Once again, she surprises. Once again, she went against the conventional wisdom. Against what the men in the media told her to do. What the power brokers in the suits and the suites would’ve preferred. She picked a teacher with a sense of humor and a progressive heart. The high school football coach from a rural town of 400 people who also sponsored the high school’s Gay-Straight Alliance Club and once publicly stated that all adults should be able to marry whomever they want and it’s none of the government’s business. Get ready for America 5.0.
If you didn’t catch her first clue just two-plus weeks ago, just 24 hours after President Biden handed her the reins — when she made it clear that she, as the President of the Senate, would not sit on the dais with the war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he gave his vile and hateful speech to Congress — because, you see, she had to go to an important “sorority meeting in Indianapolis that afternoon” — if you didn’t understand the bravery of that F-you moment, then you’re probably wondering right now why the heck did she just pick a hick from the sticks to be her Vice President?
Float like a butterfly — sting like a bee!
So why didn’t everyone’s “expected pick” get picked? Anticipating Josh Shapiro’s rejection, the talking heads on Morning Joe had the answer: Antisemitism!
“For some reason, Josh Shapiro is offensive to people who think he's too close to Israel,” Morning Joe Scarborough said yesterday morning, “Because let's just say it right here: He's a Jew.”
And this morning, as the news was breaking and Kamala’s choice became clear, Morning Joe doubled down, claiming that Tim Walz was picked because “Josh Shapiro…faced backlash from progressives, faced backlash from people who didn’t like the fact that he was Jewish.” Mika Brzezinski, his co-host, added, “There’s a reason the left wing likes” Walz.
What reason? Is it that Walz is a straight-talking, down home, rural progressive with the right values about America, equality and working class interests? Do we like that he goes to Menards to buy an air filter for his furnace? Or does the Left like him because we know that if we had a flat tire on the interstate, not only would Tim Walz pull over and put on the spare for us, he would also change our oil, rotate our tires and make sure we got home safe? Could those be the reasons the “left wing likes” Walz?
And it’s possible that Shapiro’s steadfast support of the Israeli military’s brutal actions in Gaza did have something to do with the majority of Americans who want an immediate ceasefire. And maybe what really hobbled his thirsty campaign for VP was this:
Less than a year ago, Governor Shapiro and the state of Pennsylvania paid $295,000 to settle a sexual harassment complaint against one of Governor Shapiro’s closest advisors. According to a statement obtained by the Philadelphia Inquirer, Michael Vereb, Shapiro’s handpicked head of legislative affairs, propositioned a woman who worked in his office:
“If you decided you wanted to do that, go close the door to this office, tell me to bend you over this conference table, hike up your skirt and… that would be our decision to make.”
After that, the woman in Shapiro’s office filed a formal complaint. And yet… for six months, Governor Shapiro did nothing. Vereb kept his job and it was only later that they used state money to try to hush up the whole thing. When they finally let Vereb go, Josh’s chief of staff put out a statement that read: “Mike has been a key member of our team and thanks to his dedicated service, the Governor’s Office is prepared for the work ahead. We wish Mike all the best and we’re grateful for his service.”
The National Women’s Defense League sent a letter warning VP Harris about Shapiro’s actions:
"The American people deserve to know that if called to a higher office, Governor Josh Shapiro will do more to ensure the safety and dignity of employees, volunteers and constituents in his office. As the Harris campaign and the Democratic Party consider their options for vice presidential candidates, we urge them to consider the handling of past complaints of sexual harassment inside the Pennsylvania governor's office."
Was that antisemitic? Or is that just another obviously good reason why Josh was not picked? Or how about this…
Josh supported a Republican initiative to give $100 Million in state funds to parents who wanted to subsidize their kids’ private school education through “school vouchers.”
This doesn’t just undermine public education, it aligns perfectly with Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda: Use public money for school vouchers, undermine public schools, and monetize private (largely segregated) schools for wealthy people with public funds.
And this wasn’t a fleeting flight of fancy for Josh, it was his platform. He told FOX News: “Every child of God deserves a shot” in defense of his school voucher stance.
Maybe it wasn’t antisemitism that caused Kamala Harris to think thrice about Josh Shapiro. Maybe it was just Josh.
But don’t take my word for it. Listen to the over two dozen public education organizations from across the country who sent Ms. Harris this letter about Josh:
It is our fervent hope that your running mate will reflect your strong history of supporting educators and students, and commitment to building the middle class which will require strong public schools across our nation. For this reason, we respectfully ask you not to select Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who has supported education policies mirroring Project 2025.
But for me it was personal. I and tens of thousands of other active members of Jewish Voice for Peace have been demanding an end to the genocide we’re paying for in Gaza. After Netanyahu called us terrorists, claiming our grassroots protests are “funded by Iran,” we have also had to listen to Josh Shapiro on Jake Tapper’s CNN show compare us to the Ku Klux Klan:
“We have to query whether we would tolerate [these anti-war protesters] if this were people dressed up in KKK outfits or KKK regalia making comments about people who were African American in our communities.... We gotta call it out for what it is, and these university leaders have to make sure there is order on their campuses."
The protesters are protesting billions of American dollars being spent with no accountability to kill, at this point, over 40,000 humans — many of them women and children — and to injure and maim over 100,000 more. That’s not the KKK. That’s humanity.
But again, you don’t have to take my word for it. You could consult a movement I like to call… America’s biggest and strongest Unions.
Last November, over 200 Unions across the country, including the United Auto Workers, the Association of Flight Attendants, the United Electrical Workers and many chapters of the SEIU, co-signed a letter calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza:
We, members of the American labor movement, mourn the loss of life in Israel and Palestine. We express our solidarity with all workers and our common desire for peace in Palestine and Israel, and we call on President Joe Biden and Congress to push for an immediate ceasefire and end to the siege of Gaza. We cannot bomb our way to peace. We also condemn any hate crimes against Muslims, Jews, or anyone else.
Are America’s Unions the KKK? Are they also funded by Iran?
This weekend, Shawn Fain, the fearless leader of the UAW, made clear who the Unions wanted. At the very moment Kamala Harris was meeting with potential candidates, Fain went on record, loudly proclaiming that Tim Walz was one of the Union’s two favorites: "That's who we believe would be best for labor and for working class people.”
Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz for one simple reason. He was the best choice. He wasn't just the smart choice, he was the smartest choice. And you know who made that choice? Kamala Harris. Why? Because she's smart!
Now... we have our ticket. We know what we have to do. There is no time to waste and the people telling you that there was some "ulterior" motive behind Kamala's selection well... they are wasting our time.
There’s one thing Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan have in common — we all share the same lake. Lake Superior.
Two of these three states is where this election will be decided. The other state gave us Prince, Dylan, the Coen Bros and Judy Garland.
Everyday for the next 3 months we will work to get folks to the polls. Remember: You + the 3 you take to the polls = we win. Let’s get to it!
Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images
** In order to have a troll-free, hate-free comments section — and because if there’s one thing I know about my crazy haters, they would rather spend an eternity in hell with Marjorie Taylor Greene than send me $5 if forced to become a paid subscriber — my Comments section here on my Substack is limited to paid subscribers. But, not to worry — anyone can send me their comments, opinions and thoughts by writing to me at mike@michaelmoore.com. I read every one of them, though obviously I can’t respond to all. The solution here is not optimal but it has worked and my Comments section has become a great meeting place for people wanting to discuss the ideas and issues I raise here. There is debate and disagreement, but it is refreshing to have it done with respect and civility, unfettered by the stench of bigotry and Q-anon insanity.
It really angers me when people who want the genocide in Gaza to end are called "antisemites." Am I antisemitic? I'm 99.9% Ashkenazi Jewish with a great-grandfather buried on the Mount of Olives. I have at least 100 blood relatives in Israel and 13,000 relatives by marriage living in Israel. (My great-aunt Shoshana's family arrived in late 1700s.) And I emigrated in order to perform with the Jerusalem Symphony in their 1975-76 season. It looks like Israel wants to drag us into a war with Iran, and I have friends from Iran! What's going on here? Am I weird that I don't have just one group of people to identify with? What's wrong with identifyinig with human beings?
I'm grateful that Tim Walz prevailed. Back with joy and hope n my heart.
Until you outed him brilliantly, I had no substantive knowledge about Shapiro. I don't know where or how you got your "insider" information, but it concerns me that the media generally seemed to (once again) fail to expose his soft dark underbelly. Even in such a pre-election abbreviated timeframe, surely real "journalists" could have pried up the rock. Not only do we suffer an inundation of misinformation, but a vacuum of actual information. Great way to choose our leaders.