I'm 75 years old. I consider Pete Seeger and MM to be two of the most, if not the most, consequential Americans in a positive way, during my stay on earth. 100 years from now historians need only to watch the 1st scene of Columbine to realize that MM understood America in ways that escape the rest of us. Michael you are a visionary. May I thank you for your service.

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👍đŸģI'll add Phil Ochs too.

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Until gun manufacturers can be sued this will continue.

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Yes. We need the insurance companies to feel the pain. Once that happens, things can change.

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You are right, these images should be made available.

Maybe we should demand a congressional public investigation during which every single person killed by gun violence in the uSA be shown? Most of us never see the reality of these mass massacres. Let’s stop this madness.

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I'm looking forward to hearing your plan, Michael, because I am at a loss.

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Michael, thank you so much for all that you do to keep folk’s informed, and for your call to nonviolent action. Please know you are appreciated!

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Michael, I appreciate & support your voice. I see us addressing this shooting issue all wrong, like the war on drugs. We addressed the supply side and locked people up. We never got to the root of our society's thirst for self destruction. We hate ourselves so much, we went from crack to meth to opiates to flesh eating zombie drugs without addressing the problem at all. We sued pharma & won but people do more drugs than ever. We can make tougher gun laws and sue the manufacturers, but like drug addiction, these shootings are a mere symptom of a sick culture that encourages us to be as shitty to each other as possible. We see little glimpses of it everyday. Like the angry guy behind me laying on his horn for a good 10 seconds while I let a disabled person finish crossing the street. Most of us are not equipped to process that, nor should we have to. It's not a mental health issue; it's a society issue. Until we fix that, the shootings will continue. Let me know your thoughts on that perspective.

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You're absolutely right about society's ills, but we have to make sure guns are not readily available to people who would use them as tools to express that anger. Will it stop all killings? No. But removing these weapons of war will save a lot of lives.

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I agree there are too many guns as well. But, even if we take away EVERY gun, the underlying problem of anger & hate will remain. Most of the shootiers had them legally. Taking away guns wouldn't stop the crazy nuts who plow into crowds with a car either. This society has to agree that we will examine & change how we regard each other. Difficult thing for the richest nation in the world that got its wealth by denying the humanity of so many. A lot of wrongs to right before we can do it, unfortunately.

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I was not aware that a law had been passed that prevented studies being done on why America is so violent. This is a horrible travesty. Essentially, it is saying that we have a problem that we do not care to solve. Essentially, it says that our gun violence problem is being held hostage by the NRA and other political movers and shakers who don't care if our children get murdered. It makes me wonder why anyone would want to live here and makes me want to live here less and less.

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I heard they didn't want a study done but, I didn't know there is a law preventing such a study.

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Circles of Compassion Circles of Compassion: Essays Connecting Issues of Justice 📖

by Will Tuttle (Editor)

“What is the link between compassion for animals, social justice, and harmony in our human world? This book consists of series of essays by internationally recognized authors and activists. These insightful and inspiring essays focus on how seemingly disparate issues of human, animal, and environmental rights are indeed connected.”

Violence begins on your plate in childhood. Go plant powered to live kindly and sustainably 🧘‍♂ī¸

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I look forward to hearing your call to action. The dread I felt when I saw the most recent TX headline was overwhelming. This has to change.

I continue to contact my elected officials in my currently RED state: about guns, legal abortion, and equity for all. It’s not effective, but I feel it’s required. Meanwhile I seek actions that make a difference, each and every day.

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Thanks for whatever your plan is. You always have great ideas. I’m in the process of selling my house and leaving this country. It’s just too much to take, and not just the gun problem.

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Let’s do this, Michael, we can do this. It’s way past due.

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The insanity has to stop, Michael. Everyone knows that guns are the problem, yet the NRA pulls the politicians strings so they give us thoughts and prayers, but no action. I look forward to hearing your plan to try and get us out of this horrible gun mess. Thanks for all you continue to do and to fight for.

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1. Ban all hand guns for private citizens. 2. authorize hand guns for citizens who complete instruction on gun laws and responsibilities and who are profiled for possession of a firearm for whatever purpose. 3. require all privately owned hand guns to be registered, matching serial numbers to owners.

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I agree, but you know this will be an impossible task in this country. Too much wild west yahooism everywhere with politicians showing us how tough they are by shooting assault rifles in photo ops. Like that makes them tough. States like Texas and Florida have poor leaders - so - install stronger more compassionate leaders to have a chance at tackling gun issues.

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No private citizen needs to own an assault weapon. We can start there.

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100pct agree with Daniel too. Never had a gun. Have fired some at practice range with instructor/friend. I guess guns in the hands of sane, law-abiding people who are trained might be acceptable. There needs to be a new amendment, or a revision to the 2nd amendment if that's possible, to define intent. As Daniel said, interpretation is almost 100pct of the law if it's worded as vaguely as it is.

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Agree. But every once in a while someone has to spell out clearly what really needs to be done to end mass shootings. Regardless of the 2nd Amendment. In fact there is nothing inconsistent with the 2nd Amendment. It's just a question of interpretation.

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Thank you, Michael. I was living in Connecticut when the Newtown mass shooting occurred. My horror and grief are forever etched in my heart. This is insanity. My heart goes out to the families of Newtown and those children who survived. What might they have etched in their memories? I will do what I can to pitch in.

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This has to stop happening. I have children/grandchildren in Allen, TX and when I began to see the news I immediately called to check on them. They are okay. I am so relieved to know that. Yet, I am

always aware we are all able to be hurt or even killed anywhere in this country. We need to change.

Thank you Michael; I look forward to your newest ideas. Be well and stay safe. I wish that for all who

read this substack.

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My son and his young family live in Dallas and I feel that my heart stopped when I saw the headline. They too are safe. I’ve found myself thinking about the dead, the injured and the lives forever changed.

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Time to listen to all the protest songs of our time.."What's Goin' On" "Eve of Destruction" "War"

"Blowin' in the Wind" and another masterpiece, "Give Peace a Chance". If you are young and don't know these songs, please check them out/ share them/sing along. It is great motivation to do something and must live on for you to pass to your children so it doesn't also continue to be their history. I am looking forward to Michael's plan and film.

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