If at any time during the next 102 days you feel like you need a little pick-me-up, or you’ve sunk into an existential crisis wondering “Why am I here knocking on doors when I know this is all hopeless?” or you realize that “all these Quinnipiac polls are bullshit — BUT WHAT IF THEY’RE RIGHT AND WE’RE ALL DOOMED?!” And then your sister calls to say that your brother-in-law has changed his mind and IS, in fact, going to vote for Trump — and, for you, THAT is the final straw. “I’m outta here, I’m moving to Moose Jaw.”
But, then… all of a sudden, a voice in your head says, “Wait! Hold on… pull up that clip Michael Moore sent you!” And then… you hit play…
** In order to have a troll-free, hate-free comments section — and because if there’s one thing I know about my crazy haters, they would rather spend an eternity in hell with Marjorie Taylor Greene than send me $5 if forced to become a paid subscriber — my Comments section here on my Substack is limited to paid subscribers. But, not to worry — anyone can send me their comments, opinions and thoughts by writing to me at mike@michaelmoore.com. I read every one of them, though obviously I can’t respond to all. The solution here is not optimal but it has worked and my Comments section has become a great meeting place for people wanting to discuss the ideas and issues I raise here. There is debate and disagreement, but it is refreshing to have it done with respect and civility, unfettered by the stench of bigotry and Q-anon insanity.
I agree with you Mike and I want to add that I want Kamala to be the beginning of a wave of diverse talented leadership toppling these stagnant pockets of ignorance.
The government has sent many male bodies off to war to get killed and wounded. But, for the sake of children, I support pro-choice choice.
There are very few subjects that the right wingers try to claim moral superiority over the left, and one of them is over abortions, which is before birth, but after birth, the baby is on its own, so they're not really pro-life, they are pro birth. The right wingers utopia is to get rich while watching the poor get worked to death. The right are natural born sadists!