Beautiful, but I'll be glad when we can sing "Ding-dong, the witch is....".

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I will happily sing the words "Ding-dong, the witch is FOUND"!

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America gave up Trump for Lent.

Happy Easter.

Go, America, and sin no more.

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'Bout time, too!

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It's so refreshing to see that NOBODY is above the law. NOBODY. It's also great to see the good guy (Mike) finally getting to enjoy a day of basking in the beautiful sunshine. Mike you are not one to gloat but God you must be loving every second of this! Every dog has his day. Yes siree

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Michael -- You are toiling in the fields of the Lord--and brilliantly. This dedicated atheist blesses you and deeply appreciates your efforts to return the country to sanity.

Our side will--over time--be the winning one. It may take longer than we would wish, and our victory may be less total than you and your supporters may wish. But a victory it will be in due course, with much of the credit going to you, Mr. Moore.

With thanks,

Roger Smith

New York City

Lifelong progressive Democrat (I rang doorbells in 1956 for Adlai in Indiana at age 13!)

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Speaking of Adlai Stevenson, he twice ran for President against Dwight Eisenhower. At one point in the campaign an elderly lady approached him. "Governor Stevenson, every thinking American will vote for you." "Yes Madam," he replied, "but I need a majority."

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...telling comment by that great maan.

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I remember the picture of him with the hole in the bottom of his shoe.

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Thank you for reducing the static. You are very important to millions of people who like truth reality and facts. Please stay safe.

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This is one small step for a Manhattan DA, one giant leap for Justice. Hard for me to believe Alvin Bragg won the prosecutor’s sweepstakes, becoming the first prosecutor to indict Trumpty Dumpty. But this is not the Grand Prize. I’m waiting for Jack Smith to get an indictment for Seditious Conspiracy for the 1/6 Coup. A guilty verdict will trigger Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, making him ineligible to run for any office. I’m keeping my champagne on ice until that happens.

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Thanks for suspending paying trolls too 👍🏻

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What was very cool was when I hit “record” so that I could record today’s court proceedings, my DVR stated: single episode or entire series! OF COURSE, I said “Entire Series”...cuz there’s at least three or four more indictments coming! Got to buy some more pop-corn!~

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More episodes please

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I'll pay just so I can maybe see some of the deranged things trumpies write!

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Thank you for keeping up the good work. We met at a Peter Davis honor at The New School some years ago - he was thrilled that you came. Just rewatched Fahrenheit 9/11 - just as relevant now, maybe even more so.

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So ironic, Donald claims to be such a successful businessman but he doesn’t fork up the $130K from his own pocket, instead uses other people’s campaign contributions to bury the Stormy Daniels story. What a cheapskate, and his being a cheapskate is what ends up bringing him down. You got to love it! Truth is stranger than fiction yet again.

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While I bow to no one in my dislike of Donald Trump, accuracy requires me to point out that the $130k did not come DIRECTLY from campaign funds. Rather it was repaid to Michael Cohen from the coffers of The Trump Organization allowing that company to treat it as a business expense and thus tax-deductible. There is a basic principle in financial matters that "money is fungible." That means that if I take money out of one pocket and use it to pay an expense that should have come out of the OTHER pocket, I have been relieved of the obligation and thus, in effect, which pocket it come from is basically irrelevant. But NOT to the IRS. That is why most types of financial malfeasance come down to tax issues when seeking to assign liability. It is NOT illegal to pay off a porn star. It IS illegal to charge such a payment off against the income of a business or individual and thus gain a tax savings.

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Thanks for the clarification, my bad! I guess he’s just partially the cheapskate I thought.

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Oh he is, but he blames all his problems on everyone else. he never lets anything lead back to him. His hands are never dirty and his company name is and has always been in a Trust meaning his Trust pays him but if you sue him he doesn't go to jail. Your suing his trust! His corporation has insurance and the insurance pays off whoever is suing. that is why you are seeing a bunch of lawyers they are the insurance lawyers from the trust. The man will never see a jail cell. only because everyone else is liable but him. he made sure of that. Narcissism is a real disease that is uncurable.

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Brilliant, in so many ways!!!

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I did want to thank you for recommending the documentary “Slay the Dragon”. Great movie. We’re encouraging all our volunteers at Whole Washington to watch it and are planning on attending the forum by the people.org regarding ballot initiatives on 4/18 so that we can learn more from Katie Fahey.

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Love it! You always make me laugh!

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Love it. Now let's see him go down.

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It was a joy meeting you in Fairfield Iowa when you were campaigning for Bernie! Do you think The Donald will eventually go to jail in either this or future trials? Why don’t some Americans hate democracy? Democracy is the key to the success of America!

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