong to have done so however I agree 100% about what you’ve said
Thank you Michael! Not only for exposing our corrupt predatory system but also our bought media who keep Americans from the truth! I said similar words in a response to an article in my local paper when they were spreading Josh Shapiros BS! “We are not a country where we solve things with cold blooded killing!” Or something like that. Excuse me, yes we are! We condone cold blooded killing every day! Our politicians have condoned killing innocent women and children for over a year and for decades before that all over the world! We make it legal for these companies to profit off our suffering and deaths! We say constantly “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun!” Luigi is a good guy with a gun. So , yea, I am doubtful that they will find a jury of 12 to convict him.
I have to ask though, how do we really fix this? For me I keep on working to fix our system, and I think we can do it! Right now at Whole Washington we are having our Give $10/Tell 10 people so that we can go into our next initiative campaign with paid staff. Check us out at WholeWashington.org. If you don’t believe in our cause find another one. You can go to Onepayerstates.org donate to them. And for Gods sake, stop using Amazon and shop local! We are also having a very minimalist Christmas this year. Because we don’t know what 2025 will bring! Stay safe everyone. We can do this!
Thank you Michael- been a fan of your documentaries from the beginning. Been waiting to hear from you on this issue well said! Can’t wait to rewatch Sicko
In 2000 I got a job in Australia. I had to pay for health insurance as I wasn't Australian, but the cost was affordable and the care, excellent. Why can't we have affordable National Healthcare instead of electing a President who has been convicted of a felony and attempted rape? What is wrong with us?
A better question is why can't we elect a government that is of the people by the people and for the people rather than a government that is of the people by the rich and for the rich?
Ask Justice Roberts who said Corporations are people and can pour in unlimited funds of influence. He is directly the cause of all this. His decision was far worse than even Plessy vs Furguson's was.
I agree with you but still, corporations don't vote. They can spend all the money they want, but they can't vote. Only people can vote.
Furthermore, the dollars they spend are not votes and can't be used to purchase votes. They can only purchase propaganda. So, ultimately, it comes down to the voters. They choose - and they have more than two choices. They can become well informed and make wise, independent choices or they can drink the Kool-Aid.
That is correct, BUT people, in effect, CAN be bought. They are bought with propaganda, by influencing media. You make the assumption that most people these days are intelligent. This may be a rude awakening to you but most people these days are not. I’m 74 years old, and the vast majority of members of our august country these days have no better than what constituted a 6th grade education in my day. Stupid people can be groomed, manipulated and influenced very easily. Intelligent people would never stand for Trump’s barrage of lies. But stupid, uneducated people don’t have knowledge to see the lies as lies.
Again, I agree. But I never (in my wildest dream) ever imagined most people being intelligent. The operative word here is influence. And so long as people continue to be influenced by propaganda, we will be victims of poor government.
But the bottom line is that the true fault, or weakness, lies with the voters. Caveat emptor - was coined long ago because there is always a seller who will cheat and it's up to the buyer to beware.
Yes I agree with you, but without education, you can’t be a critical thinker, and without the ability to be a critical thinker how can the buyer be even suspicious?
73 here and I 100% agree. 45 and soon to become 47 tapped into this vast pool of stupidity and won twice at our peril.
Wasn't Musk giving away a million dollars a day to voters in PA? Didn't he contribute 250million to the Rump campaign? It's sickening. Now look who Rump wants to reward with govt positions - billionaires almost all. Hard to fathom how anyone would think that that kind of govt will give one poop about the commoner. You would have to be stupid, as you state, to vote for that kind of govt.
$440 million spent on latest Senate race in Ohio. A record. Where does the money come from? Not you or me.
DEEP STATE ie corporations and wealthy
Visit https://projectleapfrog.org to get them out of politics.
Corporations can donate unlimited amounts of money and regular voters are limited! WTF!
The powers of the purse wont allow anyone but another uber rich. Insurance lobbyists most powerful ofcall. Insurance a wealthy for profit industry. I worked at an insurance co. 15 years retired from it. My job was investigating policyholders - scritinizing them vis prism and other tools to try and find something - anything to deny payment. They sold auto and homeowner insurance not health but their policies toward customers was terrible. Withhold information delay and deny . They should nit exist l. Used to be called the protection racket bu Citizens United made it into insurance. I watched Sicko when ut first released kbew every word true. At a big comosny event I once casually mentioned UHC. My boss leaned over whispered "never bring that up again or you will be fired on the spot". That was in 1998. We DID have an honest candidate in Bernie - you ask why not an honest candidate? Look to the Democratic party - they will not allow it. Thank yiu Mike
Thanks for this insight. Agree re Bernie. I will never forgive Wasserman and Brazile for tilting the field to Hillary's favor. I believe Bernie would have beaten Rump. People wanted change, and I think more people would have voted for Bernie's type of change vs Rump.
The Democratic Party knew that in the end, Bernie could not win a presidential election because he is seen by the uneducated as a socialist which is a very badword in the U.S.A.
Continue to criticize the Dems and vote Republican and you will never ever have single pay healthcare system.
DEEP STATE ie corporations and wealthy
Visit https://projectleapfrog.org to get them out of politics.
Why can't we have national health care? Well, it's really quite simple--both political parties have sold us out. Republican or Democrat, they are always going to do exactly what their "donors" want them to do.
Mr. Moore's post was excellent, but restricting access to health care is just one of the many crimes against humanity inflicted on the American people by "our" elected representatives and the equally corrupt corporate owned media.
If you want universal heath care, you have to become a one-issue voter. That issue is not health care--it's money in politics. Go to my Substack for a free digital copy of my book: The Illusion of Justice. It proves the leaders of both major political parties have been conspiring together to pack the courts with corrupt judges who will never side with American people. It proves are government is run by treasonous corporate criminals.
Nothing is going to change until we demand an end to the system of legalized bribery that is the reason why the government never acts in your best interests.
Not going to happen for at least four mor years and maybe never depending on how the next four years go.
We are an ignorant, gullible, fearful people filled with hate. That is what is wrong with those who voted for this impending mess. Sorry fellow tRump supporters I am calling as I see it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This was the most satisfying condemnation of the system I have read in years. You are brilliant, Michael. I've had so much exploding rage and frustration just swarming inside me, and you were able to put it all in words with laser focus and sum up just about everything that is wrong with our government for profit and not for people. The young man's explanation of why the Democrats lost is beautiful. It is so simple.. The answers are so simple. STOP KILLING US! STOP SPENDING BILLIONS ON DEATH, AND PAY ATTENTION TO US!
And thank you for giving us "Sicko" to watch again. I have been hoping to see it for weeks. And...just... Thank you, Michael.
Yeah. I've never been fully comfortable with Michael Moore's manner of doing things¹ but watching "Sicko" in theatres was an enlightenment.
I recommended it to everyone, everywhere, and I'm very impressed that Michael did the honorable thing here of not condemning Luigi and of going so far as to say so and to re-release this movie. When I saw the movie in theatre I thought there would be a rebellion.
I thought the same on the day that Snowden first revealed himself from Hong Kong. I even went out into the streets to join the demonstration I was sure was taking place everywhere. (All I found was a few "Occupy" holdovers.)
Maybe this is why Luigi took a step beyond protest/voting/awareness...
¹ My discomfort does not mean that I was right. While I've never been a pushover, I've been even more careful not to push anyone else over, etc. My opening sentence was descriptive, and perhaps not to my credit. Witness, the result of his efforts vs the result of mine: https://youtu.be/l4X6J_U0RyA
America doesn't have a healthcare system.
What you have is a healthcare Industry. For profit in other words.
Therein lies the root of the problem - and it cannot be fixed.
There's no need for a profit taking "middleman" (aka Insurance companies) to administer healthcare.
You can do that yourselves - meaning, each State administrates, while all contribute Federally. Like your Social Security . You'll figure it out, it's not rocket science.
Yeah. :-)
You are so right - I do hope that some day the US will get a health care system in place that is actually about helping and supporting people in need rather than making them suffer and leaving them to die. But, unfortunately, the incoming administration cares little about health, welfare or human life, although they do get surprisingly excited and righteous about an unviable human fetus.
Our health care system in Canada is by no means perfect - long wait times, etc. - but, eventually, you do get to see somebody without having to mortgage away your life. We are fortunate. And, by the way, nobody in Canada wants to become State # 51 ...
I went to several doctor appointments recently because I finally had some time off, and reading all of these accounts of paperwork and waiting for claims to be accepted, having to pay up front, etc, would have made it so much harder to deal with.
We just go, show our health card, and they take care of the rest. Just THAT ease of use makes it 10x easier. Sure, we have to wait for some scans if our scans are low priority, and wait in emergency, but not having to deal with all of the roadblocks in the American system really makes me appreciate living in Canada.
Even stuff that we need insurance for like dentistry is cheaper, and I don’t recall ever being denied a claim.
When I was very poor I was signed up for the Trillium program to help cover prescription costs, can you believe that drugs cost 50-80% more in America than here, even without coverage?
We really need to protect what we have.
You are so very right, we certainly cannot take all the great programs we have for granted. It's certainly not perfect, but we are truly fortunate,. As much as we all moan about paying taxes, it's good to know that my neighbours and I can get care when we are in need.
Can you imagine an America where they didn’t have to worry about whether they could afford to be sick or die? Think of all the time they could spend inventing and creating and building community and culture?! There would be so much less animosity and divisiveness if the citizens had their basic human rights taken care of. It would transform their entire country. It’s just really fucking sad and infuriating to witness people resorting to desperate acts. I understand why voting has not worked, everyone is bought and paid for and it’s not in their interest to admit it.
When everyone is treated with dignity and given a chance, so many good things can happen. But now that the "big money guys" have taken over, I have little hope that the welfare of an average person will be on their minds. Being that callous is actually kind of hard to fathom - but it seems that a lot of people have no problem only worrying about themselves and their bank accounts. Maybe some day karma will actually work?
What no one is discussing is that our doctors are part of this corrupt system because it makes them money, a lot of money. They alone when pressured by the hospital administration have been lying about my health for 4 years. They have known that i have an ongoing infection but have refused to actually treat it enough to make it go away because it could take 6 weeks of i.v. antibiotics in hospital. Instead they have all been playing hot potato with me by tossing me to the next hospital through the lies of the infectious disease doctors and hospitalists. One even said i had no infection in my chart only inflammation while telling me to beg the hospitalist who was truly evil to let me stay because i was very sick. She also at the same time gave me 2 of the most powerful antibiotics to kill 4 concurrent infections i was discharged with from icu to go to Stanford or ucsf or follow up with her outpatient as well as the surgeon who was supposed to operate. But of course they both didn't accept medi-cal and ucsf just spit me out as the 26th such hospitalization months later when i was finally able to get there. Now most of California has mandated hmo medi-cal so i can't even see my specialists for very complex conditions at ucsf or Stanford just to barely stay alive. I can't even see my primary in the county system because they are so inundated that there are no openings for a year at a time because you can't book an appointment more than 28 days in advance.
Now our democratic leadership has given a system that already didn't work to millions of illegal aliens so i have no chance at all to survive. Honestly, i couldn't decide who i loathed more this year so i didn't vote at all. Michael is absolutely right in what he has said here. And people don't realize it's that the democrats aren't for regular people any more than the republicans when it counts! For instance, Noisome raised the minimum wage but didn't give anyone who is on medi-cal the ability to pay for their personal care to match it. Just to be absolutely clear the state of California has mandated that health care workers and fast food workers get paid a minimum of $25 per hour except for those working through medi-cal for the state government who in my county get paid $18.86 per hour. So people you hire either rob you blind or you have no support to stay alive under his so called leadership despite the fact that i am a citizen who has worked all my life here since i was 16 and my family has paid a great deal into the system as well that they never used. So i have to say i don't even hate Trump as much as Noisome who is actively it seems trying to kill me off just like the insurance companies, hospitals and doctors, etc. He took away my right to stay alive in my country and my state by leaving the borders wide open to anyone at all, thus taking away my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in my own country! Why isn't anyone talking about that v.s. Trump getting rid of illegal aliens who do not have a right to be here, and have robbed me blind most of all i might add while pretending to "care for me" because they're purely evil it seems?!!! People are dying here in droves because of these Noisome policies on so called Healthcare so why would i vote for democrats any more than Republicans? In fact i now vote independent like Bernie!
We’ve lost many mercenary doctors to the US, because it’s true, they can make a lot more money there, especially if they push patients into the most lucrative treatments and surgeries.
The universal public health care system in Canada used to be better - before massive cuts to its funding in order to 'harmonize' us with the USA.
Very true - I also remember much better times, but at least nobody "denies" you when you show up at the ER -- although, admittedly, you may be waiting for 20 hours ..... and the ER closures in some rural areas are also shameful.
Except Alberta lol
Michael, I have seen each of your movies and followed what you say because you are gifted in telling the true story of America’s exceptionalism. Unfortunately, as long as the rich and powerful control our collective destiny, I fear your truth will not be heeded. Thank you for what you do. It makes me feel less like an alien, out of place in a killer culture.
We have an Army of soldiers. We spend tons of money training them. We should also have an Army of healthcare workers, and we should spend tons of money training them as well. They should get pay, medals and benefits to serve in hospitals that serve America and save American lives, or at least improve the lives of sick Americans.
Their Patriotic duty, it’s not Communism.
Private schools and private hospitals leave a lot of Americans out in the cold.
I’m a veteran, and believe improving Healthcare should be recognized as being more important than building weapons.
Oh, and as for that douchebag killer… fuck him.
He’s just another spoiled brat idiot, probably addicted to violent video games as a child.
and yet his actions are pretty much the sole reason we're having this conversation. there are sometimes when a violent act is done out of desperation. (see immolation)
I myself was out in the streets when we shut down UC Berkeley in reaction to the Gulf of Tonkin. there was violence and I think history shows that Vietnam protests got the attention of the powers that be.
ACTUP was not a quiet little organization neither come to think of it.
And his actions will be the sole reason FOX news and every right wing podcaster and radio fathead will be labeling anybody that advocates reform as being a radical leftist commie terrorist, and since those types seem to keep getting their friends elected to high office, things will not improve. Shooting somebody in the back is not a persuasive argument.
He's not a leftist. Get caught up and get back to us.
Leftist is a meaningless label, but truth doesn’t matter and it makes FOX viewers happy to hear it.
You care too much what the killers at FOX say.
I don't blame you, the few LOOUUD voices are the only ones people take seriously so if you have someone in your life who watches FOX it matters to you.
Our society should be thousands of years advanced in happiness and success from where it is today (as is evident from the expectations of ancient ideological thinkers, from Moses to Socrates to Jesus).
But it isn't.
Our world is a troubling one of the worst sorts of hypocrisies spouted by the worst sorts of people. Luigi did what one does when there is nothing left to do.
Michael's movie should have given us Single Payer, but it didn't. Bernie couldn't make it happen either.
Will Luigi succeed? If not then yes, he killed a fellow human to no good end.
If however he does (because we stop giving a crap what FOX or CNN or ANY PHARAOH says) and insist that they speak with us, face to face, live before the world, then Luigi will have accomplished something great.
In fact it does seem to be one given the public outcry.
Don’t dismiss him, he has started a revolution, and as a person who could probably afford all the health care he needs, we’re listening even more.
Well said.
Hear hear Michael.
You are so spot on in every way .
It is So predictable that the media prefers to forget who Michael is and what he has always stood for by asking if he condones violence . Their endless voracious hunger for malicious gossip is disgusting.
The flood gates are about to open . Americans who have been “ asleep at the wheel” forever will be forced to wake up when Trumps ‘ clown car of evil starts pulling out of the station in January
Luigi Mangione is making people wake up
He may be the tip of the iceberg given the appetite for copycat violence in America
Musk , Zuckerberg & Bezos have now begged forgiveness , paid their dues to their leader in exchange for more power to make more money at the expense of the not so moral majority who helped put him back in power .That can’t end well .
These are not the people who will give you Medicare for all or any of the other “ social benefits that your tax dollars should entitle you to but don’t .
Michael , I don’t know how you manage to have such a clear honest grasp on what is going on and yet still have the spirit and energy to encourage we ,who support you, to keep the fight alive . KUDOS
Thank you Michael Moore ❤️
Our country is finally ready to fight against this powerful industry. But the timing isn’t great. How do we increase our power at a time when we’re about to be silenced for the foreseeable future.
Wow, what a perfect description of all I feel and can’t express as I would wish. At 80, I’ve lived in and seen a lot of the world, and felt so much affection for so many. Todays world seems so full of rage. Please be careful of your safety - alas, So many are forgetting or haven’t experienced being imbued with The Golden Rule which is in every faith tradition.
Thank you I am 82 feel exactly as you do. We've been lied to all our lives.
72, ditto.
Hi Sara, I'm just a few decades shoet and I would appreciate if you woukd expand upon what you're saying.
Do you mean that where we once met face to face and thus had to regard each other as humans, we now treat each other as disembodied text-producers?
I was a very serious young man whose morals were quite impeccable and I thought that by gaining a respected degree I could have influence. Not the sort of "advertising" influence where I create a tribe to fight other tribes but through speaking publicly and taking open questions from anybody, so that we could all learn from each other.
That kind of fell apart due to the nature of the medium.
Though I never accepted any pay, money was required to fly me around the world and to organize my talks and, as I should have foreseen, those who had the money wanted me to keep to continue to *appear* sincere and open-minded/open-hearted while actually spouting their talking points.
The jist of it is here. I was the founding speakee of Hasbara, and look at it today.
But I thought that the internet allows for something new. I wouldn't ne dependent on moneyes interests of the closes-minded partisan tribalists.
I tried for years, and in many subjects. This one, ostensibly about abortion, but really about so much more than that, is typical.
But what good could it possibly do when YouTube is literally "pay to play" (few people know that 90% of the people in their youtube feed PAID to be shown to you).
I returned to my roots and tried so damn hard to get a few of the BILLIONS of people crying about Gaza to join me in getting a 2-3 hour conversation with either Bibi or Sinwar....
Under 100 people were even shown that video and thus never knew of its promise.
Perhaps the older days were better. The Pyramid of Power stil reigned but it wasn't PERVASIVE.
It was also more honest. Nobody of any sense thought that a special soul could come out of nowhere and gain the attention of humankind without either a publicist or an act of violence. Today however -- subconsciously, even if they know this can't actually be -- people see "hawk tuah" get famous overnight and figure that some other unknown, with more wisdom to share than the simplest method of dick lubrication CERTAINLY could do so. The fact that they don't see him means he must not be there.
Well, I know myself. And I'm here. A public Rabbi in Egypt WITH ALL THAT ENTAILS.
In frustration I finally spoke the truth that Jeremiah would have spoken in my place, https://youtu.be/l4X6J_U0RyA
But what of Luigi? Were someone to have sponsored and paid for him to have a Ben Shapiro sized audience, maybe he could have bought all parties to the table and awakened our excitement, love and curiousity for what we could do?
i don't think that even Brian Thompson was beyond reach...
I'm 48 years old. Not as naive as I once was, but not gifted with the extra 30 years of experience you have on me and I would like your advice if you have the time and interest in giving it. Thanks.
And if you think our sick and broken “healthcare” system will get better under trump, then you must believe that Jeffrey Epstein hung himself in prison. What specific thing can we do (NOT including offing CEO’s) that will show these insurance criminals the power we, the American people, hold?? And don’t say “vote” because in an oligarchy that doesn’t work.
You said it all and you said it with consummate grace. I have only this to add. Americans paid for this amazing medicine They have funded over 500 billion dollars in direct research and through federal fellowships to biomedical research education funded the training of almost all the scientific personnel in big pharma. That is one of the most important justifications for single payer Just like social security and Medicare/ Medicaid Americans pay for this human right.
Dear Michael,
I hurry to watch you any time you are on the Tee-Vee -I do hope beyond hope that your words have an impact in action. You are a gift. I am hoping beyond hope that your clarity is embraced. and the "terrorists" that are part of the incoming government need a wake up call. Thank you Michael. Noticed that the clip you posted was a young man. We have some amazing young people in the Dems and the elders instead of cheering them on. (except Bernie and a few others) - Imagine if you gathered all those articulate, honest and dynamic youth who have made it to the congress and made 'good noise' to match John Lewis 'good trouble". This is your next job-scooping up those awesome youth for a rally that gets everyone's attention. Anyway, Love your persistence, smartness, goodness and ability to 'nail it'... Sending love and long Mr. Michael.
God Bless you Michel Moore! Please don’t get me started about how YOU the Patient have to continue to advocate for your self , how no one listens to you how a certain Medical Care Company that shall remain nameless is a pain in my behind ! I will watch your Film AGAIN! No one should ever be killed and the Kid who commited murder is wrong to have done so however I agree 100% about what you’ve said
Thank you Michael! Not only for exposing our corrupt predatory system but also our bought media who keep Americans from the truth! I said similar words in a response to an article in my local paper when they were spreading Josh Shapiros BS! “We are not a country where we solve things with cold blooded killing!” Or something like that. Excuse me, yes we are! We condone cold blooded killing every day! Our politicians have condoned killing innocent women and children for over a year and for decades before that all over the world! We make it legal for these companies to profit off our suffering and deaths! We say constantly “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun!” Luigi is a good guy with a gun. So , yea, I am doubtful that they will find a jury of 12 to convict him.
I have to ask though, how do we really fix this? For me I keep on working to fix our system, and I think we can do it! Right now at Whole Washington we are having our Give $10/Tell 10 people so that we can go into our next initiative campaign with paid staff. Check us out at WholeWashington.org. If you don’t believe in our cause find another one. You can go to Onepayerstates.org donate to them. And for Gods sake, stop using Amazon and shop local! We are also having a very minimalist Christmas this year. Because we don’t know what 2025 will bring! Stay safe everyone. We can do this!
Also! Another great documentary (yes, I love Sicko too!) is Healing US. It’s very cheap to watch at HealingUsNetwork.com
I mean companies, not countries. Oops!
Thank you Michael- been a fan of your documentaries from the beginning. Been waiting to hear from you on this issue well said! Can’t wait to rewatch Sicko