Wonderful. Thank you for reminding us who these cowards were and are! We should never forget!

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When will these insurectionists... Including Traitor Trump.. be brought to justice? How long do we have to wait before the department of Justice moves?

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Thank you again Michael, the invasion of the Capital two years ago was personal for me. I have spent many hours on the Mall and in that beautiful building and to see these Trumplican Domestic Terrorists desecrate the Capital hurt. We cannot let these Bastards off. If the America I’ve known for my 82 years is to continue, we MUST hold them accountable.

NO mercy for what they have done. And those traitors in Congress who now plan to be seated……… must be bounced out on their asses. SHAME on us if we allow them to stain the Capital!

From Highland, Michigan…….Peter Brown

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Happy 12th Day of Christmas, Michael. You are the greatest gift America got this year (along with potus Joe).

Will you be selling the traitor posters? A manageable size would enable them to be posted on lampposts, walls, protest signs, trash cans, etc. I'd buy a dozen! To start!!!

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They all should be indicted, the proof is on public record and they should serve the same sentence as the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and hopefully Donald Trump.

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Michael I support your idea of finding six Republican elected house member who were in pro-Biden segments of the country to join 212 democrats as independent. The McCarthy logjam in the house can be broken if dems can make inroads to convince them of the win-win in coalition. Also, I want to give a shout out for 2024 ticket. They are Gretchen Witmer, President and Rev. Warnock, VP. Both are stars and it is not too early to advance their names as new age leaders for the democrats.

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What I still don’t get is why none of the House members haven’t been expelled after spewing their anti-election rhetoric? Please explain your comment regarding the Constitutional rule you just cited.

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I am disturbed that the scanners for “hardware” being carried into the House chamber has been taken away. I don’t understand who made this happen??

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We have a very serious problem that I don't hear anyone talking about, which is the fact that the 141 traitorous insurrectionist were not suppose to run for office again, it is clearly written in the Constitution that anyone who took the oath of office and committed or participated in an insurrection or committed treason, cannot run for office. But these 141 traitors did run for office and some got elected, they are going to be sworn into office again even though they are Forbidden by the Constitution.

Our government is either using the Constitution if it benefits them, or ignoring the Constitution at their discretion. Those people who think that any of the politicians involved in the insurrection are going to be indicted and go on trial are having a pipe dream. The government is setup for the corporations, the rich, and politicians, and none of them will pay for their part in the treasonous insurrection.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The right to remove disabilities imposed by this Section was exercised by Congress at different times on behalf of enumerated individuals.1 In 1872, the disabilities were removed, by a blanket act, from all persons except Senators and Representatives of the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses, officers in the judicial, military and naval service of the United States, heads of departments, and foreign ministers of the United States.2 Twenty-six years later, Congress enacted that the "disability imposed by section 3 . . . incurred heretofore, is hereby removed." 3

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Yes, and there was a memorial commemoration on the Capitol stairs for those who were injured/killed 2 years ago. Only 1 Republican showed up. SHAME.

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The GQP - Where cowardice is bravery and treason is patriotism. 🥷🏻 #NeverForget

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Read Tom Hartmann today & how many of the 20 GOP holdouts in the House, have been involved w/Russia & if they make McCarthy not allow the debt ceiling to be raised, it’s the start of January 6th TWO‼️ Just heard he got 15 of them to consider voting for him--WHY⁉️⁉️

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On this special day of Epiphany, when we ritually expect our leaders to be wise, I wish I could be wrong in what I have to say.

As I have been hinting, The foundation of all our difficulties seem to be more economic than political. We need to recalibrate our capitalist system to be more environmentally friendly to include the welfare of all planetary life which ultimately sustains a modicum of well being for all humanity as we know it. Our species is changing. It has to change. The question we don’t quite know is how. Let me be clear, my focus excludes corporations.

These necessary cultural adjustments require large commitments and sacrifice to envision a more harmonic world. Practicing Satyagraha will be part of the process; We must start small while thinking much larger than we have ever dared to collectively envision before. It has to be a monumental civil conversation to consider the needs of all with benign accommodation for minority views.

It seems to me that the easiest place people can start is to make sure 2-3 dozen insurrectionist scalawags voted out of legislative office never get to serve the public again. They violated their sacred oath of service and our honored trust. On this special day of the kings, ringleaders need be dealt with more sternly o this day next year for truth and justice to be served.

Thinking way big and starting quite small while learning to commit ourselves to Satyagraha for building lasting, loving change is my key idea here.

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Dear Michael....you are a “dear”.....for reminding me yet again the TRUTH...

Thank you, Thank you. Again, YOU are the warrior of TRUTH.

Keep up the Good Fight, Michael

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Does the 14th Amendment specify, who is responsible for removing them, or how…what is the process? If not let’s get that into place.

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I can't believe they are still in Congress!! ARGGGGG

Get them out!!!!

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